"Just want to thank you folks for initiating the most divine mission available in this day and age. Also, now that a few of us 'out there' know the concepts, Neo-Tech will always be on the web -- in one form or another -- until irrationality is completely diffused. Here's to your endeavors!"
M.B., metrokc.gov, 2/20/97
"This is a super site delivering a cornucopia of values to enrich me mentally, sexually, financially. I have just completed the all powerful, 'nuclear power-like' Mystic Busting Bible, I literally feel and sense how I am moving into a new dimension!! Today I made more money then most make in a week! As I walked back to my office I sensed a powerful force which I know with certainty will propel me into limitless wealth and power. I am like a hungry lion! I am hungry for more Neo-Tech!!! Please make the other 'To Appear' articles available soon! I'm looking forward to Maria's next article, hit me with your powerful integrations baby!!!"
B.R., co.za, 2/20/97, South Africa
"Someone has to keep telling the truth until the world wakes up to what is and has been going on for so long. Thank you for this site."
J.L., aol.com, 2/20/97
"I believe the neo-tech concepts work and I believe strongly that this is what has to be done to change this world and get the parasites out of power."
H.A., nv.us, 2/20/97
"Let Zon rule cyberspace!"
G.K., aol.com, 2/20/97
"Please expand this site."
R.C., hoymail.com, 2/20/97
"Neo-Tech is a great site and I've enjoyed reading the pages I've read thus far. I'll explore the Neo-Tech site often."
J.G., aol.com, 2/20/97
"I appreciate what you are doing for mankind."
J.S., netropolis.net, 2/20/97
"Excellent piece of information. The information and ideas expressed in this technology are completely riveting. I completely understand and firmly believe in these ways!"
F.C., aol.com, 2/19/97
"I am a student, and have found that reading Neo-tech/Zonpower books have been beneficial. I still have not completely destroyed all my inner mysticism, but cannot wait until I do. I also realized how alone I am in my age group. This does not matter to me, only that I do not understand why others have not been inspired as I have."
J.L., monterey.edu, 2/19/97
"Way cool site, man."
A.A., nv.us, 2/19/97
"This is the most incredible thing I have ever seen. P.S. I don't know if this site should remain or not. I don't know if information so powerful should be available to just anyone."
C.D., utk.edu, 2/19/97
"good site, it must stay on the web."
C.C., univ-tlse1.fr, 2/19/97, France
"You are the most important people in the universe. Keep up the good work."
L.A., msn.com, 2/19/97
"I thoroughly enjoyed reading some of the articles and also some of the testimonials. Keep up the good work!"
S.G., bc1.com, 2/18/97, Canada
"Wonderful site. I surfed in by accident and will return to learn more."
J.L., voicenet.com, 2/18/97
"Neo-Tech has published the most useful books in history."
J.K., washjeff.edu, 2/18/97
"I don't believe so many people should be enlightened by this powerful information!"
K.W., mho.net, 2/18/97
"Any organization or belief system that can upset as many bureaucrats as yours apparently has, must have a great deal of truth in it."
P.B., snet.net, 2/18/97
"I think people without an open mind should just stay out of this site."
A.O., disposable.com, 2/18/97
"I found this site to be very fulfilling and illuminating. This concept is very refreshing and I would like to know more."
S.G., wolf-web.com, 2/18/97
"cool web page."
B.A., juno.com, 2/18/97
"I find this information very interesting and thought provoking. I have found many of my own thoughts and feelings reflected in your pages."
B.L., msn.com, 2/18/97
"Thank-you for your very important site."
R.M., oneonta.edu, 2/18/97
"Wow!! You've put into words the natural chain of events! I enjoyed this immensely."
J.O., msn.com, 2/18/97
"A wonderful piece of work. Keep up the great writing."
T.M., aol.com, 2/18/97
"I received great values and insights."
J.G., msn.com, 2/18/97
"It was great reading the information about Neo- Tech."
E.S., mvnet.de, 2/17/97, Germany
"Neo-Tech presents a great service and has a great deal of information useful to all. There should be no censorship on the web whatsoever. If anyone desires to remove this site from the web...send them my way. I'll convince them otherwise."
D.S., juno.com, 2/17/97
"Your web site is very informative. I enjoy Neo Tech and I am glad that you are growing and succeeding in your goals. I think that it is great that you are putting Ayn Rand and the Objectivist movement into perspective. It needs it. Keep up the great work. Thanks."
C.R., aol.com, 2/17/97
"Neo-Tech is fascinating, and within my many research areas."
L.A., msmisp.com, 2/16/97
"Fantastic site! The information is a must for any high achiever."
A.G., co.cr, 2/16/97
"I stumbled across your 'Global Wealth Power' and simply couldn't stop reading it while online."
A.T., aol.com, 2/16/97
"Brilliant Publications .Keep Up The Outstanding Work."
