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Positive Comments about the Neo-Tech web site
M.B.,, The subject matter is quite interesting and refreshing as it cuts through dogma, mysticism, and superstition. I was entrapped in the text for hours. I will return to the site for more study.
D.W.,, United Kingdom Have just finished reading The Book, the mystic blinkers have been removed from me eyes and mind. I only wish that the angry, insane and unhappy people on the negative comments section could join us on our productive journey on this earth. For them this i s hell!
R.Y.,, Neo-Tech has made a radical positive change in my life. I went from devout Catholic to converted atheist because of the knowledge that I learned from Neo-Tech. Thanks to Neo-Tech my thinking is clear and I'm not easily fooled anymore. Please keep up the g ood work.
L.a.,, The Story of Miss Annabelle had me glued to every word and made me cry.
J.L.,, All knowledge is good...and this is some of the best we can get to help us all grow in our development as humans.
Tom R.,, I've recently received my first of two Neo-Tech books and I can't put them down! They are very informative and make perfect sense. Everything in my life, which is already good, is getting even better and more productive. Thank you very much for this infor mation.
M.A.,, Wonderful and liberating work for the open and inquisitive mind. I would love to carry the Good News to the entrapped and ignorant masses to set them free.
M.J.,, It is necessary to have a web site like this one to change the mentalities over the world and show to the people what is wrong in the universal system of government and tax rules.
dub,, NeoTech is fascinating, my perception of almost everything has been altered.
G.B.,, Methods endorsed by Neo-Tech are too dangerous for use by the inexperienced.
C.F.,, I would like more people to use Neo-Tech. Acting in the ways of Neo-Tech. The true Neo-Tech people will succeed
G.H.,, Neo-tech is absolutely essential information that completely changed my life and outlook. Thank you !
M.F.,, United Kingdom I have witness the mystics and neocheaters fail and fluster around me every time they try to drain me of my earned property and values. I use Neo-Tech to expose their faltering mentalities designed to drain dry us the value producers of our hard earned va lues. Those of us who produce more than we consume and benefit society. Yes Neo-tech is the most powerful knowledge known to man that empowers the individual to exposes those who's livelihoods are acquired by living of the efforts of others. Read It, Lear n It and Use It and benefit from the results. Neo-Tech empowers the individual is an understatement by far. For anyone who integrates the knowledge of Neo-Tech and applies its powerful wide scope accounting tools will bear witness to it validity. If one i s feeling down and is in need of a pick-me-up simply click on the negative comments. I find the negative comments as funny as the film Dumb and Dumber. Those who post negative comments while attacking Neo-Tech display to the world their impotent mystical and/or neocheating mentalities, that also exposes their twin essence, dishonesty and laziness. The negative comments promote and represent impotents and death. While positive comments represent an optimism for a life Free of initiatory-force, threats-of-f orce, fraud and coercion and the promotion of prosperity, happiness, romantic love, and business type wealth thus upholding the supreme value in the universe the happiness and well-being of the rational conscious individual. Fortunately there can be no tu ning back Neo-Tech is here to stay and is available to all HONEST hard working, mind expanding, life loving individuals. Neo-Tech gets my seal of approval to remain on the web for ETERNITY.
C.M.,, I love what you men and women are doing keep up the good fight! Live long and prosper
uriel,, Germany First I have to say that I'm German! Fortunately I've studied English language for some years. Really nice and helpful site!
N.R.,, Canada thank you Dr. Wallace for the most integrated and complete set of principles for life ever published.
M.D.,, I think your book is out of this world, very inspiring.
J.H.,, Australia Neo-Tech is one of the few bright sparks of logic in an irrational cyberspace.
I.C.,, Gibraltar Frank Wallace books changed my life and now I am a fulfilled person.
p.j.,, Nothing has ever inspired me like this writing.
P.S., TELEPORT.COM, Should Neo-Tech be on the internet ? Maybe we should ask if the sun should shine tomorrow.
e.p.,, Neo tech provides everyone with the tools for infinite riches and happiness.
p.w.,, Neo-Tech is the best, period. Without it all will fail. By using Neo-Tech each day one controls their destiny
J.C.,, Neo-tech is the best thing to happen to this ailing world. I will welcome the changes with open arms.
A.M.,, United Kingdom This knowledge should not be hidden from anybody. I always new there was 'something' missing on my life but I could never quite find it. Neo-Tech has opened the gates, I feel more at peace than ever before (I just cant get enough).
P.C.,, Portugal I like the things you say. They have helped me see reality in a whole new light. As a matter of fact, what I have read so far has been helping me resolve a current problem I am having.
R.I.,, First,I would like to express my gratitude to all who helped make the NEO-TECH INFINITE JUSTICE SUMMIT 2001 happen. This was my first summit and hopefully not the last. I enjoyed the opportunity to be among the first public visitors to the neo-tech museum .
S. Grimm,, Since the time I have had The Book I have drastically improved my life. I have a much nicer place to live, in a much better neighborhood. I have the car I have wanted since high school, and I have now the beautiful daughter I can't imagine living without .
Roach,, It's an absolute, Neo-Tech will be on the Internet indefinitely, gong into the future. Neo tech is pregnant and will keep bearing new fruit and growth, for years to come, in spite of the other world! Neo-tech will just get bigger and bigger. I love it! Ch eers! R
james,, what you are doing is almost overwhelmingly beautiful.
l.h.thom,, As a young child I asked where did god come from? The answer was he was and always will be. I could not swallow this. After 44 years and a near failed marriage, a dead end job and with no real idea of why we are here and the eternal question who are we? I was losing all faith in myself. After reading Neo-Tech-Godman the picture is getting clearer all the time. Thank-you
M. L. Schmidt,, It is the most realistic information that I have read in my life.
B.J.,, Thank you NEO-TECH -- I will forever hold my heart to the beat of 'NEO-TECH!' We will smash the NEO-CHEATERS out of existence and once-and-for-all end the 2000-year-old white collar hoax.
P.L.,, Finland Neo-Tech just fucking rocks.
A.J. Verolme, planet.n, The Netherlands Dear Zon, Your website is essential for mankind.
k.o.,, I have just recently acquired happiness forever and read it in two days, I was totally in awe. never had really heard of neo-tech before and was given the book by a friend. so many questions are answered in this one book.
J.M.,, Neo-Tech was the broom that helped sweep away hindering cob-webs. I thank you for having the courage to stand up and do what you are doing.
R.e.A.,, Most enlightening and mind-freeing experience of all time!
t.h.,, Thanks guys, in 10 years you've made the most radical difference in my life. I earn a 6 figure income. The most amazing thing happened when I read your book. While reading your book, my conscious mind challenged every crazy notion, Christian belief, screw ed up philosophical mumbo jumbo mystical idea that was in my head. And threw them all out. Then with consciousness in control, I had the ability to actually understand things. Rather than just being a repository for information, I was actually able to rea son, and logically conclude the extrapolated consequences of that information. Conscious processing. And this power to understand things came over me. And I looked at the world with fresh eyes for the first time, and nature looked absolutely amazing.
P.W., ., Colombia Reading your site helped me order my mind. Living in Colombia is putting up with neocheaters all the time, your website has given me the much needed ammunition to start blasting away at people and institutions that regard the countries riches as their own private pocket money. Thanks,
G.M.,, I recently received 'The Book' in the mail (yesterday) and have just begun to expose my mind to the mind-blowing information within. My eyes are so tired from reading that I can barely look at the screen enough to type this message. Thanks
N.M.,, Australia The truth, nothing but the truth! Please publish everything you can. This site is the E-embrio of a revolution.
R.M.,, Your article on the War of Two Worlds is most accurate. This war cannot be better or more simple expressed at its essence than by a quote from the current icon of the anti civilization, Mr Bin Ladin himself. He recently was reported as saying, 'We love de ath. The U.S. loves life. This is big difference between us.'
C.H.,, United Kingdom Over the last few months a feeling of calm has come over me like I have never experienced... It is a kind of natural high rather like the feeling I have whenever I read the Long Wave Article. But this is different, my heart feels permanently uplifted. I just seem to feel happy virtually all of the time. I think it comes from now knowing that I can succeed. I am also starting to see puzzle pieces around me that direct me to believe that the anti-civilization is finally crumbling. I think about biological immortality a lot these days.... I have also found if I have a problem that needs to be resolved in the past I would struggle to resolve it, but, now I seem to be able to focus almost effortlessly on any problem and resolve it. Despite those November 11 terrorist monsters I have no fear maybe I should, but I am to rapped up in my own value production to think about anything else. Maybe I am not physically in a new civilization yet... But, psychologically I feel like I am, at least some of the time.
CR,, I only wish I could read faster through the material so I may finally be able to do what I want with my life!
Kayelea O'Ryane,, This philosophy is the most amazing work I have ever read or heard of. I am almost speechless when trying to describe how important this work is to America today and the entire civilization of earthlings on our home planet, earth and beyond.
D.D.,, Very interesting reading. You'd only be offended if you don't open your mind. Mature reading, not to be taken lightly.
Lee Tramore,, If it was not for this information about Neo-tech and Neo-think, we would have no heaven on earth. Thank You.
J.R.,, With so much poor quality and just plain bulls... this site is and should be well received. I previewed the critics part and had a good laugh they sound like the desperate screams of a people who are finally being exposed for who they really are.
C.D.,, I have had the pleasure and fortune of enlightenment through Neo-Tech. Thanks to Neo-Tech, I see crystal clear through the mystic fog that has been shrouding us for centuries. Not only would I like to see this sight expand, but it must expand to conti nue to spread the word of a better, brighter and mystic free world. Knowledge is power. I only hope that it is not to late to save ourselves at this crucial juncture in time. It is the best thing that has happened to me, and definitely the best thing f or the human race. The computer is the beginning of a universal community (a very powerful tool) that will eventually make the Neo-Tech way of life known to the masses. Therefore this site must never come down, but continue to grow as it continues to reach and pull the people out of the mystic fog that has stifled us for far to long.
G.O.,, The bottom line is 'without Neo-Tech there is no hope' We need the valuable information that Neo-Tech provides us. There is not much information that can be trusted from the media as they only tell one side of the story and are very good in starting pa nic. They never tell us about how the politicians are ruining our lives by faking progress while ruining the economy. The only hope for us is Neo-Tech which will destroy 'Mysticism'.
T.W.,, I have profited from these products for a few years now and would consider this site closing down a great loss to society , this is a doorway to a better life and its absence would be an opportunity missed for many .
B.B.,, I am amazed, overwhelmed, ecstatic, about Neo-Tech as a result of reading 'The Book'. I want wealth, health, & true love.
A.E.,, Neo Tech burned massive holes through the mystic walls that surrounded me and the blinding light of pure logic flooded in and I literally felt the weight of ASSHOLEISM passed on to me by my family and society melt away.
F.B.,, Australia There is more useful (for life and prosperity) information on this web site than you will find on thousands of others.
K.M.,, Neo-Tech obviously represents free thought. I have just recently began to study, but I realized the self-actuating motive that I did not know existed. This is the intellectual challenge that I longed for.
D.D.,, I have two of 'The BOOKS' excellent materials to gain romantic love, wealth & prosperity on this earth!
D.T.,, This site 'MUST REMAIN'! ALL Human Beings NEED TO KNOW this exciting reality of HOPE exists within the Planet Earth, in which we reside! BRAVO!!!!! Many thanks to you and yours for giving of such information, and tools, for 'exciting' insights in deve loping 'Truth and Honesty' 'within the', civilization of-- all mankind!!!!!! With much appreciation,
D.S.,, I have started reading 'The Book' last week and I can't put it down. MY wonderful companion Marian bought your book and insisted I read it. We take turns when the eyes get tired. Wish I had read it a few years ago. Maybe it would have prevented me from bankruptcy and depression and helped me to learn about success from within ME. I guess it's never to late to learn and start over on a positive journey. The Book should be required reading for all college students. What a wonderful World it would be.
R.C.,, U.S.A Now more than ever Neo-Tech should be recognized as a welcome solution to the atrocities taking place in Afghanistan. Here we have a classic example of Totalitarian rule and oppressive dictatorship of the innocent. Instead of dropping food on these people , send them copies of the Neo-Tech Discovery!! Liberate, not obliterate! This has nothing to do with spiritual beliefs, but the right to consciousness!
M.B.,, I want to thank you for providing this invaluable information online. I am twenty years old and a college student, and in the two days since I found this site, I have learned more about how the world works and how it should work than in the rest of my lif e combined. I've found myself forgoing sleep and food just to learn a little more about Neo-Tech, and with each page a new epiphany presents itself to me.
L.B.,, Neo-Tech has changed my life for ever by opening my eyes to reality. Neo-Tech has answered all the questions that religion never could. The value of honesty throughout all aspects of life is my ultimate goal. I have read 'The Book' twice now and am hungry for more. I am very interested in learning more about Dr. Wallaces' brain digitizing programs and how I can utilize them. thank you so very much!!!
L.B.,, At 48 I feel as I did at 14 when I first read Anthem! I will return to the site to learn more, but in the mean time a rejuvenated sense of life will remain with me. Thank You for being 'there'.
J.T.,, This is a most fascinating site... I sit enthralled for hours at a time,.
R.S.,, Neo-Tech has opened my eyes to the reality of situations. I no longer follow blindly like some sheep, but instead I've learned to question everything.
E.D.,, , US of A NT is the solution to most of the problem I am aware of with this world and the inhabitants.
J.L.,, Neo-tech cuts through all foggy-mystic jargon, allowing a healthy respect for reality.....finally!
,C.C., I find that neo-tech on the web will help to make me a better person, the person I was meant to be. I think that if more people learned about this info the world will go through the most profound and dramatic change ever in history, for the better.
J.H.,, Neo-tech is a great value. Every individual of positive value should have it. I'm raising a flag for science and a universal civilization.
,, Please, please, please keep a corner of the web constantly lit by the bright light of reason and hope – the hope that such a light will eventually illuminate the entire internet.
R.F.,, This is definitely a challenge to my externally superimposed authority seeking "moral" upbringing. Since I began (doubfully!) reading The Book, I have seen changes in all areas of my life. I have never been happier, and I am seeing my true personality- lost to me since my teenage years-returning stronger everyday.
D.W.,, Cook I brought Neo-Tech in 1995, I didn't believe it. After several miserable years, I woke up one day and remembered your e-mail address and have been down loading since January 2001. Me the Disabled Veteran, Ex-Mailman, and Non-active Master-Mason, have fina lly found the answer. Finally I have the answer to really make me happy as an adult. Society will end without Neo-Tech, please continue.
C.J.,, I love the seemingly infinite amount of knowledge that I have encountered through the books and the sight itself. This site is a precious and valuable source of mind opening information.
M.B.,, I read the Neo-tech books 7 years ago and after 9/11/01 I saw the mysticism destruction I was warned about come to fruition. Neo-cheaters will vanish by their own actions.
Peter,, Dear Mark, I am reading, perhaps, the best book that I have ever read (The Story). It's in the same category of 'Gone With The Wind', 'Sea Wolf', and another 101 of the World's Best Books. I am surely enjoying 'The Story.' More will be said upon comple tion.
p.d.,, I ordered 'the book' in December & started reading it, but I was not committed to it. so I put it down for some time, yet, very exited about it & scared. because I have a Christian. at some point I had become disenchanted about religion as well as a slave to it & feeling like a battered wife, getting verbally beat up that I am a sinner & not worthy etc. the explanation's of neo tech provided some more hope, that I am & can become very powerful by tapping into things within me. I did however pick up the bo ok for the second time, ready to commit. I'd like to find out how that turns out. also, if there is god-man, is there not goddess-woman? Thanks
O.O.,, Neo-Tech (not Jesus) is my true savior. Through it's knowledge, I have moved past a life of dishonesty, dishonest friends-family, and drugs, leaving those mental diseases behind, for my solo journey into a new life. Neo-Tech opened new doors in my mind ex panding it's capacity to think logically. I no longer have to use the bicameral mentality that seemed so natural, but was making me do automatic things, like an animal, but for what (a higher authority),a group of friends who I once thought I needed until I discovered the power of my own mind, the greatest asset in this universe, making conscious decisions. I spent a lot of energy and effort asking help from friends, when I realized I was hypnotized by drugs and wasn't dealing with reality, just a fantasy . MY Motto is, Learn the Past, Live The Present, And Gain The Future with Neo-Tech. How could I of been so narrow minded to ask for help, when I couldn't help myself at the time. That's the key: Don't expect help if you can't help yourself. After taking control of my conscious, I can apply Neo-Tech and work with my conscious Mind. But now I'm drug, smoke free and happy. THANK YOU NEO-TECH.
C.R.,, UK This is certainly a very honest piece of writing
S.D.,, England An excellent manual for life, bringing happiness and fulfillment.
a.j.,, The neo-tech discovery was one of the most fascinating books I have ever read.
K.W.,, I am now on my way to being fully integrated. Iam unleashing my extremely productive and inventive mind. Goodbye fear, guilt, dishonesties, and irrationalities. I will be purchasing more material from I&O publishing soon. I am the happiest I've ever been. I am displaying my productivity and not working for those that do not agree to my terms to gain from my actions and mind. Thank you Neo-Tech, stay here forever, for I plan to be here. I do not know where I would be right now otherwise. Eternal life for F reedom, Prosperity, Wealth, Productivity, and Love. Eternal life for everything moral and EARNED.
K.S.,, The more I read the more I want to read.
Lance,, Hello Mark, The Story was fabulous, it should be read by everyone. This new approach to explaining Neo Tech through fiction is a great concept, it cuts through to the essence of what Neo Tech is trying to accomplish. Also, if it is really Mark reading th is email, I am very interested in joining the fight. What do I need to do to start my own Church of God-Man. I have a lot of past success in start up operations and I'm sick of reading literature, I want to take action. I live in the Seattle area and w ant to be apart of your team, what can I do? We are on the brink of jumping to the next evolution, I believe now is the time. Lance P.S. Where can I get more Neo-Tech products, I haven't seen the Neo-Tech Marketplace in a long time. I want to be able to purchase more products?
J E B,, Australia Awesome Stuff!!! Keep up the good work!! Just read your book Neo-Tech - Get Rich By 2001... just banked an extra $5000 with one idea I got from your book!!!
Jansett,, Magnificent! I simply couldn't stop reading, chapter by chapter, even when my eyes started to tire. I'll need to go back and read The Proof again because I really can't absorb much more right now, but I want to say that The Story told the tale so power fully that I was captivated beyond anything I've ever read before. I loved it. It was interesting to observe myself and my gut reactions as I read because I have had many similar experiences (on a less dramatic scale, perhaps, but equal emotionally) and each time felt so let down by other human beings, people who chose to go the way of power and ambition (or so they thought) at the expense of honesty and hard work. I have been "betrayed" several times in my life, but I've kept my determination. I must admit that I was beginning to lose hope that I would ever find another human being who knew what I knew (although I have never articulated it so eloquently as The Story). I am beyond ecstatic at this moment. I am eagerly awaiting the Neo-Tech Summit in November to get the opportunity to meet other people who feel "just like me". Glorious! The Story is great, really great. Thank you so much. Cheers,
B.S.,, It is important that everyone should have access to this most valuable information. Keep up the great work. And thank you.
T.S.,, You are a fine writer, very good.
M.C.,, Neo-Tech, I truly, truly appreciate 'the 114 advantages'. Each have leveraged my: sense of life, scientific approach to thinking, purpose, business affairs, and artistic passions. I direct tremendous gratitude toward the Neo-Tech team.
j.t.,, By far, the greatest literature ever written. changed my whole world.
B.S.,, Australia The bible should have been 'the book' from the start. The world would definitely be a better place now.
Robert hunter,, This site is the best on the internet. It has changed me into god/man. thank you neo-tech.
D.M.,, Australia I love it. Great web site. Great advice. It seems to annoy the really Religious people. It must lock-up their poor brains.
L,, Nothing has ever opened my mind so much, and I have been on a long, long search.
M.G.,, I consider Neo-Tech to be very important. I know it is on the right track. I want to play a part in its growth. I wish to live forever. I wish to be a value producer. I also want to meet other people of like (Neo-Tech based) interests and believe that thi s site offers the best avenue to do so.
Z.J.,, Neo-tech to me is a way of life the world should now implement. I give the utmost respects to its founders. I thank you and your staff for everything. Neo-tech has opened my mind and the minds of others
Anthony C. Metroplis,, I believe that Neo-tech will lead us into the future of Freedom and prosperity. One has to only read and learn!!! The truth awaits us all!!!
M.M.,, england Neo-tech is the elixir that mankind has secretly been waiting for, for life. Everyone who has common sense about them will take on neo-tech.
J.M.,, Canada Neo-tech is an awesome discovery.
P.C.,, Australia Neo Tech has been an incredible resource in my life.
J.H.,, United Kingdom I have been reading Neo-Tech literature for years and I could no way go back to life without it. If only it were taught in schools, the world would be a beautiful place to live.
D.J.,, Since obtaining The Book I have prospered personally as well as professionally. In addition, I am more attuned to mystical thinking, bluffs, and other's bicameral need for authority than ever before. Which of course allows me to dismiss these forces and n ot be controlled by them.
G.C.,, Neo-Tech is stupendous. I discovered Neo-Tech in college. It has provided me with wonderful insights into mankind and has significantly increased my ability to enjoy my life. I am now reading 'Cyberspace' and am anxious to learn how to escape the anticivi lization because the insights I have into man's diseased mind often frustrates me, resulting in less than maximum happiness.
S.S.,, That is the most interesting and down to earth information on Love and Romance -- the do's and don'ts in a love affair. Thanks Shirley
brendan,, Great to see Neo-Tech being a beacon of sanity amongst the recent world events!
D.M.,, united kingdom Since purchasing the Neo-Tech Discovery and other products, I have evolved from an over weight death spiral human into a happy productive 40 year old who feels great. Neo-Tech was the catalyst that made this happen.
R.E.,, Everything written is so true. I have so much more power in my life thanks to neo tech, I'm sure of my future. Thank you neo-tech for helping to create a better world not by faith, but by reason.
G.H.,, Canada I think it is the most enlightening view I have ever heard. It has changed my outlook on life in a very positive way.
G.H.,, Absolutely valuable and inspiring,
R.B.,, 9/30/01, Mauritius I wish I could enlist myself in your team for the FRW Battle Plan. I would give my life for freedom, business, peace & romantic love.
C.d.,, Netherlands Neo Tech/Zonpower is the most incredible find I have done in the last 52 years. I am from the Netherlands and we have a zonrise every morning, which I feel now is a good omen. (zon=Dutch for sun) Congratulations Frank R. Wallace and thank you with all res pect for your accomplishments.
M.M.,, Canada Finally, The truth has be laid out for all to see. In exchange for a few minutes of reading, this article gives everyone the knowledge so sadly missing in the education systems of the western world. How is it possible that people could be so misled and repressed from free thinking? What a freeing experience to allow oneself to be selfish. A Hero. thanks to all involved for sharing the truth.
J.P.,, 9/29/01, Comments : I can say without reservation that Neo-Tech has been a major influence in the development of my thinking - a process that is on-going. The identification of the differences between non-action philosophy a nd action mode Neo-Tech, coupled with the broad integration of many related, but elsewhere disassociated areas of knowledge is, I think, Neo-Tech's unique contribution to the human store.
K.J.,, After beginning my awakening into the Neo-Tech world, I almost instantly got a promotion, in my six year profession! I am now the youngest Executive Chef, in the history of the company I work for, and they have over 240 locations nation wide. I am hon estly beginning to find happiness. Thank you!!
H.S.,, The Book has opened my mind to see past the elusions and recognize realities around me. The world needs to know about this.
N.B.,, Australia Neo tech has helped me to get in touch with the child in me again by giving the confidence to me to ask the question why.
J.P.,, Neo-Tech *MUST* remain on the web if we are to ever realize the widespread integration of its concepts worldwide. We are dangerously close to Nuclear Threshold annihilation because of the monstrous disease of mysticism and the fabricated God-concept. N eo-Tech's truth is needed now more than ever!! I'm considering producing the following bumper sticker to be put on cars, bill-posts, bulletin boards, telephone poles, anywhere that it may be seen: See how the world SHOULD be: WWW.NEO-TECH.COM/THESTORY/ Discover the secret of how it can! The message must be delivered at all costs. Neo-Tech is the answer. Neo-Tech is the weapon of choice. Neo-Tech is the *only* solution. Any other solution will fall short of what's needed and completely, inevitably f ail.
J.D.,, It was without a doubt the greatest investment I ever made, and I know that my partner shares that attitude. With Neo-Tech, life is exciting and full. Without Neo-Tech, life was empty and boring. If you're reading this and you haven't yet read NT mater ial, you should turn the page now! Every second counts!
M.K.,, Neo-Tech integrates REAL LIFE by so many different vectors. It's in-the-moment honest, straightforward, and far-thinking.
T.R.,, Neo-Tech always gives me the real nitty-gritty after hearing and reading what everybody else thinks.
N.C.,, best thing that anybody could ever learn or hope to learn in their lifetime
Steven C. D.R.,, The past year and 8 months of studying Neo-Tech. has been interesting and a constant battle within myself. I've gone from blindness to reality in a relatively short time.
H.B.,, Canada From conversations I have in my taxi, I have referred many people to this site. For the most part I have no way of knowing if they visit but I refer them in response to their thirst for something ' outside the box'. Thank you for your efforts. You are greatly appreciated! Live long and prosper.
C.I.,, United Kingdom The terrible, tragic events of 11th September ironically bring closer everything that Neo-Tech stands for - the Civilization of the Universe. Awful to watch as that event was, it bought to me recognition that this truly was a 'world changing event', b ut not for the reasons the TV commentators were thinking of.
A.A.,, After reading THE STORY. I was emotionally moved beyond words. If only all teachers could be like Miss Annabelle--what a world it would be.
A.B.,, Neo-tech is the only site on the web that can end the cycle of destruction. I cannot express enough gratitude for what neo-tech has done for me personally. I acquired neo-tech as a suicidal teenager victim of the anticivilization and turned my life in the right direction. My thinking has been spurred in a new color direction and I can now see things that nearly everyone around me is not even close to knowing. Everyone needs neo-tech now more than ever.
J.M.,, It gives me so much hope to see that there is a growing number of people who are willing to open and USE their minds to their full potential. This web site and The Book have helped my boyfriend and I in every area of our life and will continue to do so as long as the truth and knowledge keeps on spreading.
A.C.,, England I think that yours is easily the most important site on the web and hope that it can hasten the demise of Earth's anticivilization.
Em,, I think that you have hit on the PERFECT blueprint for a perfect world in a time when perfection is but an illusion and the events of September 2001 is proof enough that most humans are unable to put aside the emotional hang-ups in order to work sensibly with anyone, let alone their perceived 'enemies'... howling for blood any blood is NOT the answer...
G.F.,, I have studied several religions and philosophies, and looked into many more, hoping to find one that made sense. Often I was initially excited, sometimes for months, even years. Disappointment always ensued. Finally, Neo-Tech explains why all religions a nd all philosophies, save Objectivism and Secular Humanism, are wrong - both incorrect and immoral. Keeping an eye open for a utopia, I've found many claim the word. Some can be immediately dismissed (e.g., not self-supporting); others fail in practice. F inally, Neo-Tech is the path to utopia, the Civilization of the Universe. Finally, even in light of the recent catastrophe, I have hope for myself and humanity. Thank you.