C.R., iafrica.com, 2/16/97, South Africa
"This is definitely the most valuable site on the Web. Neo-Tech is clear and concise, Neo-Tech is more then a masterpiece. Neo-tech is the future, and those who won't be able to deal with reality will fade away. Just keep up the good work."
G.B., srce.hr, 2/15/97, Croatia
"Keep expanding for the survival of all honest, hard working, intelligent people with the desire to keep living, growing, producing and progressing in every way."
A.D., octonline.com, 2/15/97, Canada
"I am enjoying reading your sites."
R.M., aol.com, 2/15/97
"I like it."
A.H., aol.com, 2/15/97
"The sight is great and should expand."
J.I., ct.us, 2/15/97
"I happened to run into your homepage. Like it a lot, actually makes sense."
J.K., imap.3, 2/15/97
"I have become very personally involved with the philosophy of Objectivism. I think that Neo-Tech Objectivism will take me even farther. I think this is the philosophy for the 21st century and beyond."
D.S., aol.com, 2/15/97
"Incredible site, with a rational basis. Quite an antidote to the mystic disempowering drivel on the Net."
R.D., islandnet.com, 2/15/97, Canada
"I review and read your pages at least once per week."
L.L., prodigy.net, 2/14/97
"The ultimate in real information that answers many of my lifelong questions. Anxiously awaiting the Civilization of the Universe and am working on eliminating my own mysticism (I had it big time!) thank you forever."
K.J., mmm.com, 2/14/97
"This is the one of the most valuable web-site on the Net. I hope that the master-crooks, Clinton&Gore, are successful in putting the Net in everybody's hand. It will be their undoing because honesty and objective rational thought will be unleashed to the demise of liberalism and socialism."
M.H., starent.com, 2/14/97
"Neo-tech must stay on the web. We are losing to many freedoms, neo-tech must win."
V.M., nv.us, 2/14/97
"I think your web site is wonderful!!!"
P.N., va.gov, 2/14/97
"Wonderful site! It is amazing what can be learned here."
A.P., aol.com, 2/14/97, United Kingdom
"The NeoTech/Zonpower Discovery helped open my eyes as to who the REAL cheaters and criminals in the world are. I also am aware of many more 'control mechanisms' politicians have ingrained in our minds and can reject their government as big brother, father and mother."
M.J., vertexinc.com, 2/14/97
"THE most valuable web site on the Net. Neo-Tech literature is an enormously powerful weapon for the individual to rise out of the stagnation trap and trailblaze new values for mankind. This site is needed to reach that critical mass of value producers so we can ostracize the neocheaters off the face of the earth and enter the Civilization of the Universe. Don't stop expanding. I would like to see an online NT community (Civilization of the Universe?) where value producers can interact."
A.L., com.au, 2/14/97, Australia
"I like your ideas and am very much interested."
V.T., edu.kw, 2/14/97, Kuwait
"I thought Ayn Rand was the only one that ever understood this and her works were suppressed by the Altruistic Regime. It is very rewarding to see that someone has taken the next step. Keep up the effort. Keep up the example."
N.K., aol.com, 2/14/97
"This sight is a must. Should NT leave the web? That would be a dark day in cyberspace! These concepts have propelled me into a new world of happiness and competence."
J.M., aol.com, 2/14/97
"Thanks to the net and your site, I regularly log in to catch up and stay in contact."
R.E., com.au, 2/14/97, Australia
"Wallace's books are not just as a system of living but a system to prosper and grow by!"
V.M., nv.us, 2/14/97
"Greatest eye opener, mind expanding knowledge I ever received. Only wish I had it sooner."
P.K., pa.us, 2/13/97
G.G., spimageworks, 2/13/97
"Reality is not easy for me but I am now grasping it by the horns."
E.M., netcom.com, 2/13/97
"READ, IMPLEMENT, AND SPREAD we are almost there. Even though the fall of communism and the Berlin wall seemed to happen overnight, those events will seem glacier-like compared to the hyper-speed pace we are about to enter into with the final world-wide acceptance of the Neo-Tech philosophy. THANK YOU MR. FRANK WALLACE!"
T.W., aol.com, 2/13/97
"This is a good site. I am trying to get people to read this cool stuff."
C.A., nv.us, 2/13/97
"Show me how I can get involved. Let's have celebrations. I want to meet other Neo-Tech people. What about the summits?"
J.S., globalthink.com, 2/12/97
"This is my first time on this web sight. I will visit more often."
C.M., nv.us, 2/12/97
"Great site! All the upcoming features sound great. I can't wait to read Frank's novels, and listen to his Opera's."
E.M., co.nz, 2/12/97, New Zealand
"Your site is Great Great Great!!"
R.B., hp.com, 2/12/97
"I like to read comments from other neo-tech owners."