D.B.,, Thank you for an outstanding insight to what is really going on that most people have no idea.
J.M.,, UK I am busy reading The Story and find that it helps me to live with a happy frame of mind, knowing that so much of what goes on in the world is merely an illusion created by government and media.
Alexandria,, Neo-Tech speaks the truth, and can lead everyone to complete happiness by opening up their minds to reality.
M.S.,, Neo-tech is chock-full of razor-sharp common sense. It is such a relief to read clear-thinking in a muddled world!
L.B.,, Dear Mr. Hamilton,I love your characters in The Story. Ms Annabelle is wonderful and so are her 12 children. Many have asked you to make this into a move but I want to ask if there are any neo-tech schools to send our children to? If this is supposed to be a true story, can I get a copy of Ms. Annabelle's tapes for my children. I am a 26 year old mother of 2 boys who's IQ soars. They are 6 and 4 years old and I don't want them corrupted by society's illusions. If there is no school, can we start one? Ple ase let me know.
C.V.,, Without a doubt NEO-TECH is a must read! It needs to be studied cautiously because it will shatter your world forcing you to rethink everything, and I mean everything. When I first received the book I almost threw it away because of the Money, Power, and Romantic Love drawl in but I'm glad that I didn't. This form of advertising leads one to believe that it is a get rich scheme or something of that nature. To me this is a book of knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and peace. Every human being on this plane t needs to read and study this book, it should be taught in schools (Grammar Schools) and should be written with that goal in mind using every conceivable analogy possible (simple analogies that everyone can relate too.) I believe this is the most valuabl e information I ever obtained. Thank You!
Matt,, I think everyone, everywhere can benefit from the knowledge of NT!
PC,, australia With Neo-Tech I am supremely confident about my future in this world. A world governed by Neo-Tech principles is my and the worlds best chance of creating prosperity for everyone. The Neo-Tech beacon must remain with all of us to ensure unlimited riches.
A.P.,, Ireland As we move toward 'the nuclear threshold,' we more than ever need neo-tech sites on the net as a sign of sanity in, seemingly, an increasingly irrational world, and as a buffer against their 'holy war'
S.B.,, The terrorists have thrown down the gauntlet. Humanity is at a crossroads; we can either move forward with fully integrated honesty, or we can sink into another 'dark age' and perish. Now more than ever, Neo-Tech MUST remain on the web to bring its alues to as many people as possible. THIS MAY BE OUR ONLY HOPE!
J.J.,, Holland It is very important that Neo-Tech take over the world otherwise it will be the end of it.
D.T.,, Canada The Story clearly explains and demonstrates the value producing concepts and ideas introduced in Neo-Tech. BEAUTIFUL!!! As a proud Neo-Tech owner, I would be honored to contribute funds for a movie.
F.C.,, Ireland It's hard to believe that once a person has read Neo-Tech books/manuscripts that they can bury their head in the sand and pretend that it does not exist.
D.W.,, Neo-Tech has served me well and helped me throughout bad times. When things got bad, I remembered some things that are taught in the manuscript.
J.T.,, Honesty, rational action, accountability, and the identifications of dishonesties and irrationalities in and around the modern world is imperative to the humanity of planet Earth's survival.
Cry,, UK Neo-tech the only way to the future world.
S.S.,, UK Groundbreaking ideas. The best therapy anyone can receive.
N.P.,, This site is a warm light in cold surroundings.
b.l.,, Out of all the books I have read neo-tech sure blows the lid off everything!! neo-tech tells it the way it is and it's easy to see why the mystics and neo-cheaters want it off the net. they are afraid of full integrated honesty, it would destroy them.
J. Brown,, I'm only 21 and Neo- Tech has shown me the path to a better life. The life every man and woman was meant to live. Besides putting me on the fast track to success and having an overall advantage in this anticivilization, it has also removed the blinders fr om everything around me. The terrible WTC attack only made it that much clearer that we are at the point where the world must choose. We must choose to either leave mysticism behind or be destroyed by it.
G.P.,, Canada Anyone against Neo-Tech obviously hasn't experienced it or even given it the time of day, since it challenges their deep rooted beliefs about life and God. Lets take the irrationality out of life and make it rational, leaving nothing unanswered, living li ves full of meaning and fulfillment. We are entitled to peace and harmony within our lives, everything we need and desire is contained within Neo-Tech's teachings, lets make a lifetime of happiness amongst our fellow man and believe paradise on Earth does exist. We are the creators of the universe, masters of time and space, lets believe it again for the 'first' time.
R.B.,, Mauritius I wish President Bush would get his solution from the Neo-Tech web.
Curtis,, I am so thankful I have found the truth. My life has changed in every way. I look back and I can not fathom how I ever lived in that mind set. I am filled with more warmth and joy now than I have ever been in my entire life. Thank you
j.R.,, uk The Neo-Tech world is a very bright place to be!
J.B.,, I am sure that Neo-Tech is the world's greatest hope for a safe and happy future. The collapse of mysticism is essential. I have watched the World Trade Towers fall at the hands of envious mystics.
B.N.,, I have purchased many Neo tech products, they have opened my eyes to the truths and realities of the world and all the deceptions and lies that are out there.
E.C.,, This information is essential for everyone and for many of us it has changed our lives. There's nothing better than finding one's Friday night essence which leads to happiness to oneself and the creation of values for those around him.
I can see that Neo-Tech is needed more than ever. It is no longer a matter of what you believe. It is now a matter of life or death.
,, 9/12/01 Hello, I, just like all genuine human spiritbecause of the World Trade Center attack. The only refuge I could find was my knowledge of Neo-Tech and how I am going to stay focused on the true meaning of life. Neo-Tech is t he most powerful, no BS information I have ever experienced. I hope everyone can sooner than later learn the power and benefits that the Neo-Tech concepts can give to all conscious human life. So simple, so powerful. I can't describe the feeling with word s...
H.M.,, Canada The information supplied on the NT site and also the books have given me the hope for a better life.
L. Singh,, U.K. The most profound information I have come across
C.C.,, I think Neo-Tech is power in its' purest form. The power of Neo-Tech is so simple yet powerful most people will shun from it. I have experienced this when friends would ask about my personal views on life. When I say that Neo-Tech is power, I mean real va lue-producing, life-enhancing power not a power that fades in and out from day to day, month to month, or year to year.
J.M.,, Scotland, U.K Neo tech is a breath of fresh air in an otherwise toxic anticivilization.
S.P.,, uk Neo-Tech is an outstanding contribution to understanding the universe that we live in. May it continue to grow and turn our world the right way up, at last.
Teresa,, I have read almost the whole Book.. I found myself not being able to put in down .. I am very enlightened by what I have read.
D.R.,, To any neo cheat that may be reading this site, you will fail in the end and the end is sooner than you think
G.Z.,, Neo-tech leads the way in clearing out mysticism and in building a future we choose instead of one we only inherit.
G.S.,, Spain Neo-tech is giving me something I lost long ago: passion for life.
P.C.,, Neo-Tech is a sign of things to come, or at least I hope so for not only myself but my children and their children.
C.H.,, United Kingdom I love Neo-Tech literature... it holds so many great values and has so many great values to offer everybody... What is amazing to me is that I have reached a level of integration that has bought me to the realization that my success is now inevitable. I n ow know exactly the steps I need to take to succeed... this is because I have found my 'Friday night essence'. Once you find your essence, success is inevitable. Not only do I now know the steps... but, I am now taking them every day. The clarity of what I have to do every day to succeed is so clear that it staggers me. What I love about Neo-Tech is its ever evolving nature, despite now focusing on my business I am always drawn back to the Neo-Tech web site because I feel as I integrate its new concepts, I further evolve. Neo-Tech should stay on the web because it gives people what they really need... not hope, or faith but mind cleansing honesty.
J.B.,, The greatest gift I've ever received in life!
tom binns,, uk Neo-tech is my strength.
a.c.,, I love neo-tech and everything that it has done to enrich mine and my families life through hard work and discipline. Thank you.
M.S.,, England Neo-tech reflects the underlying plans of the Universe. Did god play dice with the Universe? No, Zon Neo-thought it! The Civilization of the Universe, here we come...
D.K.,, Neo-Tech information and the way it's communicated is so profoundly pro-life, pro-consciousness, pro-values, pro-reality, I simply can't get enough of it. And it's so easy to read. Every sentence and every word is so exciting, it just draws me in while an excitement builds within to where I don't want to stop reading. Neo-Tech is showing me the way to a far far better life than anything else out there. Actually everything else out there seems so irrational and archaic. Neo-Tech is giving me the intellectual and emotional fuel to live a Neo-Tech life.
T.M.,, I want this site to remain online because you guys post a ton of great information that benefits my life. The sections on finding love and the Pocket Therapist I found extremely interesting.
E.G.S.,, I have been a N/T owner, since 1987, I at that time was a long time alcoholic, had attended numerous self-help seminars, at no avail. I had been a charismatic bible thumper, even with my drinking. In 1995 I was involved in a serious auto accident (while drinking) nearly killing me and two other person in the other auto. I decided at that point with the knowledge of N/T and the strength it gave me I would never touch another drop of alcohol again, and I have not. The information contained within the pages of N/T have given me the gift of happiness and wealth of knowledge and a new look at my future health.
Ron & B.G.,, I have just received The Book a couple of weeks ago and find its contents very amazing. I am beginning to see things differently in this government controlled world.
M.E.,, México
Neo-tech is a great achievement.
thank you for the awakening.
Mysticism's demise is imminent
david bailie,, northern ireland You are giving hope to millions of people who have no desire for the pain and suffering of death .
P.N.,, Australia Neo-Tech has given me hope and understanding in this crazy world that we live.
M.P.,, uk I think this is the way of future and already has started now.
Ray C. d.I.,, N-T makes excellent sense to an independent-minded person; it is really the 'way, truth, and life' for anyone! Keep up the great work!
B.Q.,, You've made it obvious that to grow as a race that we have to see through primitive worship and false illusions, I have been more fulfilled by what I've read on this web site than any other text. Finally a step into the furthering of mankind.
M.K.,, The world needs this information or we are doomed.
B.S.,, I found it to be a most interesting life-altering experience.
S.M.,, The info in Neo-Tech has helped me profoundly.
S.M.,, United Kingdom, b90 1SE. Neo-Tech is the future. Together we can make a difference, and with the Neo-Tech philosophy the world would be a better place to live in.
j.a.,, Neo-Tech has opened my eyes to a broader view of life, it has made me feel much better about myself now.
R.S.,, The Book did what you promised. I can finally think for myself. I have also read everything Ayn Rand has ever written because of neo-tech. Frankly, I cannot understand why objectivists hate neo-tech so much. I was raised Catholic and now I am an atheist. When I was a kid I loved Star Wars. Now Star Wars seems metaphysically retarded to me. I used to love punk rock, and now punk seems like collectivism! I now have my first 'real job' in a Fortune 500 company and I owe it all to Aristotle, Aquinas, Rand and neo-tech!
T.G.,, Neo Tech is one of the most forward thinking organizations the world has ever seen.
Ben,, I really enjoy the NTN posts. There are a lot of good ideas being expressed and it helps keep you focused when there are people that you can relate to philosophically.
m.s.,, india Certainly, the facts about the neo-tech I have learnt are the best ones I have ever learned in life.
D.D.,, I believe this is the best thing that I have ever came across except life itself and just wish everyone would take the chance to understand it. I believe that with it being on the web more people have the chance to see what it's all about.
j.a.,, When we all live this way we have found happiness in our heaven.
E.B., ., I absolutely think 'Neo-Tech' should stay on the web. For it was instrumental in bringing me out of the illusionary and drug-like world of religion (in my case, evangelical Protestantism). At first I actually detested and was afraid of NT and the website. But I kept coming back, almost hypnotically and out of curiosity. The turning point for me, after perusing the website for a couple of months, came when I read The Story. After devouring that, I was so emotionally stirred and intellectually stimulated that I began to seriously embrace NT and doubt all religions including my own. In fact, before being exposed to NT I was an amateur Bible scholar, historian, theologian and was planning to be become a professional theologian/pastor. Due to my enlightenment via NT, I realized that theology is just a philosophical rationalization of religion, disconnected from reality. Thank you!
D.D.,, Have never read anything before neo-tech that has given me so much insight too what is real in my life and expressed with such honesty.
W.N.,, This is wonderful information for anybody who is ready to jump into consciousness and become aware what is happening around them. For anyone who is ready for a change they should read "The Book" for it will change you and the way you think forever. You will think the way we were meant, without mysticism and external authorities telling us how to think. Neo-Tech is not the Devil's work but it undoes the Devil's work and awakens the most powerful value on earth, Human-Consciousness.
D.G., , Today's growing global economies are pushing hard on the envelope of survival and making it necessary to be free of mysticism. I thank Neo-Tech for their true honest efforts and the positive impact that its having (and will have) upon millions of human beings.
E.B.,, It's great I couldn't live without it. I can't believe how much help it has been for me.
A.B.,, It would be detrimental to society and the human race should Neo-Tech not be available to the public.
R.J.,, HONESTY is like a light switch ON or OFF, there is no part way about HONESTY!!! I am very, very happy and Honored to be a NEO-TECH CUSTOMER/OWNER of Mr. Wallace and All His Workers and their writings. I wait each day for there up dates. I Kicked the Sugar, Caffeine, Alcohol, Nicotine, White Flour, All Dairy Products, And Some of the Doctor Drugs. I feel Great and point out Parasites to my Honest Friends. This Web Site Must Stay On The Internet For HONEST PEOPLE FOREVER.