G.M., com.au, 2/12/97, Australia
"I intend to completely explore this page in the days to come."
A.P., flash.net, 2/12/97
"Great Site."
J.P., ac.uk, 2/12/97, England
"Your site is a great reference source!"
S.B., wl.com, 2/12/97
"Magnificent site."
A.D., net.au, 2/12/97, Australia
"I would like to commend whoever is responsible for creating this web site it is a true source of enlightenment and education. I would like to pursue studying this discovery for a more thorough understanding of the possibilities and power available with this knowledge. I have enjoyed researching and learning about suppressed information."
G.G., pacbell.net, 2/12/97
"The Neo-Tech web site is a great tool for reference."
B.T., servtech.com, 2/11/97
"I am a Neo-Tech owner and the thoughts behind this system are very useful. Anyone looking to make changes in their life, this is a great way to start."
V.V., wwnet.com, 2/11/97
"Good site, lots of information. Very generous to provide so much stuff."
R.M., nv.us, 2/11/97
"I can't say enough about the values and knowledge brought to me by ALL the Neo-Tech writers and editors. I feel a certain power over all destroyers of life. My 'personal terminator' is getting better with every passing day. Thank You Frank, Mark, and all who have contributed Neothink ideas."
S.N., nv.us, 2/11/97
"Keep this site going and growing ! I return to it often and have given out the url to countless people in high recommendation for what you are saying."
K.W., null.net, 2/11/97
"I completely love this site! I've been a Neo-Tech reader and user for about 5 years, and I find that I'm learning so much more on the site. Keep it up!!"
R.R., uc.edu, 2/11/97
"Your concepts about individuals make a lot of sense to me. Rational selfishness is the best tool to pursue happiness. The creation of surplus values seems to be the moral way to help one another."
R.L., compuserve.com, 2/11/97
"I must commend your courage and convictions for publishing what many might consider heretical and/or anti-establishment opinions. And for that, whether we agree or disagree, we as Americans and free-thinking people everywhere must applaud your efforts. Keep up the good work, and thanks."
S.B., aol.com, 2/11/97
"Great site...keep up the good fight."
G.B., mb.ca, 2/10/97, Canada
"I absolutely believe the honest values at your web site will be the key to ousting destructive, freeloading, parasites on a local, national, and global level. Keep up the 'Ultimate Battle' between honesty and effort vs. dishonesty and laziness."
D.D., telepath.com, 2/10/97
"This site makes it easier for more and more people to learn about this incredibly valuable technology."
R.W., erols.com, 2/10/97
"Best site on the net. I have read a lot of it and hope to read it all. I spend more time on this site than any other site on the net."
N.Q., utah.edu, 2/10/97
"The site is an excellent reference site for the Neo tech literature with the keyword search facilities."
W.S., aol.com, 2/10/97, United Kingdom
T.M., hotmail.com, 2/10/97
"I have found your page to be thought-provoking and needed. As well, it provides a critical pause to status quo thinking. I look forward to seeing this page further developed."
S.H., aol.com, 2/10/97
"I appreciate all the effort that you are doing to expose neocheating and mysticism, especially from the government. This site is very important to the advance and development of Neo-Tech all around the world. I live in Mexico, that is an unhappy country infected by the cheating and mysticism of the government and religious leaders. This web site is very important for the initial exposure of Neo-Tech to Mexicans. This site can help improve the unhappy way of life for the people in this country. I think that sooner or later, Neo-Tech will win here in Mexico and all around the world."
A.C., com.mx, 2/10/97, Mexico
"From the little I have read, I do believe this work is extremely beneficial to all those who are fortunate enough to encounter it."
T.D., www.aol, 2/10/97
"I find the Zonpower web site invaluable as it keeps me informed of current values from Neo-Tech Publishing."
K.T., co.za, 2/10/97, South Africa
"Your web site is absolutely necessary, many people need to see this. To sum it up, CATALYST."
J.W., aol.com, 2/10/97
"I think you will change humanity. I have been telling all the people I know with access to the NET about your site."
C.G., aol.com, 2/10/97
"I immensely enjoy all of the information that you have on the Internet. I am very supportive of your efforts and demonstration of courage to expose the true realities in our world."
T.N., dec.com, 2/10/97
"This web site is, by far, the most profoundly valuable I've ever encountered. As a Libertarian and Objectivist, I find the content to be wonderfully thought provoking and intellectually stimulating. I have seen only a portion of the site thus far, but I am eager to learn more about Neo Tech. Thank you so much!"
K.H., aol.com, 2/9/97
"This is the most valuable and the web page going."
V.J., thegrid.net, 2/9/97
"Looking forward to the Civilization of the Universe. Imagine a world without dishonest government."