R.S.,, Neo-Tech/FIH is the only literature that I've found that allows me to identify the exact source of all problems be they self created through personal dishonesty/mysticism or created through the efforts of others.
S.G.,, Neo-Tech is the fastest way I have found to swiftly eliminate personal mysticisms.
J.B.,, I am in such complete agreement with everything I'm reading here. My eyes are blurry but I can't stop reading! Thanks so much for such profound honesty on the web!
E. Wilborn,, It is clear that Neo-Tech is shaking the very foundations of this "diseased mystical-oriented" world of ours.
C.A.,, Until your book was destroyed, by a person that did not realize what they held in their hand, it was the only book I had ever read that faultlessly and analytically peeled away layer after layer of tainted thought only regret is not having finished, although I can feel its effects and see how it changed me. I am growing and awakening.
M.W.,, U.K. Scotland. The literature has given me a fresh insight to running our lives as we want to.
J.T.,, This goes against everything I was ever taught by my parents and relatives
,, An amazing web-site.
m.d.,, , canada Everyone should read this. Too bad most are too weak and small minded to accept any of it. After reading some of the negative comments made about this site, I wonder if humanity will manage to avoid self-destruction.
a.l.,, Neo-Tech is the most positive and 'true' wealth of knowledge that I have ever come across. I never knew just how lost and uninformed the poor souls out there who have not been privileged to know of neo-tech and how empty and uninformed their lives and how it is so hard for an uninformed value producer to succeed in health and wealth in this world.
R.G.,, Neo Tech is Perfect!!
v.g.,, Brilliant.....I am stunned into thought with these pages and ideas that make so much sense.
W.A.,, After reading the 'Neo-Tech' I-IV, suddenly I became a New-Born Human that just escape from the nightmare.
Lawrence,, Thanks for going through the chaos to bring peace to us.
J.P.,, Must stay on the www!!! If it doesn't, humans don't have a real chance to learn how to start a powerful life, and bring themselves to know their own nature.
T.D.,, I have had the neo-tech/god-man book for about a year and I am extremely impressed and thankful for it's extreme value. I have been practicing 'honesty' for about 11 month's some have thought that I was extremely crazy, that is all right with me, because, I have the power now.
P.N.,, Australia Neo tech has picked me up from the rut I was in. My life was on a way trip to stagnation, Neo-tech was the catalyst that gave me the tools to live a happy and prosperous life. Neo-tech is an undeniable concept, and one that everyone should be exposed to so people can judge is usefulness. Neo-tech should remain on the web, forever!!!!
D Stevens,, The concept is beautiful, absolutely wonderful..... please keep on keeping on many of people need to understand... thanks so much for my freedom.......
A.G.,, Unites States My husband is reading the book 'God Man' and I can't wait to read it as soon as he is finished. I can see a change in him since when he began to read the book. He is lighter, happier and much more confident than he was. I also notice that he taps more into his kind and giving nature, and shares that with people. And every once in a while he will stop reading to share with me the concepts that are in 'God Man'. Oh, I can't wait to read it!
Mr.J.M.,, This is definitely the way to live. To see life as a child, no bull, just creating good values for everyone and being happy.
B.W.,, The logical step by step process to correct thinking and correct effort to improve life installs a confidence that I have never experienced before. Thank you so very much.
r.c.,, what a great web site ! what a great message , at last some truth
J.T.,, I feel that with out this knowledge people will never change, and they will allow themselves to be blinded by the illusions of the world. I appreciate the time given to this site and the knowledge I have received and I truly thank all of the people that contribute to this great thing, called 'Neo-Tech'.
T.M.,, SOUTH AFRICA Neo-tech has changed my perspective on life and it has Contributed in my change of attitude towards every day life. My life skills have improved drastically.
T McNally,, england Neo tech seems to have a fully comprehensive model for living.
a.a.,, uk The Story' on the internet is mind blowing!!
E.R.,, AWESOME and logical. People need to know that the lens must be removed and crushed under our feet, so that we can look into the unfiltered Light of pure honesty.
P.D.,, Neo-Tech is the anti-thesis of the root cause of slavery- mysticism. Therefore, having Neo-Tech online will logically increase everyone's freedom exponentially. Neo-Tech has created tremendous value for me in my personal and business life.
m.m.,, This is the best sites on the internet.
D.T.,, The Story was one of the most touching and enlightening piece of work I've every read.
S.M.,, I truly believe the only way Earth will survive is by changing to become the C of U. It does seem to be a monumental undertaking, but I do believe it starts by one person changing. I am changing.
J.C.,, It is very important to get this information out to the masses so that everyone can know about this great concept I will be very glad when Neo-Tech controls the world.
C.P.,, An empowering and powerful book. My dreams are coming true and The Book put me on a conscious track towards real civility and creativity, Thanks Carla.
t.p.,, Australia Neo-Tech is the best thing that has ever happened in my life!! Without it I would still be a major loser.
A-Gnostic,, Neo-Tech should be promoted and should be known internationally for it's good ideas. FREEDOM FROM RELIGION! Let's keep governments free from useless and stupid religious rules.
B.B.,, Neo-tech is one of the most useful tools in orienting oneself with reality. It becomes evident that this must first take place before happiness or prosperity is achieved, in their truest sense. Neo-tech has my most sincere appreciation and thanks.
D.D.,, I think the world has been in need of this since BC 2000,(which should have been AD 2000). I admire you for your 'guts' to continue on in the face of such desperate opposition from the 'neocheaters and such fellow travelers. As the British say 'JOLLY GOOD SHOW'
J.J.,, Neo-Tech provides the education for citizens to learn how to take care of themselves and to eliminate the parasitical ruling class of dishonest humanoids.
J.P.,, The Story MUST be published on its own in hardback and/or paperback. That is the only hope of getting it into the hands of the general populace, particularly as word-of-mouth spreads like wildfire! The full realm of the Neo-Tech Super Society can then be understood and visualized BEFORE interested people delve into the Neo-Tech Discovery and other publications. The Story should be the MAIN FOCUS of spreading the Neo-Tech concepts. THIS IS SOOOO CRITICAL!!! The individually-bound book could be self-published and marketed by Neo-Tech, but since it has an ISBN number, it could also be requested from other bookstore outlets (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Waldenbooks, etc.). Also....the individually bound volume should be available to order online (to fulfill immediate gratification)...that offer being made on each chapter of The Story. People trapped in the Anti-Civilization will have a MUCH greater chance of pursuing Neo-Tech discoveries and concepts AFTER reading The Story and winning them over BOTH emotionally and intellectually!!! They literally can, and do, (based on the postings I've read) begin identifying and implementing their own Friday-Night-Essence. This critical work (The Story) MUST: 1. Be published by itself. - Preferably in hardcover and soft cover. - This is the ANSWER for MASS distribution. - Many people WILL NOT sit and read lengthy material (longer than a couple of pages) on the Internet. They want to read anywhere they're the park, at lunch, on the couch, on the patio.....anywhere NOT in front of a computer monitor. - And MANY won't have the resources to print hundreds of pages. - Plus, everyone who reads this will want to CHERISH their own personal copy and re-read it often. It will be the treasure that changes their lives forever! - It's easier to pass-on (loan or give) a copy to friends and family! 2. Be given SERIOUS consideration for producing it into a movie. - Someone should have already put a copy of it into the hands of a Spielberg, or other great Hollywood producer with a track record for so clearly portraying concepts and emotions woven so tightly together! - We need someone who isn't afraid of pushing against the Establishment, including, at times, Hollywood. 3. Be given consideration for producing it as a TV series, particularly if the movie can't be pulled-off. I want to hand this story off to my family RIGHT NOW, but they will be way too intimidated and distracted if I hand them The Book (all six books) and tell them to read only Book 2 - The Story. The sheer appearance of the HUGE volume I'd be handing them would be enough to scare them away from reading it (they would say they "don't have time" to read something that large'). If it is a bound book all-in-itself, it would be much less intimidating to the recipient. Plus, there isn't the distraction of the "God-Man" text plastered on the cover. Many people's initial reaction to the term God-Man would be one of skepticism and negativity - or the feeling that they're dealing with writings from some cult. Let them read about God-Man in The Story FIRST (with no pre-judgement of negativity) so they can understand it's integration into the whole Neo-Tech picture, THEN hit them with the God-Man/Neo-Tech literature on the web-site or through your printed publications. With this approach at least they won't think this is some new cult they have to worry about. For it seems to appear as cult-type publication on the surface (just from the "God-Man/Neo-Tech Discovery" title). "The Story" has none of this possibility of sending the wrong message. NONE AT ALL. The total simplicity in the title will DRAW people to it!! They'll have no suspicions or questions (until they get into the actual telling of the story and have had their mind and emotions enlightened)! The whole concept of the 5-minute bedtime stories about value producers intrigues me immensely! If something like that doesn't currently exist (on your web site, or others), I may begin putting it together. Short summaries of historic and current value producers that focuses on: - How they used their own independent thinking to create the values. - How they used internal authority instead of external authority to breakthrough with their advancement and values. - How each faced the battles of the anti-civilization to make their values recognized and available to others. - The end results their values have produced in each of our lives NOW. I relish researching this kind of thing!! ... Apprentice matrix-destroyer.
R.Z.,, NEO-TECH exists forever! Powerfully redeeming! It's the greatest, most life-changing experience I've had from reading any literature. Thanks to Frank Wallace and his team.
E.G.,, Neo-Tech is very powerful. It goes right to the point. Armed with Neo-Tech I feel very secure of my self and my environment.
R.C.,, U.S.A Keeping Neo Tech on the web is similar to allowing a brain to remain in someone's head.
R.H.,, N.Ireland BT40 1BA. Thank you Dr Wallace, family and friends. You and your work is the most powerful and admirable I have ever known.
Y.C.,, It is the only web site that tells the truth about happiness, love, and evil authority. It should be known by as many people as possible.
Chris P,, I believe that Dr. Wallace's poker book about the advanced concepts of poker is a complete work of genius. I do believe that there is much to be learned from the book that pertains to things other than poker. For instance, the idea of trying to remove emotions from business, and money related decisions is crucial. The book also exposes the danger of becoming angry and unfocused during situations that can result in monetary loss or gain. Moreover, Wallace vividly identifies one of man's greatest weaknesses- laziness, and what can become of a person when he or she becomes lazy in situations that require concentration and thought.
c.d.,, Maverick thinking.
D.U.,, Neo-Tech has helped me comprehend the world.
D.R.,, I have owned neo-tech since 1996 and have had a better life since. Stay online so all the world may benefit.
J.G., I will start by saying that I'm 19 years old. Now, reading NEO-TECH'S web site and various material's I've found and seen the thing that I was searching for. People needed to accept that they're responsible for their own actions through honesty. I think Neo-tech is helping to preserve humanity from their own selfish, dishonest impulses that drive them; and to remove this web site would be a giant step backward in free thought and freedom of one's self through honesty and the pursuit of happiness.
L.L.,, I must say that this book hit me right where I needed it.
L.W., The information gained from this site and the products I possess are worth more than I can think to repay. Thanks.
R Page,, UK We are born with a free will. Neo-tech offers ways to dump the brainwashing of other's vested interests and think clearly for ourselves.
J.P.,, Fascinating,, plausible and an idea whose time has come.
Pike,, Canada I believe this site is brilliant. Take control of your life.
E.B.,, 6
It has been the greatest help I have ever found. I want Everyone to know about this.
we-it,, I thank you for the beauty and courage of speaking the truth.
Mathew,, I am god......................... I love it! You have changed my life for the better. Someday everyone will see and feel the power of NEO-TECH!!!!!
L.S.,, I very much appreciate the neo-tech God/Man book. I can see where it will limitlessly improve my life... not by telling me what to think... but by actually stimulating my to think on my own again! For all this I want to pass on all my thanks to your entire team... I feel the sooner people start to actually understand the insights this book gives... the sooner we will all benefit!
d.k.,, This site is a true masterpiece, it is the last stop for a Truth seeker.
D.Y.,, Neo-Tech should stay on the net so everyone can learn and think for themselves
D.U.,, CANADA Wonderful, priceless values!
G.C.,, The information and ideology gained through these books are a priceless treasure.
B.G.,, I am still assimilating the truths found in the Book. I am not yet God, but am on my way to the universe.
Simon,, Australia Neo-Tech opens the pathway to more enriched thinking, exactly what the human race could do with at present !
R.L.,, This is THE way to reach the 'masses' and defeat the neo-cheaters.
B.T.,, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the various drafts of Limitless Riches -- Automatic Romance!? It is incredible to see how much effort is going into this manuscript. It is awesome to read the latest draft and find it even more valuable than it was just a few days or weeks before. I appreciate having such an in-depth look at the creative process, and I look forward to the final manuscript with great anticipation!
KH. TAN,, MALAYSIA It is just Explosive !!!!Setting almost anyone FREE !!!
C.W.,, Australia Neo-Tech is the only way to achieve happiness. It's hard work but worth it. The alternative is now unthinkable. Been there done that. From the words of Bruce Lee: 'Take what works and reject what doesn't' Neo-Tech Works! I cannot imagine my life without the knowledge that I have gained through reading the Neo-tech literature.. See you at the C of U.
S.M.,, I now live my life without guilt. It takes a lot of the pressure off. I still find it hard to believe that in these times so many people still look to 'Gods' to solve problems in their lives. Take control of your life, it will make you much happier.
E.W.,, ETHIOPIA I think neo-tech is wonderful.
P.M.,, Neo-Tech has taught me that 'a higher power' isn't the way, and that self-accountability is.
J.C.,, Neo-tech is absolutely outstanding. Logical and productivity producing material. A true value to all who apply and subscribe to the neo-tech mindset.
A.K.,, This was an amazing article!! I cannot thank the author enough or express how deep I feel. Thank you and may life bless you!
D.M.,, Scotland I am from the UK and am reading the amazingly brilliant book called 'The Book', I have to say it is truly outstanding, it is great to read, I can't put it down now. It is a must for everyone.
D.J.,, Neo-tech has opened my eyes for the first time.
D.S.,, Your book, 'The Book', brings out very valuable truths, without trying to hide the facts.
G.M.,, This site is ZONtastic!!!
C.C.,, I am a great believer in the Neo-Tech philosophy, and this Site is the most important one on the web. Neo-Tech is the driving force of any productive society, and without it we are doomed to nuclear holocaust.
J.S.,, Neo-Tech, is the single most amazing book I've EVER read in my life. Never before has such an explosion of truth smashed through the lies and garbage thrust upon me by my friends, family, enemies and society in general. This book is the single most powerful weapon in the war to free the human consciousness from its shackles of confusion and deception. It has helped me regain a level of clear-headedness that I thought was only a distant memory from my childhood and it has shone light on the truths and lies that I've always known were there but just wasn't able to piece together. I cannot begin to thank the writers of Neo-Tech enough for literally freeing my mind from years of oppression by mysticism and selfish value-destroyers. This information should be widely distributed and available to anyone who is seeking the truth, and there are a lot of disadvantaged value-producers out there who are still being held captive by a crippled society with a diseased mentality.
T.C., OH.US, I absolutely LOVE NEO-TECH!. It has unclogged my brain, I am now free of 90% of mysticism.
G.A., The book contains valuable lessons in life and true to life relationship experiences, that can be a valuable tool to everyone to live a more meaningful and productive life. I appreciate the many true to life writings
D.S.,, Australia This is a great site and the BOOK is even better!
L.E.,, I have gone to Baptist Churches since I was a child and still go every Sunday. I want to say Neo-Tech is the wisest information I have ever encountered. I read my first Neo-Tech publication in 1990 and for the first time could see the human parasites in my life: individuals who used guilt or fear, or non-sequitors, or who created problems where none existed. Once I recognize them I am still amazed how easy it is to expose them to everyone. To be hard working and honest; to think clearly and accurately... that is the life for me!
S.A.,, Australia G'day, I think neo-tech is the most profound literature I have ever come across. I cant express enough how much the first book I read affected me, after reading The Neo-Tech Discovery (Zonpower) I felt like crying because it taut me things about myself that I knew were there but didn't know how to deal with, like neurotic thoughts that I had, now I am free from that stupid disease, thank you.
L.G.,, I glanced through the first chapter in THE BOOK by Mark Hamilton and was totally amazed. I want to learn more!
M.H.,, Astounded that so much info. is packed on your page. Thanks for your great and grand work.
H.M.,, All I can say is WOW. I will dedicate my life to practicing profound honesty, wide scope accounting, and DTC, to help break up this anti-civilization.
s. converse,,
Excellent stuff. I want more.
D.D.,, Just cant wait for all of those blind peoples out there too wake up and smell the roses
Lee,, Neo-Tech gives me a reason to want to live forever.
,, 5
Great site.
J. Y. Givens-Simmons,, I have heard a great deal about neo-tech from a couple of friends that own and read The Book. I am woman, single parent of a teenage son, and I have been looking for information that might help my son to see that there is so much more to life than a party. In the course of my looking and learning, I have found myself, that there is so much more to life than I ever realized. Basically, I have known innately that my life should be different and I was the master of how to make it happen however, I always felt so overwhelmed by the changes that I tried to make that I just couldn't maintain it or make any long term changes. I want so much to feel more fulfilled by my life and to demonstrate to my son as well as others that through finding yourself, you can find all there is in the world in terms of happiness, love, joy, and success. I am so excited.
R.A.,, Neo-Tech is about to go exponential.
a.z.,, U.S. this is amazing, the reality realized by these principals is just mind-altering
G.B.,, u.s. Helpful in my everyday life.
R.m.,, l have enjoyed the mind opening effects, I was a Methodist preacher for 23ys, these readings have opened up so much that was closed to me during those years.
M.D.,, It (The Story)is a sweet story and is reminiscent of realities we humans have suffered far too long with.
G.R.,, Should Neo-Tech remain on the Web? Should sincere honesty be the relevant framework of all truth? Is coherence necessary within the context of an evolving hierarchy of values? Is effort not required to provide results? This heroic work, this brain-sweated effort of passion...that has produced understanding without contradictions in the new order of thought, a new high standard of categoric distinctions known as Neo-Think, must not only continue but expand. Let it begin now with each of us. The risks have been taken and the obstacles overcome except for our own deceptions of belief that we need take no action in our own regards. Neo-Tech Is.
T.A.,, I write to you about my neo-tech experience. 7 months ago I ordered your 'Book' and I've read it cover to cover. What do you say, when simple security guard becomes a millionaire? You say: read the 'Book'. Yes, it took me only seven months to gain wealth, and only credit to this is to 'The Book'.
J.T.,, Neo-Tech has allowed me to change my life Neo-Tech started my brain again.
NG,, I can' explain it! but so exciting the neo-tech matrix is becoming more complete in my mind each day! I am effortlessly gaining the love, money power advantages. its as spooky as you said.
A.D.,, Never take this site off the web. It is wonderful. I love the book and info that comes from it. They have changed my life forever.
s.h.,, Neo-Tech freed me. I am not under the control of anyone. I have learned not to be ignorant and having access to Neo-Tech on the web is a necessity for my growing understanding of people.
Jose "MadMex" Gonzalez,, 5/21/01 Thank you very, very much for sharing too much vital, unprecedented, threatening, classified TOP SECRET Information with everybody. I Love you!!!! You stir my inspiration and understanding of this evil & chaotic world.
C.D.,, Incredibly valuable.
D.W.,, The words synchronize with my mind.
J.S.,,United Kingdom I am only just starting on the path to God-Man, although I feel that I have always known that the path was there. Every step is opening my eyes further and this Web Site is a major contributor to my success. Thank you.
n.c.,, Excellent web site. It's very informative and practical. If one follows the teachings, it will have a positive impact on your life. It has surely helped me. Keep up the good work!
T.C.,, Deep inside I know what's really going on and I know I can change my situation. I won't give up and thank you for all of the GREAT WORK you have published over the years.
ted,, This site offers truths that the Christian churches have professed as evil. I commend you on your noble actions to uncover thousands of years of proselytizing.
J.F.,, I extend tremendous thanks to Dr. F. R. Wallace, his family, and associates. Growing up mystified, I always wanted to be someone else, somewhere else, some other time. Since I read Neo-Tech I enjoy myself, here, now, forever.
D.T.,, // When I saw the neo-tech web site, I got as excited as when I first started reading The Book. I love everything that the Neo-Tech team is trying to do. You people are great! The Book as forever changed my life. I will do my best to bring great values to society one day. I don't know if I could have done it without neo-tech.
J.S.,, // Reading 'The Book' & 'The Story' is the best mind opening experience. I thank you for all the valuable information. Best Regards, J.S.
R.S.,, First, I would like to thank all the people that have worked so hard to bring the Neo-Tech to our world. The information contained in the writings has changed my life for better. Don't stop trying to get the message of total integrated honesty out to the our world. The betterment of our future depends on the honesty of all individuals.
T.D.,, Every since I started reading neo-Tech, my mind is clearer, my life is better and my career has skyrocketed. I believe its all because of Neo-Tech.
J.S.,, I just recently purchased Mark Hamilton's book, 'Get Rich By 2001'. It is one of the best books I have ever read.
P.V.,, The time for enrichment is here. I hank you for this opportunity to study something revolutionary of thought and growth. I
I.R.,, I can say it has changed my life for the better.
H.k.,, KANAGAWA 246-0013 JAPAN I wish that this site is seen by the people of the world. Based on experience and thinking by the discovery of neo-technology I am thanking for that impresses it. I wish that works with the pace of the self in the future. The next program is looking forward to coming.
john,, I think this web site is a valuable tool for the honest minded person.. It is a great tool for people seeking to learn more about reality.
J.D.,, 'The Book has help me understand why people do the things they do. They say one thing yet they do the other thing quicker.
A.S.,, japan Neo-Tech is wonderful.
M Smith,, AUSTRALIA Please send me more information on seeing life and people as they really are instead of as they con me into thinking. I am 50 but feel like I am just beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel.
t.b.,, In such a world we have today where people want to live at the expense of every one else we need neo-tech more than ever
Ari-B.V.,, When I first began reading Neo-Tech I felt as though I'd just awoke from a deep sleep that lasted my whole life up to that point. To say that the information was an eye-opener is an understatement. As I began reading the first pages of my Neo-Tech manuscript, I had no idea that I was embarking on a journey in which there was no return. I'm not the same person I was the day before reading Neo-Tech. Thanks for opening my eyes!
j.k.,, I'm a 44 year old man with a B.A. in economics, yet I feel I've learned more from your web site, than in 16 years of public schooling. I feel as though I am taking a graduate course in life studies. Please continue!
C.M.,, Still using Neo-Tech and still laughing at all of the pathetic competition from those who aren't. However, I greatly await the day when we can end Neo-Tech Dynamics and Start Zon Dynamics worldwide. Then I won't have to laugh at all the ridiculous competition because everyone will be an asset to everyone else instead of a cut-throat competitor. Spread Neo-Tech!
J.S.,, U.S. I am an owner of the Neo-Tech Manuscript since 1990. It has Literally changed my life and perspective on all of human existence. Please
W.J., , uk Dear Neo-Tech Your works are a necessity in any persons life to progress and have a fuller and happier life with eyes wide open. You MUST stay on the web. I am a better person because of the things I have learned from The Book.
D.G.,, The world needs your message. It is amazing how many people do not want to control their own lives. People need to think for themselves.
N.B., Berkeley.EDU, I discover at least one great truth every time I come here. And, of course, with knowledge and truth comes power. And with power, comes control. Control over myself and over others who chose to ignore Neo-Tech.
L.B.,, I like the honest truth that you have displayed, and wish everyone had the ability to understand the principals.
G.M.,, IT is good to know that someone is still seeking the truth in this age of uncertainty.
P.M.,, Neo-Tech is beyond compare!
C.H.,, England Neo- Tech has changed my life forever... when I first read Neo-Tech I was told that I might find much for which I fundamentally disagreed; however, this was not something that happened to me. I very quickly became emotionally attached to the stunning identifications of Frank Wallace and never in my life had I read anything to which I so heartily agreed. In reading the 'Long Wave' I felt like I had discovered the meaning of life. I cannot describe the overwhelming emotional (and physical) high I felt on integrating this article... I felt ten-feet-tall. I spent four years day after day reading and re-reading the Neo-Tech Discovery and other Neo-Tech works that I continually added to my Neo-Tech arsenal. I have now started my own Internet business and have found my 'friday night essence' ... telly is now a complete turn off for me, and the times that I do watch it (very seldom) I find myself restless and fidgety in wanting to get back to my computer. I am not yet God-Man but at times I get such a searing energy burst of sheer joy through my body that I wonder to myself... 'am I experiencing God-Man?'
m.s., , It has transformed my life.
P.L.,, I believe that Neo-tech is the solution to the great problems we face in our time.
E.S.,, Germany Y E S Of course I want this site to remain on the Internet. It's one of the few really important pages out there!
T.J.,, YES ! We have WON at last ! IMMORTALITY is ours and everything that accompanies progress that is absent from mysticism. The mental global geometric --> shift --> is continuing to accelerate as electrical impulses are using cleaner energies mind-wise. The end are the days when blown out and 'burnt out' thought circuitry was constant, now it is nearly non-existent. The next electricity account will be expensive. At last! Gigantic thoughts are possible, N-T can turn anyone into a scientist!
MAP,, transient This site offers invaluable tools to remove a defect in the brain called 'mental-blindness' this site should definitely stay as the mind constantly evolves, sometimes in wrong directions! (mysticism, false beliefs) N-T corrects the deficiencies by offering a different window or snapshot into reality the way it really is. Once the materials are read a new energy fuses in the brain that has the capability of 'defying' normal laws of logic! The beauty of it is you continue to see reality as you perceived originally you don't lose anything, but one gains the second language of N-T; originality fires in all directions this is the new 'invisible' energy! Basically put, N-T gives one new logic and it is within that package that one can see and understand reality from other angles. Upon this discovery one may be temporarily 'shocked' from such a rude awakening but i promise you, life will be extremely interesting after the readings of this literature.
J.C.,, Magnificent site!
S.F.,, Two days ago I found 'The Story' and have not been able to put it down. I only stopped today to send a note of THANKS. I've been against the anticivilization for as long as I can remember, but never understood why until now. Thank you for allowing me to see that my feelings were NOT wrong, as you have provided proof to the questions I have had all my 40 years. How do we go about electing a neo-tech president?
G.W.,, Neo-Tech has turned my life around and filled me with relentless ambition. Now I know why I have to watch out for lazy people and I have to make sure not to get lazy myself. Both my mind and body are stronger than ever and many people look up to me. When people ask me what I believe in I say myself! Keep up the good work and keep fighting for freedom!!!!
L.T.,, Canada After knowing about and studying neo-tech for over 10 years, I am certainly convinced of the great benefit received in all areas of my life. the little manual on ridding oneself of alcohol, drugs and coffee is worth its weight in gold. of course, stay on the web. millions of people are hearing about your life saving, life changing and enlightening material. it is so far above the stupidity taught in schools and religious halls.