G.B., island.net, 2/9/97, Canada
"Your site promotes 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.' The Neo-Tech literature literally saved me from suicide at age 48. Through Neo-Tech I am learning how to EARN self-esteem, protect myself from dishonesty, define my own mission, produce and market my own products and services, do my own accounting in non-traditional ways that guarantee success. The happiness I long ago dreamed was possible is dawning again in me. I see how I can make a difference, starting by applying the right information (Neo-Tech) to transform myself and this world into the glorious Civilization that I know is possible for all."
M.M., cam.org, 2/9/97, Canada
"Great site... this is a great help...hope you are going to stay around and implement all that is proposed...keep strong."
K.P., msn.com, 2/9/97
"I really enjoy your web-site. I have accessed it several times. I appreciate the fact that you present both positive and negative views on Neo-tech. That proves honesty is at work here."
M.O., webtv.com, 2/9/97
"This site is the most valuable on the web. I want it to expand forever! This is the best and only way to let the humans around the world see how the world functions. This is the only site who tells you this in an honest way."
N.G., swipnet.se, 2/9/97, Sweden
"Neo-Tech has penetrated the knowledge boundaries of human existence. Subjects that benefit the human race. For the benefit of the whole world, this web site should remain intact for us humans to continue our knowledge growth and understanding of ourselves, and to stop once fand or all the human suffering."
A.R., prtc.net, 2/8/97
"I want this web site, I need this web site."
G.W., anewvision.com, 2/8/97
"I am a Neo Tech owner since 1987 and have benefited incalculably since absorbing it and taking it on board in 1991. Thank you for Neo Tech. I cannot over emphasize the benefits to my life from having come across it. Every moment I am living is now also enhanced by the Zone favorable diet thanks to your reference to Barry Sears' book."
G.W., co.uk, 2/8/97, England
"I want to order Neo-Tech books and materials but I couldn't find your catalogue or list of products with the prices on your site. I was looking all over your site but I just couldn't find it."
D.D., com.cy, 2/8/97, Cyprus
"This is a very clean, professional, and well presented."
W.A., dedot.com, 2/8/97
"I have only read a few pages so far concerning your theories but find them quite interesting."
C.B., com.au, 2/8/97, Australia
"Excellent web site, one of the most valuable and powerful that I have found. It just may save mankind. I would like to see more intellectual ammunition like this. Thanks, keep up the great work."
G.G., msn.com, 2/7/97
"Neo-tech is unstoppable. It is strange, but as a homosexual, I am experiencing desires for the opposite sex. I never thought this desire could be possible. wow!!! I feel great, moving towards or expressing my biological nature makes me feel profoundly happy. AH! how good she looks, I can't wait to experience pleasures together. The more objectively productive I become, I experience these growing desires to the same degree."
L.M., hotmail.com, 2/7/97
"'Dismissing Professional Value Destroyers' sounds like what I need. I have drawn much comfort since reading Mark Hamilton's 'Get Rich by 2001'. I am still in the process of integrating and applying to my life all the new concepts your company has contributed to the people who long to be free of oppression."
L.R., dancris.com, 2/7/97
"I love the web site, I just need to spend more time caught in it so I can fully consume it. I have much to learn, and I plan to use this site for my education. Thank you, goodbye."
R.R., aol.com, 2/7/97
"This site is a conch shell of rationality washed up on a beach of dishonesty. Good luck in keeping the beauty flow."
J.P., nni.com, 2/7/97
"This IS the MOST VALUABLE site period. Neo-Tech is based on the Objectivist philosophy where you have to examine everything from all angles, all sides. You have to integrate all known facts with objective reasoning to benefit ALL. EVERYONE, including the people who want to ban this site, are being deprived of real happiness. After discovering Neo-Tech, I have made INCREDIBLE realizations about my life, our lives, and where everything's going."
B.H., heald.edu, 2/7/97
"This is very important information that everyone needs. It will help to speed up the revolution."
D.D., usit.net, 2/7/97
M.M., nv.us, 2/7/97
"If this site was banned or ceased to exist the future would indeed be bleak."
M.I., fazer.com, 2/7/97, United Kingdom
"I am grateful this information is made available period, but at no cost to the viewer, that's nothing short of amazing!"
E.S., aol.com, 2/7/97
"Very informative - mind blowing if I may say so -- Great source of information and knowledge of different perspective. Keep up the good work. I will be back tomorrow to continue reading."
D.P., specdata.com, 2/7/97
"I find Zonpower tenets most intriguing food for thought. I just ran across it tonight. I think it's great for thinking people."
K.E., aol.com, 2/7/97
"I think that Neo-Tech should expand and it will."
K.B., com.au, 2/6/97, Australia
"Neo-tech has changed my life and to this day is continuing to do so. The great power this gives an individual is exhilarating and contagious."