T.B.,, Neo--Tech is the only thing that makes sense in this world
K.M.,, More of your knowledge is needed in the world, so people can know what their obstacles are. Then they will be able to figure out ways to overcome them.
R.C.,, The Story has helped me answer certain questions that I thought were realistic but other people, because of their beliefs, thought differently. I'm glad I'm not alone in this world. I always thought I was different from everybody else and yes I am different because I can see the essence of things. This world will be a whole lot better if we were all neo-thinkers. There also needs to be that diversity among the different classes of human beings on earth, I like to call it natural selection or the survival of the truly honest.
R.M.,, 4/27/01, South Africa Nutrition to my mind.
sha,, Neo Tech has effected my life in a very positive manor.
s.s.,, Neo-tech should definitely stay on the web to inspire truth, inspiration, and reality. We must conquer the mystics from every angle.
D.S.,, Neo-Tech must remain get the message out that there is so much fraud and gain-seekers who steal individual values from innocent people for their own selfish gain!
M.B., , Whoever thinks to become a master of his/her life, should go through the Neo-Tech documentation.
G.W.,, It is awe-inspiring and humbling.
E.G.,, Neo-Tech is an eye opener, for years I blamed myself for my short comings never seeing life as I do now. I feel my power growing inside me everyday, some people don't believe that they can achieve anything in this world if only they would take the time to wake up to see what's going on
D.B.,, I love this book (The Story). I just finished reading through for the second time. I find it interesting how it seems to be a lot like a good movie seen over again. Keep up the good work, I am inspired again.
R.G.,,ustralia Neo tech is inspiration of light amongst the multitude of dull boring unproductive people
W.D.,, I am very happy that Neo Tech exists, without people having open minds, and using logic, the human race is doomed to an ultimate demise. Religion has long divided the family of man, and the other professional Neo-Cheaters have been living off of our backs. It's time to take back what is ours, and dump the System of Parasites. It's not working, hasn't worked and never will work. Oppression is never a solution to life, only personal accountability and hard work can improve things.
R.S.,, Information provided by Neo-Tech is the most valuable to date I've found.
p.w., , Keep neo-tech on the web because you've taught me so much About life.
B.M.,, We all need to make sure Frank R. Wallace becomes the next President in 2004. P.S. Everyone that is 'hating' and saying bad things about Neo-Tech will soon believe as the anticivilization and mysticism is soon dying away.
B.B.,, One of the most liberating things I have ever read . Thank you for putting it on the web . Please don't take it off.
C.W.,, I would sincerely feel like the rug was pulled out from under me if this information was taken from the Internet. I most humbly ask that it remain for others to find and read as I have done.
B.A.,, I have been merely scratching the surface of NT the past few days, and can only share with you my immense gratitude for exposing, and thoroughly explaining, true human structure and human need. So many of us in today's society feel that there is something DEFINITLY wrong, but can't quite put our fingers on it. Thank you for doing that for us! ... I look forward to learning more of Neo Tech. I do sincerely hope that what I am seeing here is to become more commonplace in today's confused and mystical society.
r.w.,, U.S this is the most enlightening information I have had the pleasure of reading! The more I thought about god, the more I knew what I was being taught was not true. Neo-Tech has taught me what the true nature man is, godman. I have a set of Neo-Tech manuals for my boys, they must know what the truth is just in case something happens to me. I have told them how important this information is. The best investment I have ever made by far!
M.Z., , Kuwait It looks splendid....!
Charles,, Neo-Tech gas given me new insight that I never had before. I am grateful for the awakening and the realization of reality.
E.C.P., ,Sri Lanka It would serve many thousands of Surfers well who find their way to this WEB SITE
V.O.,, U.S. of A. Should Neo-Tech stay on the web? After more then ten years of reading, listening, watching, absorbing and gradually and progressively analyzing, understanding, implementing and integrating this technology/philosophy into every aspect of my life and existence I have come to the absolute and irrevocable opinion, decision and final conclusion that the question; 'Should Neo-Tech remain on the web?' should not even be asked. The question I would ask is; Where is the Neo-Tech t.v. channel?' To put a final point on this comment and to try to answer the question; 'Should Neo-Tech remain on the web?' all I can do is pose my own question for one and all to contemplate and answer; 'Do you want the Dark Ages of human existence to finally come to a quiet, non-violent and irreversible end thus freeing and allowing the unstoppable, unrelenting and unfathomable release of never-ending and always expanding human potential? For those of us who take the responsibility and exert the effort to think, act and live as independent individual human beings the answer is self-evident! Hang on ladies and gentlemen because the BEST DAYS OF THIS PLANET AND THEREBY YOURS, MINE AND EVERYONES LIVES ARE JUST GETTING STARTED......IT IS POSITIVELY GOING TO BE SO, SO MUCH MORE THAN ANYONE AT THIS POINT CAN POSSIBLY EVEN IMAGINE!
S.G.,, I am so excited about "The Story", I am in a rush to gain as much information as quickly as possible, and can't do it quick enough. The thinking is so profound at such a deep level that I am shaken to the very core of my being. All my life I have been on a journey to discover, no indeed to create Who I Am and Who I Want To Be and to do it with integrity, honesty and with value to mankind. Though I am still in the early stages of reading I am beginning to notice a change in my thinking and the way in which I view the world. I have this profound feeling that this work will provide the shift that I have so long been searching for. It is with profound gratitude that this work has found it's way into my hands. Thank You Dr. Wallace, and Thank You Mark Hamilton.
B. H., , Your section on jealousy is excellent. I'm involved (as a victim) in a jealous relationship and have read extensively on the subject but have never seen the insight provided by your site. Although I do not agree with everything on your site, I think there are some very deep insights that all can learn from your information.
R.B.,, I glean a tremendous amount of insight and peace of mind from your work. Thank
B.H.,, More people should be aware of this valuable information. The world might be a better place.
D.J.,, A real eye opener
S.C.,, I am astonished and enlightened with information on your web site. I can become free. No more giving power to politicians and a boss to make me feel guilty and powerless.
J. J.,, Having recently read 'Conversations with God' I am shocked and excited at the parallels between the two. The sum is Neo-tech. I see much of the 'New-Age' as the metaphor and Neo-tech as the practical, the application....I am ready for the leap!
ThunderWriter, , I spent nine months saving $120, another nine months swallowing the unbelievable, and now thanks to my profound vision, i look forward to promoting Neo-Tech on my own web. It took me three years to save enough to buy a computer, but now I can tell the world. Thank you me for having the courage to finish it and thank heavens I was born in this time of age to experience our final evolution... it took more then 2,300 years for one lone man to figure it all out.
susan,, australia I received a letter in the mail. I certainly was interested in the enclosed offer, plainly written on inexpensive paper, which in itself seemed different from all the recent 'junk mail' that was circulating and being sent to me. I was fascinated neo-tech stood out, so I ordered ' the book'. it wasn't very long before I received 'the book'...a big book at that. for 3 whole days I could not sleep, reading feverishly every word from the beginning to the end. Sleep did not visit, it had vanished, it seemed as though the new knowledge that I was absorbing replaced the need for sleep. After I finished, I slept like a new born baby. Refreshed and renewed with a new kind of kick start for life. Since then I now have happy energy and look forward to growing endlessly. Thanks.
J.C., , 4/10/01, Venezuela Very surprising place, for better and for worse. Many things look incredible, I do not know if I love it or hate it.
S.K.,, GREECE Neo-Tech is a brilliant analysis of the historical view of human consciousness! My deepest respect and wishing you success in your noble task.
P.P., , Western Australia I highly recommended all my friends to visit your web site.
C.S.,,Dem. Rep. CONGO Nothing under the sun will equal or beat Neo-Tech. Please continue the good work until all human being are wealthy, powerful and all loving
A.P.,, You should make The Story into a movie
,, This is terrific information for anyone!!!!
r.k.,, Thank you for opening a new frontier for me.
F.N.,, Good luck against all the totalitarians and mystics in the world -- they must really feel threatened!
C.B.,, NEO-TECH is the most important information in the world today. Every man woman and child conscious today should be in contact with this knowledge. Those who are not will be left behind, uncompetitive and uninformed.
D.N.,, I'm interested in immortality. I always thought that if we Could find out what caused the accelerated aging disease that we would be able to dramatically extend life if not making it last forever.
Charles A. D.I.,, Reading and understanding as much as I could about Neo-tech and integrated honesty literally saved my life. If people who are threatened by neo-tech would only give it a chance most will probably change for the better. Honest values produced and traded fairly with our fellow man is what it's all about.
l.d.,, Canada I find Neo-Tech to be one of the best self improvement sites on the web. The articles are designed to help us overcome self imposed limitations and achieve maximum growth.
K.W.,, Logic, Facts, Money, Power, Love, and Happiness.
D.B.,, Canada
P.J.,, I think Neo-Tech should FOREVER remain on the internet as long as god keeps putting people on this Earth solely to suffer.
S.G.,, It has captured me with awe. The thinking is very profound in it's ideas and concepts and moves the individual in the direction and at the speed we all should have been moving at all along. I read a piece of literature once that said 'quote from God', 'and joyous will be the day when you realize that you need no God. On that day you will rejoice. Looking at this I have come to the conclusion that we are God and God is us, we are 'The God-Man'. Thank You for this wonderful piece of work. I look forward to continuing the process and journey.
P.M.,, CANADA The knowledge contained here has and will change countless lives.
P.S.,, Hi. I'm a 17-year-old high school student. I've been studying Neo-Tech and objectivism for a while now, and I've learned far more about life and the reality of the world, things I'll need for real life, than I could ever learn in the public school environment (of course). Recently, I've really been noticing just how much the anti-civilization is prevalent in the school system. I speak out against it in class and look forward to doing so throughout my life. Also, thanks to my objective views about love, I've been in a wonderful relationship with a girl I introduced to Neo-Tech for the past year. I couldn't even imagine thinking any way besides logically and objectively now. It feels like suddenly having blinders taken off and being able to see the real world as it actually is.
S.A.,, This site has enabled me to be a better person to myself and to the people around me and I thank you for that.
r.h., ., Very eye opening, it answers the 'what's wrong with this picture' question I've asked for, many years.
C.B., ., I owe a tremendous debt to the Neo-Tech writings and to Dr. Wallace and associates for helping me find my essence... the essence of an artist, a lover, a creator.
S.L.,, The Secrets are unleashed! We are finally going to save ourselves and make life unlimited. It's so beautiful.
K. G. Snow, SGI.COM, I was raised in a very religious family and for most of my life I obeyed my parents, did my schoolwork because I was told to not because I wanted to learn anything, spent long Sunday's in church - basically never really thought for myself. I was really on auto-pilot. Now, Neo-Tech rings true to me at a very deep level. I am trying to remember what made my eyes sparkle as a kid - trying to find my Friday Night Essence. Hopefully I will find it soon and can start down streaming to greater joy and happiness.
K.S.,, Neo-Tech literature that I've so far read on the internet has been a spectacular mind-opener. In fact, there are lots of people out there thinking the Neo-Tech way, wondering why, in spite of their inherent integrity of thought, they are only doomed to be outcasts in the rotten societies the world over. The Neo-Tech literature is an invaluable source of strength to help reassure the rationally thinking individuals that all the devious bulwarks of 'anticivilization' are bound to collapse. Neothink is a spark to light up the way to a profound personal growth and happiness.
R.J.,, I know Neo-Tech is spreading like wild fire. I support will Neo-Tech as long as I LIVE! and you should To!
K.S., SGI.COM I did find it disturbing however how anyone could call a life dedicated to complete honesty and hard work satanical. A brief glimpse into history will tell you that this is exactly the kind of negative comments that the pilgrims received in the old country. They had the opportunity to leave the old country and start fresh in the new, we however are left with the task of creating the new. Power to us and all the other hardworking, decent, honest folk out there who believe in the Neo-Tech C of U.
T.B.,, It's unbelievable how after reading The Book you get this hunger for knowledge. If possible I'd like to receive more information about other Neo-Tech material. Thanks.
khu,, I love Neo-Tech and its founders for bringing all this to us. Mark Hamilton, you are a wonderful author, congratulations on such a great piece of work!
stella,, UK Brilliant and worth reading again and again, fascinating.
A.C.,, The information provided by Dr. Wallace and associates is priceless, and profitable if acted upon. The web site is one of the most important sites ever developed and is the sole source of information available that identifies the tyranny society unwittingly accepts.
B.B.,, My mind is moving about 300% faster. I have so many new ideas that I'm not sure where to start. Neo-Tech is completely mind blowing. YOU were created with a mind of your OWN, to make YOUR OWN decisions, to create YOUR OWN future. Use it. Neothink. I love it. Creating and producing honest values for yourself and society. How much easier can it get. That's all it takes to be happy? Honest values. Don't let the anticivilization steal any more of your precious power. Join us in the Civilization of the Universe. Don't wait another moment. We need to move forward in positive growth as quickly as possible so we can save our loved ones and ourselves. Feel the power of true love. Feel the power of true happiness. If you don't know already, its time to find out.
M.C.,, I love reading 'The Book'. And I love the way that my new found excitement is changing my life. Live the life your were meant to live. I think that when everyone is using web tv in their homes, neo-tech will really take off. All people need is to have the right information given to them, and they all will make the right choices for their lives.
E.S.,, Neo-tech is the manifestation of the thoughts of every sane person's subconscious beliefs and desires. Everyone who does not wholeheartedly support it is either not being honest with themselves or still a bicameral thinking Neanderthal. Soon, all will either become immortal Zons or dust in the wind.
C.W.,, Australia I have not been able to hold my own in this world competitively ever since I was a kid. Now I can feel that power coming back again, and its rubbing off on my friends too. I am sure that that's just the tip of the iceberg. Now I know how to really have an influence on people. Many thanks to all of you there, I look forward to the success I deserve.