D.R., hotmail.com, 2/6/97, Canada
"Neo-Tech has been, the primary source of new knowledge, for me as I'm sure it is has been for most that have ever read and understood a Neo-Tech book. My mysticism, is what lead me to Neo-Tech, and anyone who is mystical will eventually turn to Neo-Tech. Why? Because mysticism is a 'drug' and in time, you'll need more of it to make you 'FEEL' better about your life, money, health, love, and self-esteem problems. When one starts to have questions about their 'Higher Authorities', power to make their dreams or desires come true, one starts to look for a more potent mystical doctrine. I went from being a practicing catholic to Kahuna, to hypnosis and others, to finally arrive at Neo-Tech. This is real, it's not automatic, it works from your efforts to achieve what you desire and not, what some 'God' says is good for you, or 'God' has his reason for things being this way. Neo-Tech has been a very positive addition to my life, and will forever continue be a part of my life. Neo-Tech should always stay in Cyberspace, because as Neo-tech expands, conscience life does also."
J.M., netcom.com, 2/6/97
"I believe this web site to be one of the most valuable and informative I have ever explored. It contains vast amounts of knowledge on virtually every aspect of my life and I continually refer back to it for more and more insight. The information presented has given my mind the 'pegs' to hang on to when I deal with those around me, who are submerged in mystical dogma. Being a college student, majoring in business no less, I am more susceptible to what my peers 'teach' me. It is vital that I continue to be exposed to this literature and especially to this web site."
L.H., cup.edu, 2/6/97
"I check this web site every day for updates, and make sure that I read one chapter each day. It has become an integral part of my daily life (fits right into one of my mini days. This sight should be part of the Internet until the Internet is obsolete."
T.R., aol.com, 2/6/97
"This site is very inspirational. I use it in my personal development."
M.T., dec.com, 2/6/97
"Excellent stuff."
J.S., co.uk, 2/6/97, United Kingdom
"One thing I love about this web site is that it is not an evangelistic web site asking people to follow. Rather, it focuses on everyone's self-effort. Thanks for doing an excellent job. I sincerely hope that you will achieve the goal of eradicating mysticism. What a beautiful world that would be! Excellent work!"
A.A., nv.us, 2/6/97
"I love this site! Finally some real knowledge instead of that boring mainstream stuff! Great men are they who know that thoughts rule the World!"
G.G., pacbell.net, 2/6/97
"This sight is very informative in helping to share knowledge that is vital to the future of mankind. I hope that you continue to use this site to enlighten many unaware human beings of the parasitical elite. Keep up the good work."
T.B., aol.com, 2/5/97
"This site is providing a valuable community service by allowing people to consider alternatives to the system that is being thrust down our throats by megalomaniac governments of this world. Stay on the net and don't bow to the pressures that must be being exerted upon you."
A.J., com.au, 2/5/97
"You can't eliminate the only hope we have."
L.D., cvn.net, 2/5/97
"Almost everyday I come online to this web site and just browse for new information and to brush up on favorite works like Zonpower in Cyberspace. I really feel that this is a place I can commune in. I feel among friends here. It is a new and powerful experience for me to feel empowered over my life. I feel that there should be a lot of credit placed in the hands of the many authors that contribute to this superior site."
B.L., callutheran.edu, 2/5/97
"This site should definitely continue. It is an extremely valuable resource. Keep up the good work."
G.B., nv.us, 2/5/97
"This site should DEFINITELY stay on the web. I have found that the information in this site provides a totally new outlook to things, and has even helped me develop personally in my work and home environments. PLEASE don't take this site off the web."
M.B., daknet.com, 2/5/97
"Keep on telling the truth!!! We are looking for it!!"
J.D., sprynet.com, 2/5/97
"This is an extremely valuable site. I fervently hope that it remains on the Web ...the world desperately needs this information."
S.B., pol.net, 2/5/97
"Please keep this site on the web. I have become quite accustomed to reading Neo-Tech during lunch at work. It re-energizes me and is very beneficial in this setting as I can immediately apply the concepts I have just read to actual situations at work."
W.M., kmtnet.com, 2/5/97
"Take this off the web! BAH! the government just wants us to obey big brother and be slaves of one big brother! I can easily see their reasoning for trying to be rid of this. Obviously people are protesting this because they don't want good people to get a hold of it and turn the tables in their favor."
P.G., mindspring.com, 2/5/97
"Keep it!!! Or it's the first step to censorship of the Internet!!!!!!"
C.C. mindspring.com, 2/5/97
"This is the site of sites and should never be removed from the web."
A.M., jetstream.net, 2/5/97, Canada
"You have the most valuable site on the net. Only a sick mind would want it banned."
C.B., hotmail.com, 2/5/97, England
"I had never heard of Neo-Tech until I stumbled upon this page completely by accident today. This is very exciting information!!! I definitely think this page should REMAIN on the web. Everyone should have a chance to read this."
J.D., utk.edu, 2/5/97
"If Clinton/Dole/Billy Grahmn types wish to remain in power, they must IMMEDIATELY squash this radical, 'we don't need you' message. What would they do without followers? What would followers do without leaders? Web sites like Neo-Tech must be nipped in the bud if the status quo is to survive. Stop this horror, NOW, before people use its power! If individuals are allowed to use Neo-Tech, then why would we need god or government? Neo-Tech will upset everything. Stop it NOW!"
J.L., aol.com, 2/5/97
"Your efforts are reaching individuals all over the world. The momentum is building. The writing on this site is needed to help turn this world right side up and it's starting to work. Keep going!"
R.K., erols.com, 2/5/97
"This is an excellent web site. As a student of Objectivism, this program of yours seems like the next logical step in the advancement of knowledge -- the implementation of Ayn Rand's ground-breaking work."
B.C., pacbell.net, 2/5/97
"Indubitably.....keep this sites, for many good reasons.....the least of which is that it is my home page of choice !!!!!"
N.N., aol.com, 2/5/97
"the site is choice...there is something for everyone here....keep it."
P.P., compuserve.com, 2/5/97
"The best site on the entire information highway. Let there be honesty."
R.G., electriciti.com, 2/5/97
"It would be tragic for every decent individual using the Internet to lose this site. The information is a treasure trove of powerful, turnkey information. Where else can a lowly person find information to fix most of his/her problems? This site continues to inspire. The information is too powerful to be stopped by any individual or group of individuals. NE0-TECH SHOULD BE KEPT ON THE WEB AND EXPANDED."
E.R., aol.com, 2/5/97
"Please please please KEEP this site! If it is taken off, it would be caving into the Neocheater's."
B.H., igs.net, 2/5/97
"This web site should continue to expand until all mysticism has been uprooted and rejected. When the anti-civilization collapses and we all are Zon, then this site will no longer be needed. Until that time, this site must continue to grow."
M.W., tiac.net, 2/5/97
"Apart from free speech, why should this site be banned? Because it stirs people to thought and to contemplate their existence and likely futures? Hmmmmm. Sounds like a good use for Internet."
R.A., aol.com, 2/4/97
S.B, aol.com, 2/4/97
"YES! Emphatically Yes...Please keep the Neo-Tech web site alive. I have been a reader of your materials since 1987...happiness is growing as my business grows! Thanks for your genius."
D.V., naplesnet.com, 2/4/97
"I've been a supporter of Neo-Tech for about 10 years now, It is one of the most important pieces of work ever created by man, for man. Neo-Tech has proven itself to me many times. It has given me great leverage in life. I went from a pizza delivery driver to a successful General Manager for a national Motel chain. Neo-tech must remain on the web. And it must continue to expand without limit for the sake of humanity."
J.A., icanect.net, 2/4/97
"Thanks to you, all of my questions have been cleared, and I have reclaimed clarity of thought and conviction of the soul, commodities that I once had but lost. Again, sincerely, thank you for clearing the mist in my mind, and allowing me to see what must be done so clearly."
B.B., ohio-state.edu, 2/4/97
"This is a great site! I was introduced to Neo-Tech about eight years ago and it was truly a transformational experience. My life has not been the same since I was introduced to Neo-Tech. At first the information is very hard to take. In fact, the information is startling. But, once the initial shock wore off I realized I was reading the most important information I had ever come in contact with. The effects of Neo-Tech will never leave me. Thanks for this important work."
G.M., netcom.com, 2/4/97
"I think you have a great web site, and it should not be banned from the web. If it were banned that would be a great loss to mankind."
G.D., aol.com, 2/4/97
"There is no constitutional reason to remove or ban your web site."
L.B., enter.net, 2/4/97
"This web site is a MUST! It would be a crime AGAINST humanity to REMOVE it. I NEED this web site. I beg you, DO NOT REMOVE IT!"
M.W., cass.net, 2/4/97
"Of course this site should remain...at least until the dishonesty disease/epidemic is cured worldwide."
R.K., nv.us, 2/4/97
"great site, waiting for interactive zon."
J.M., ldd.net, 2/4/97
"There is a lot of good information available, I hope you continue to maintain this web site."
M.P., zinc.com, 2/4/97
"The basic Neo-Tech idea does command my attention."
T.S., cac.net, 2/4/97
"Cutting edge !! at last !!"
M.Z., hotmail.com, 2/4/97, Bolivia
B.R., co.za, 2/4/97, South Africa
"Neo-Tech should most definitely REMAIN, GROW and EXPAND on the Internet. It is without a doubt the most important web-site there is. Neo-Tech is 100% positive, constructive and pro-life. Neo-Tech creates REAL people, far removed from all the con-artists, manipulators, losers and general low-lifes who are merely parasites in human form [metaphorically AND literally]. Reading Neo-Tech is like putting on a pair of special sunglasses; one finally 'WAKES UP' to what is really going on; the neocheaters and all their dirty tricks are 'EXPOSED'."