G.O.,, 'Without Neo-Tech there is no hope for survival' I am looking forward to The Civilization of the Universe and Biological Immortality.
CK,, Awesome, I always knew this deep down in my soul. PRAISE be yours for bringing this lost knowledge to the light of day!!!
Tibor,, This will be high school stuff for people of the future. It will be basic learning for everyone who chooses
r.m.,, This has to be the most interesting web site I've ever seen.
R.R.,, The Neo-Tech/Zon thinking mode has helped me integrate my thinking with reality. This neo-think reality is a cutting edge life style ('philosophy') that strikes me as the 'true & honest' way to conduct one's life. I want to progress even further and am excited about what the future holds. The first book ('The Neo-Tech Discovery (Zonpower) Manuscript') gets credit for opening my mind. I feel I was truly 'saved' after reading this. Now I understand what the Baptists' mean and possibly feel when they say they have been 'saved'!!!... So, when I have a discussion with people of various religions, I usually tell them how I was saved with my new thinking about life. Of course, I am labeled a 'heathen' at times, and conveniently called an 'atheist', but it's OK with me.
Paul L. S.J.,, I love this site! It's really opened my eyes, I was into the metaphysical new age movement, so I have been away from mainstream religion for a few years now. Something about it always seemed a little off though. Like there had to be more to life than 'pretending' all was well. Now I'm starting to feel the power that is rightfully mine. This all makes perfect sense to me. I finally know why I'm here and what I have to do. Thank you Neo-Tech.
T. Hix,, Being the mother of an 11 year old high functioning autistic child, I am on a constant search to understand how his brain works. Chapter 28 contains insight from Dr. Jayne's book on consciousness and bicameral mind thinking that opened my eyes to why my son is on autopilot so much of the time. I know how to proceed with his therapy now!
R.F.,, NeoTech is mankind's only hope for passing through the nuclear decision threshold and advancing growth, love, and prosperity into the future. In short, NeoTech concepts make one healthy, wealthy, and wise in the purest sense of that meaning.
T.B.,, united kingdom I feel like I've died and gone to heaven and discovered I'm in charge.
T.S.,, This work may well be the most important development of our time.
M.S.,, Reading NT is like taking a shower after losing a bitter, hard-fought athletic contest. It is the antidote for weariness and depression, for the aches and pains of fighting toward success in life against a tide of cheaters and mystics.
E.B.,, If everyone had this material the good old U. S. A. would better off. If more people don't get this information we may be in trouble
s.c.,, Awakening of knowledge is a blessing.
J.Y.,, I am proud to be a neo-techer. I have found the love of my life thru neo-tech standards. My values changed after reading your literature. I became a real person. I believe many other people have examined their own values or lack of, just from knowing me and learning from my example. I don't preach, and I certainly don't claim to know all that much about 'Neo-Tech' but I know it is good, and this info should be available for the rest of the world to examine if they choose to.
H.A.,, I believe that the truth should be told, and that all mystical beliefs should finally be put to rest, so the world can prosper and grow into the civilization of the universe. I understand most are afraid of the truth because the thought of being in charge of your own life, and decision making, opposed to being a puppet for the real life value destroyers is a lot to take in, but who cares how the truth comes as long as it comes, right? Finally, I know neo-tech should remain on the net, because without it how can we possibly thrive as a true civilization when what we have now only reinforces anti-civilization. meaning that the blind will continue to lead the blind further into this anti-civilization, until that mystical matrix is stripped away, and the truth can be seen by whole world!
M.C.,, I guess some people just aren't ready for the power of Neo-Tech. That certainly doesn't mean that everyone should lose the opportunity to discover Neo-Tech. I sincerely think this is the greatest web page I've ever come across and believe it would be a terrible loss to humanity if it were removed.
O.R.,, India
Mind-blowing and mind-expanding concepts and ideas. Keep up the good work!
T.D.,, This is one of the best sites that I have seen. It would be a shame to lose such valuable information all because of certain people who can't handle the thought of someone being or becoming more powerful than them...
L.M.,, Mexico It's the most valuable information I've ever received.
L.M.,, Mexico It's the best thing that could ever exist.
K.N.,, I believe the information on this site to be the absolute answer for today's anti-civilization problem.
T.R.,, Canada It is truly amazing. NT has delivered as promised, as reality delivers when we act in harmony with it.
M.K.,, What is there to say? Neo-Tech freely provides maximum positive input and stimulation on this site; the products they market are unquestionably of high value. In 1987 I bought the Neo-Tech Discovery. It was astonishing to read. I kept buying as new Neo-Tech products became available. I have a college background in math and sciences; this is unnecessary for a person to recognize the common-sense yet hard-science validity of Dr. Wallace's perspectives. I will continue to be a Neo-Tech customer. Thank you.
B.B.,, The information in this book has, so far, completely blown my mind. I consider it to be THE most valuable purchase I have ever made. I am currently studying computer programming, and working on Ideas for three different businesses.
M. Avgoloupi,, Neo Tech is an essential part of learning. Taking it off the net is like taking the alphabet out of education.
john,, Despite all the criticisms, I for one support your efforts. Let the weak minded sheep continue with their myths the rest of us shall prosper
L.S.,, Guatemala I read many of the negative comments, and from the ones I read there is none to convince me that it is evil. Besides it is typical for religious people to be frightened. And they always want banned the things they disagree with.
F.R.,, Yes, this is the most powerful, non-political information Medium in man's history! Expand the site and provide links, forums and information.
M.D.,, After having read a few of the negative comments about Neo-Tech it is plain to see how right and powerful Neo-Tech truly is. Those negative voices are clearly fanatics who would rather live a quiet life of desperation than enjoy all the benefits that life and Neo-Tech have to offer.
a.r.,, 'The human organism must experience emotions in order to Psychologically live. If a person continually diminishes self-awareness or represses emotions, that person will steadily lessen his or her capacity to feel emotions. To compensate for that deadening of feelings (thus a deadening of life), that person must take increasingly stronger measures to feel something until the only feeling left to feel is pain.' That excerpt is from this website and is quite simply the most profoundly true statement I have ever read. That is exactly what happened to me, that nearly killed me, before Neo-Tech saved me. I rationalized destructive actions through non-real and delusional mysticisms. I wish every one would read this website front to back, I feel like a kid on christmas morning every time I come here!
V.H.,, Canada I am a proud owner of several Neo-Tech Books. My life is changed by the Neo-Tech knowledge I ingested from these works.
B.B.,, australia Neo-Tech has opened my mind up and now I can see people and different situations for what they really are.
r.c.,, Neo-Tech is the antidote to the prevailing sickness that hinders society, from achieving the pinnacle essence of existence.
j.c., ., Neo-Tech is the answer for world happiness, love , prosperity, and the antcivilization.
Ray C. d.I.,, I find that N-T is very useful in running one's own business and climbing out of the quagmire of working for someone else.
A.S.,,GERMANY Definitely I want Neo-Tech to remain on the web; for it's the only consistent myth-smashing force on the planet today.
C.H.,, England Neo-Tech and the Long Wave are the greatest discoveries in our long history... it would be a sin against our God-man creators to take Neo-Tech of the net. Frank Wallace, Eric Savage, Mark Hamilton and all value producers I salute you!
William,, Universe Take this communication as my 'howdy fellow traveler'. I just can't tell you how many bulls eye's you threw mentally that I saw within just a few minutes of inspecting your site. Truly astonishing marksmanship that I was compelled to tip my hat to. Good mental work. I again congratulate you for the excellence of your thought and wish you a good life.
M.G.,, Neo-Tech is great.
W.B.,, Have been searching for over 30 years for this type of confirmation to my intuitive self. Thank you for your efforts and may we all grow.
K.T.,, West Malaysia Excellent literature!!!! I have read Neo-Tech and I have used it and today it makes me a better person. For the last 3 years after having my first Neo-Tech literature, never before I seen the Cosmic powers that works for me but also for everyone who have neo-tech knowledge. Neo-Tech teaches me to be self aware of those people who neo-cheats everyday and every moment. I can actually see those neo-cheating scheme practiced by neo-cheaters. Thanks a million Neo-Tech.
B.C.,, The Neo Tech message is an important one.
J.L.,, YES! Having found Neo-Tech from a Reason magazine ad/interview back in 1981, I have ordered much valuable information for myself and as gifts for those I love. I have NEVER been disappointed or felt 'ripped-off.' It's a building PROCESS (not an EVENT of reading a book) to understand and benefit from, by implementation, the integrations of honesty into all.
E.H.,, This is one of the best books I have had the opportunity to read in my lifetime.
Cynthia,, I am a changed person after reading the neo-tech books...thank you all for my, as well as everyone else's, brighter outlook.
Vasemaca.Loki,, Australia I was completely bowled over by the factual data i read in chapters 6-21 of the Neo-Tech Discovery on your web site. My eyes have opened up so much to how we as a populace have been ripped off by the so called parasitical elites of governments and bureaucracies.
S.M.,, Kenya Hi, this is great stuff. I love science and technology but most of all, you guys are doing a wonderful thing for mankind, for life, wow!
B.A.,, Canada I have been reading Neo-Tech Discovery for almost 1 year. Now on my second reading. My life has changed a lot for the better.
Robert D Schneider,, I have never read anything so breathtaking in my 36 years of life .You might say That I Have been Reborn. So please stay on line or it Might Be the Death of Us All...!!!!!!! Give those Neocheater hell. You have the rats running into the walls now lets burn the building and get rid of them all.
James Stauffer,, As a long time owner of neo-tech's values and belief structure it holds true .... there is no other system out there that holds true... period the work they have done is fundementaly proven to work period.
:William-David :Jones-Cook.,, C I have never in all n my 61 years of life on this planet been so moved by what little I managed to read as I printed off what seemed to be the equivalent of a small forest. It will take me some time to digest the total printed. Being an old hippie, I have only this to say:- WOW!!
R.M.,, The most powerful discovery in history.
L.S.,, I believe the best way to rid society of anti-civilization is for neo-tech to promote the idea of self government. The present system was fine in horse and buggy days, but is no longer needed. It just doesn't make sense to have a handful of people making laws for several hundred million people.
D. H.,, Neo-tech is an enlightenment of the mind body and soul. All you nay sayers are just closed minded, weak individuals who really need to examine your own lives!
J.I.,, Malaysia I find the whole literature inspiring.
S.F.,,Australia Might I ask what motivation or individual(s) could want the Neo-tech site closed ? Obviously only those blinded by the likes of insidious religion or whatever alternate mystical belief dominate their lives and prevents them from thinking for themselves. I always knew deep down that many so called leaders (political, religious, educational..) are leaders only in name and use their position for the lazy acquisition of power over others so as to live without contributing any meaningful values. And, having read most of the book I now clearly understand how the ultimate and tragic hoax of 'external authorities' (god & the like) has stifled the development of human consciousness. Surely, the Neo Tech site and related materials are integral in negotiating the nuclear threshold and allowing humanity to develop the mentality and technology to successfully make the transition into the next level of consciousness, for without this transition our species has a limited life span.
N.L.,, Neo-tech is the one of the most valuable discoveries ever made.
A.A.,, I read Mark Hamilton's 'The Story.' It's beautifully written. I was smiling one moment and choking on my tears the next - all through the novel. And it elucidated libertarian ideas beautifully. The concept of Zon and God-Man actually makes sense - a very logical conclusion about the direction a true free-market economy would take. Of course we'll all be immortal if the medical field is allowed to innovate unfettered by the government. It hurts me to realize that the government is killing my grandparents as I type this. :( So. Keep this site going.
Nick,, Bottom line -- All each of us needs to do is make it happen for ourselves (Fully Integrated Honesty), and the C of U will simply 'occur overnight' !!
Nick,, I am emotionally integrated with the struggle identified, accepted, started, and maintained by John Flint and Frank Wallace. And on that glorious day when we are together on the beaches of the world celebrating the end of the asshole-civilization (I mean anticivilization) I want to personally shake the hand, hug, and kiss the man who simply DAY-AFTER-DAY DID WHAT IT TOOK TO MAKE IT HAPPEN.
D.V.,, I am new to this site and will continue to be a active reader of all this grand knowledge. I am so grateful to FRW and his work. I am honored to be a Neo-Techer.
F.C.,, England It is truly mind-blowing.
ben,, I am very new to this, however my earnings have doubled in 3 months directly due to neo-tech
R.N.,, It's really deep stuff and I can't get enough of it.
H.B.,, Everybody need your site. The information is of the utmost importance.
d.b.,, Reality and integrated honesty are the most powerful answers to any questions anyone can come up with. Thanks a million.
B.K., THE major hope for humanity.
C.L.,, Hi! My name is Crystal, I have read "The Story" and I think you truly have a gift for bringing about an awareness through narrative means. I'm a Canadian, 22-year-old studying Psychology and Biotechnology at the University of Saskatchewan. For years I have been confused about religion and why there are so many different perspectives. I felt lost, after reading your story along with reading Neo-Tech Discovery (I'm not finished yet) I have begun to grasp the concept of the irrational forces at work in the world. However, I sometimes now feel impatient and anxious for other people to understand what I do. I want to uncloud others like you have, but I don't know how.
T.K.,, US of A I received a copy of 'The Book' after receiving a rather I am very much in tune with what you are presenting. I have been afloat in the anticiv, alone mostly from the start, an old soul, if you will. I am in early middle age, and concerned with mortality. I am tired of shaking my fist at 'God'. I am tired of ignorance and stupidity. And I am appalled at the very idea of death. I have often said that if I could live far beyond our expected lifetime, I would do so in the blink of an eye, dancing on a star! Death sucks.
j.q.,, n/a What a powerful book! I am 28 and my brother is 22 and we both feel that our lives will be MUCH different than those of our peers. I could not put this book down, the first time I read it, it was like seeing for the first time! I didn't sleep much that first night, but I also awoke feeling completely rested and energized!!! thank you so much!