M.L., lamp.ac.uk, 2/4/97
"Dear Drew, I am completely and totally at a loss for words. I accidentally stumbled onto this site at about 2 am and it is now 7:30am. I must say that you have made a science out of it. I have been reading and absorbing info like a sponge."
M.L., spiritone.com, 2/4/97
"There is certainly a great deal of good information conveyed here, information that can do good for the individual. I intend not only to read, but also to work with the material on the site."
D.C., advancedenergy.com, 2/4/97
"I would DEFINITELY like the Neo-Tech WWW site to stay AND to expand. It's the best I come across! Only a fool (or a neocheater) would want to see this site terminated!!!"
A.D., factory.com, 2/4/97
"I think this site is just great. Keep up the good work."
A.M., alphamanagement.com, 2/4/97
"This is beyond my wildest dreams. An absolute wealth of information. I truly wish I never had to sleep so I could spend many more hours on your Web Site."
R.K., uia.net, 2/4/97
"I can't spend more than a day without verifying what's new on this sit. Thanks a lot for all the effort."
L.J., micronet.fr, 2/4/97
"Keep up the good work! Cyberspace is the only place that is possible to expand and move toward the civilization of the universe."
E.B., compuserve.com, 2/4/97
"Tell me more!!!!!!!!!!!!"
D.S., stc.net, 2/3/97
"This whole Neo-Tech information like the money/power/and love information has got me thinking about the future. Thanks for the insight of the Cyberspace Revolution."
M.D., mafia, 2/3/97
"I hope you keep your web site online. I go here whenever I get the chance. It's kind of a relief for me-just knowing it's here. It drastically changed the way I think about things. Please stick around. Keep up the brave work."
K.K., doi.com, 2/3/97
"I am amazed at all the free and honest information. I have always felt that lies have been masking the truth in the name of greed. It is obvious that there will no longer be a need for greed."
T.H., csufresno.edu, 2/3/97
"It's great."
A.R., nv.us, 2/3/97
"I want to see it all."
M.B., thevision.net, 2/3/97
"Unbelievable, where have I been! Power is with the informed."
B.J., nv.us, 2/3/97
"I really have enjoyed this very comprehensive web site."
A.N., nv.us, 2/3/97
"I have been a purchaser and student of Neo-Tech for the past 3-4 years. I am very impressed with your quickly improving web-site. I do my best to calm down and be patient for the end of big government and the return of rational thought especially when augmented with Neo-Tech Objectivism."
M.H., starent.com, 2/3/97
"This site is very well put together."
B.N., Sun.com, 2/3/97
"The concepts I have found in your WEB pages have shocked me."
J.V., mypostbox.com, 2/3/97, Australia
"Good, clear headed progressive thinking."
R.P., sprintmail.com, 2/3/97
"Interesting subject, I need to find out more, I'm am extremely curious."
J.T., hotmail.com, 2/3/97
"I like this a lot.. and agree with you."
S.S., pacbell.net, 2/2/97
"Interesting? Need to see more."
T.S., aol.com, 2/2/97
"Your right on track. I'm really impressed with your web site and the mounds of info it contains. Keep up the good work!"
S.J., nv.us, 2/2/97
"To me, this web page is a beacon of light for all those who hope to see the birth of a society (or of a new world) in which the populous represents a body of individual men who live their lives by the use of their independent minds. Your literature outlines the principles which are the foundation of rational conduct in life; I support your efforts and hope for your continued success. My comment about your web page is more of a 'thank you' than of an evaluation of the page itself."
L.P., nv.us, 2/2/97
"I've read much of the Neo-Tech and Zonpower materials. It's nice to have a place to go on the net that I can keep updated. The biggest use of the page is the search function. When I want to read up on a subject and how it relates, I can just search, it's great. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to all the future updates."
T.B., energynetwork.com, 2/2/97
"Very intriguing and thought-provoking."
M.Z., nv.us, 2/2/97
"Even though today is the first time I ever heard of Zonpower/Neo-Tech, I am very interested in your theories and I will continue researching this thing. Regarding to your site: Fast, clear, easily read."
R.M., netcom.com, 2/2/97
"Nice job, first time on your site, just started to read The Neo-Tech Discovery (Very Good)."
M.P., prodigy.net, 2/2/97
"This web site is great. Great for me to learn valuable knowledge."
Y.S., nasionet.net, 2/2/97, Malaysia
"Very interesting. I could easily spend hours jumping around reading the material you have made available. Thanks."
S.M., hotmail.com, 2/2/97
"This is a great site with a vast assortment of ideas."