,, If what you are saying is true, there is hope for the world.
M.L.,, I believe the web is the key to not only inform and teach people to think for themselves but it's also a way to reinforce and give hope to the scattered folks who have come to question authority on their own. Only recently in the history of the world could people share their thoughts and doubts about the nonsense we are taught and literally brainwashed with. One could be killed or at the very least ostracized for mentioning his or her doubts about gov't or religion. It's very important for sites like yours to be available for free-thinkers to get truthful and constructive information.
A.K.,, Germany This will be the guideline to my future life. Thank you Mr. Wallace for this awesome literature.
R.H.,, Thank you (Neo-Tech) for your efforts to solve the human dilemma. Throughout my adult life (I am now 43 years old), I have wondered why our world is so messed up. Through the Neo-Tech literature, I am slowly gaining a clearer, deeper understanding of the real problem. I feel excited and enthused that there is a real solution already being implemented and gaining momentum. I feel real hope that the current world (described as 'anticivilization' in Neo-Tech literature) will finally be replaced.
J.L.,, This is truly a wonderful thing. In a world that is filled with such dishonesty and mysticism, this site is a must for all. I am truly a hater of dishonesty and lies. If everyone could just know the truth, the world would be a better place to live and work in. Frank Wallace is a good man and a man who intends to help bring a stop to this unnecessary neo-cheating and deception. I would be still lost if it wasn't for that letter I received and this web site. I appreciate everything I have learned and will learn. Neo-Tech is the only way.
C.M.,, I find a consistent irony in the 'Negative comments toward Neo-Tech' section. If these individuals have such a strong relationship with God, then why is there such hatred in their comments. I may be mistaken, but doesn't God teach us to have love and compassion for everyone of his creations? I find these comments hypocritical of their own beliefs. It is amazing how people can have such a strong opinion of another persons beliefs.
P.P.,, First of all I have to say I have really enjoyed The Story. I've found myself not wanting to put it down or rushing to get back to it. I haven't quite finished it yet though. I do have a question for you... I would like to know if there is anything available like the recorded lectures of Miss Annabelle or the bed time stories book she wrote. My 11 year old son has also started reading The Story, but I would like to introduce the whole idea to my 4 year old and 14 year old (who doesn't like to read unless he has to). Do you know where I might be able to find something like that?
J.P.,, I find all this extremely fascinating as it opens up many doors, and brings about new questions.
T.w.,, I believe this is a most valuable site and it would be loss to the public if this site were taken offline , I have learned an have taken advantage of the information here and I am not alone I this. I feel I have grown with the help of neo-tech and I wish others the same opportunity.
m.a.,, Reading neo-tech is like being hit in the face with a board. it is the most thought provoking thing I've ever seen. FRW is right on the money, it wakes people from their blind stupor and makes them think.
jne,, After reading your first couple of chapter's on the net, I wanted to take a moment to tell you how wonderful it is. I've read the book through and have just started again for the second time. Sometimes it's hard to follow, to dig out the hidden meaning. But this is simple, fresh, and well awesome. Does it come in book form that can be ordered? If so... where can I get it? I'm sure it is hard for you to read all of your mail, it is for me and I'm not half as busy as you must be. But if you get a minute and actually read this personally, I'd love to hear from you. Star Atchison thank you again.
REBEKAH,, Let people realize the truth about life and everything that goes with it.
D.T.,, Neo-Tech has changed my life greatly, I'm on a never ending journey of which I never want to return. Without Neo-Tech I would have remained lost in a world full of confusion and hallucinations, I have a lot of work to do yet, but I know with D.T.C. I will achieve my goals. I believe that I have taken the red pill and on my way to freedom. Darlene T. (Baby Zon) P.S. I would like to thank all who made it possible. Mark Hamilton, Frank R. Wallace, Eric Savage, and Tracey Alexander
M.B.,, Ireland This web site is the best thing that could have happen to me, it opens new doors to my individual awareness. Thanks to be there.
THOMAS G. A.S.,, ARAPAHOE The best information available to help every person on this earth
S.F.,, I am thoroughly intrigued by the site and the information. I recently ordered the books and am impatiently awaiting their arrival. I was a bit reluctant to order after reading a few of the negative comments but have since learned that we were given free will by GOD and therefore are entitled to the abundance HE has promised.
J.C.,, U.S. Neo-Tech is a source of knowledge for select individuals who strive for a better life versus letting negative people affect them. So learn to open up your eyes and see past the negative people and let the magic work its way with you.
A.S.,, Pakistan Simply state-of-the-art product. Unbelievable!
R.S.,, The most enlightening info. I have come across in a long time.
Dorothy,, Neo-Tech has given me so much too look forward too. I am so very tired of having my monies stolen from me and so much of my life spent in this upside down world. I am so excited about my new found knowledge.
K.J.,, I thank you for your tremendously scholarly web site.
R.L.,, PERU You have predicted that the dictators will be falling down. We are seeing that in PERU.
E.S.,, Very enlightening.
V.P., I have seen a lot of things in my day, but this is Beyond anything I could ever imagine. I want be apart of this in the worst way. I think this web site is one that everyone should know about.
M.C.,, The Zonpower/Neo-Tech Discovery has totally changed my life forever.
J.R.,, The revelation of truth and knowledge is an enlightening aperture to humanity to join into the everlasting source of knowledge and to rule over the planet earth!
C.R.,, This information is incredible, I've never read anything like this before. Just scanning it has opened my mind to new possibilities.
M.B., Thinking becomes real! You are getting people to think. Be leaders not followers.
L.H.,, You are doing a great service to mankind and no amount of name calling or illusion should be allowed to interfere with your purpose. Thank you for 'waking me up' to the truth.
F.Flores,, Neo-tech has the potential to provide the tools for persons to create their own freedom from a hoax filled society. Your web page allows anyone to find the tool or tools to begin their freedom march.
S Jack,, Australia The most powerful piece of literature I've read in years.
Kimilee,, I desire. I hunger for more Neo-Tech information. I thrive of Neo-Tech knowledge. More, More More is what I yearn for, Thank you for changing my life for the better.
E.P.,, U.S.A NEO-TECH should remain on the web. I write the neo-tech web site all over the place I think it should be translated to many other languages and put on foreign search engines. I despise all parasitical elites, neo-cheaters, pseudo intellectuals and duped followers. I try to enlighten the public and open their eyes that only they can emancipate themselves from mental slavery. Neo-Tech will open their eyes or send them deeper into denial.
, I am a 20 year military veteran, age 59. It seems most of what I grew up defending and believing in is crumbling before my eyes. During the 'cold war' we were told about the evils of Communism, and how these 'evil' governments abused their citizens. I always scoffed at the idea that it could happen in our own country. But it seems the enemy is HERE and not THERE! How anyone could actually work for the IRS is beyond me. Of course Hiltler's henchmen always used the excuse, 'I was made to do it.... It was my job!'
P. D.,, Although I am still reading "the story", I find it very refreshing & I can actually see some breaking through illusions within myself as I continue to read the rest of the story. I was once like those third graders, yet there were adults who didn't give me the road map I needed, and they meant well. but their ways closed me down for a long time. thank for "the story", but I am still waiting for my "god-man" book, please send it to me soon, I've been waiting for a while! thanks
Zach,, I think that what you are doing here is awesome, please keep up the good work and share your information with everyone.
Domino,, Maintain acceleration until escape velocity
David,, I absolutely love you people. feel you have saved me from certain death and destruction.
d.c.,, It's amazing, as it is confirming to find out that not studying but living, one will come into the light of understanding. Enlightened man is god.
R. A.,, Mr. Hamilton: I have a copy of "The Book", which I am roughly half way finished with. "The Story", by the way, was great. I was in love with Miss Annabel by the end of chapter three or four. In fact, I had a vision of what she might look like, and once she was described, I was 99% correct. The only miss I had was the shade of her eyes. Not the color, just the shade. It was a strange feeling for me to have visioned her so clearly in my mind. Putting the Neo-Tech vision into story form was brilliant, for it allowed me to easily understand what you are trying to accomplish. You shortened my learning curve considerably. The story was a bit eerie for me because some of the things discussed have been a part of me since I was 4 or 5 years old. If I had had a teacher like Ms. Annabel, I wouldn't be 37 years old getting ready to get ready. I wouldn't be a loser!!! Anyway, I have been perusing the Neo-tech website, and it is a great site. I just finished reading the treatise concerning our right to not incriminate ourselves. That was a great article. I am currently studying the international business information as well. I will admit that some of the information, especially that section which replaces the biblical perspective of John with the Neo-Tech version caught me by surprise, but otherwise I have enjoyed what I have studied. I am curious about which direction I should go once I finish "The Book". I have received several advertisements from your company to purchase other materials, each sounding better than the last, but I have no idea which direction to go. My inclination and desire is to follow up "The Book" with the publication that deals with clouding people's minds and developing wealth and love in the process. But I really unsure. Maybe, if you have the time, you could give me your opinion, since you are in the thick of things. By the way, I want to thank you for helping me find my "Friday Night Essence". I had never even heard of such a thing, let alone find it within myself. Since reading your material, I have nearly finished two manuscripts, and I am formulating several business ventures. I'm still working on my procrastination and my flab, but I now have a clearer vision of where my life is to go. Thank you very, very much. Finding my Friday Night Essence alone was worth the price of "The Book". Thank you for your time. All my best. Until next time...
M.G.,, I bought the book on just what the small pamphlet told me. True, I had major second thoughts about buying it, but I wanted to try it. It is now two months later and I have read through THE STORY (MAKE IT A MOVIE, MAN!!!) and over half the of the rest. When I began reading THE STORY, I was trying to loose weight, but was unlucky at all the temptations out there. Well, I have now lost a total of 17 pounds since then and it has stayed off. After reading THE BOOK, I found out what I want to do. I really wanted to become a writer and inventor. I already have one book almost complete, two others in the making, and about six inventions on the drawing board. And add on top of that, I have begun reading books about QUANTUM PHYSICS! A year ago, I would not even dream of touching the complexity of it, but know, I already have a hypothesis in the works. And to top off the Sundae, I am only 21 and am working full time and going to class full time. Now that is something that I am still amazed about.
D. L.,, Neo-Tech has definitely changed my thinking patterns. I almost feel the digitizing programs making me think honestly. It has also changed my love life. A girl that dumped me two months ago is now pursuing me. She is a fox and I am definitely happy about that.
Kevin O'Keane,, I love my life and my family and am truly happy because the world has been revealed and I can see clearly it will be a beautiful CU.
M,, What I have learned from NT has made me a fortune. What I also realize is that I barely even turned on the spigot. I continue to work on Self Responsibility and Integrated Honesty. Keep up the good work and I hope to see you at the next Summit.
R.S.,, Hello, I love this site! I was never really religious as a child (well.. I'm still a child.. I'm 16..) I discovered wicca and pagan religions when I was 12 and continued learning about them until 2 years ago when I woke up one day and said 'Sandy.. this is bullshit..' And I never looked back. I met a great little boy named Phil who introduced me to neo-tech. I started reading about it and promptly fell in love (with both neotech and phil..) I was feeling sort of weird since I was no longer pagan.. Things seemed awkward because I didn't have that 'older brother' to lean on. Reading neotech helped me see that I am powerful and I don't need silly ideas to help me through my life. Thank you for changing my life for the better.
M.G.,, When I read through THE BOOK (which I am still reading and enjoying) I found what I wanted to do since I was a kid. I always looked at the stars and wondered what was out there. Now, I am on my way to figuring out the beginning of a hypothesis in quantum physics, and I'm only 21. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!! I want this site to stay on the web. I have tried to go to it almost every day to find out new ideas and ways to see through the illusions. In my life, I have met up with people from my past that were bullies to me and thanked them. I am writing three novels and one screen play right now as well as the QP hypothesis and going to college and working full time. I have begun to work my studies and writings into those mini-days that you talked about. AGAIN, THANK YOU SO MUCH FRANK WALLACE!!!
N.J.,, Canada I'm about 2/3 the way through reading 'The Book' It is astounding.
M.C., I have the original manuscript, it has opened my eyes to many things. I am awaiting the next We need this information!
D.M.,, Neo-Tech has awakened my mind. It is the most important piece of literature that I have found. If everyone used the techniques described in this literature the world would be a better place for us all.
E.S.,, U.K. Keep up the good work! Well done Neo-Tech
R.A.,, I just finished reading "The Story". It was excellent. It put Neo-Tech into the proper perspective for me. My favorite sections were the interactions between Ms. Annabelle and her young students, much like the interactions between Robin Williams and his students in "The Dead Poets Society", only much more meaningful. By the end of the second chapter I had formed in my mind what Ms. Annabelle would look like, including hair color, eye color, skin tone, height, body structure, everything. When we finally got a description of her, I couldn't believe it because except for the shade (I got the color right), of her eyes, which were darker than I imagined, I was dead on in every aspect. I was in love with Ms. Annabelle, and I longed to be in her class. I seem to be naturally drawn to Neo-Tech. When I was a young child I created my own fantasy world to protect myself from the trauma I was suffering, and that fantasy world was built on a foundation of honesty, truth, fairness, integrity, and justice. Go figure!!! The Neo Tech world is one that I would gladly embrace and fight for. I am still digging through "The Book", which I will probably be doing for some time. There is an awful lot of information to absorb. But I will keep on. Keep up the good work.
Alice, I really admire the knowledge that I have read here. Keep up the good work.
c.w., Love it
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