B.W., cybersim.com, 2/1/97
"I do believe in the principles you have mentioned. I have always thought through discipline and effort people may advance mentally, economically, and emotionally."
D.H., swbell.net, 2/1/97
"What I have viewed so far makes me want to learn more about Neo-Tech and Zonpower."
S.H., nv.us, 2/1/97
"I liked it. Your book is very good too."
J.M., aol.com, 2/1/97
"This is very interesting indeed."
G.M., com.au, 2/1/97, Australia
"I found this very interesting!!!"
P.B., webTV.net, 2/1/97
"Very interesting. I plan to visit again."
S.O., nv.us, 2/1/97
"very insightful, the power of truth in knowledge."
J.P., aros.net, 2/1/97
"I've only been exposed to the Internet for about 25 hours and I have little previous computer experience. I think your page is great. I am already tired of other pages that raise more questions than they provide information. I also like the globe."
G.S., alltel.net, 2/1/97
"It's the greatest!!!"
S.B., aol.com, 1/31/97
"This is by far the most interesting web site I've seen yet. Your search feature makes finding useful information quick and easy. It just keeps getting better."
R.H., msn.com, 1/31/97
"I think you have developed an excellent web site."
R.M., netcom.com, 1/31/97
"Stunning, excellent format, and a breeze to surf. I have been an active member since 1987, since enlightenment, I have developed a direct marketing business currently turning over UK£691,200 per annum, with 52% net profits!!! If you require any testimonials of 'living proof' of the route to freedom, I remain on standby."
S.L., compuserve.com, 1/31/97, United Kingdom
"I am very excited about your site, very good information."
D.P., airmail.net, 1/31/97
"Your web site is very interesting."
G.T., infi.net, 1/31/97
"Impressive, most impressive."
C.S., nv.us, 1/31/97
"I was astounded. The information was so valuable that I just want to thank you for making it available. My New Year's resolution is to study ALL of these pages and to USE them!"
D.H., sircham, 1/31/97
"I'm just beginning to discover Neo-Tech."
Y.R., net.my, 1/31/97, Malaysia
"Great web site! Now I really want to know more!"
D.C., telis.org, 1/31/97
"A most impressive web-site. The information is really mind blowing."
C.S., nv.us, 1/31/97
"Interesting philosophy."
T.S., neu.edu, 1/31/97
"Interesting and worth study/contemplation."
J.F., concentric.net, 1/31/97
"This is an amazing discovery by Mr. Wallace. Thank-you for such powerful and mind blowing information."
S.C., net.com, 1/31/97, Australia
"Absolutely very helpful in achieving several important goals in my life and work."
P.O., pi.net, 1/31/97, Netherlands
"Congratulations on your neo tech web site. I enjoy your logic."
K.K., cdsnet.net, 1/31/97
"This web site is very informative and provokes new directions in thought."
R.M., uiuc.edu, 1/30/97
J.G., co.k, 1/30/97, Kenya
"There is a wealth of information in this Web site! Timeless principles, when put into action, that really work. Plus, all of the information validates what many people truly believe in - honesty, integrity, character and courage."
J.B., aol.com, 1/30/97
"Your web site is certainly unique and I am interested in hearing more about your philosophy."
J.W., netcom.com, 1/30/97
"I'm fascinated by what I've been reading! I had no idea about these concepts but I can see they are making sense. Thanks for a mind broadening experience!"
G.H., juno.com, 1/30/97
"I haven't read all of your stuff yet but I will. This makes so much sense, it makes you want to go out and start hammering the politicians. Keep up the good work and don't ever take this web site away! Yours is one of the few that make it into my favorites file."
C.B., centuryinter.net, 1/30/97
"Extremely interesting reading. I want to know more about Neo-Tech."
E.B., scn.org, 1/30/97
"I love the search option that accompanies each work. The design of your web site is tasteful and very intuitive. Everything I've read so far has caused me to look at life and wish I only knew about The Neo-Tech Discovery sooner."
E.S., aol.com, 1/30/97
"j'ai pas bien compris la philosophie du site pas clair pour un néophite."
S.S., bigfoot.com, 1/30/97, France
"high tech that is!"
J.R., nv.us, 1/30/97
"Looks like I will be spending a lot of time reading all of this. Thanks."
J.W., pcisys.net, 1/29/97
"I am totally blown away. Where are you guys coming from ?"
L.P., mum.edu, 1/29/97
"A very comprehensive web site. This site will take a lot of browsing to stay abreast of the changes to come."
W.B., mci.net, 1/29/97
"I like the way it was written and I am glad that I was introduced because I am one who is providing jobs for others. I am getting punished by taxation instead of incentives to continue or grow. It really sucks that I always feel like if I screw up in my accounting ONCE, a person from the parasitic group is going to come down on me and take all I worked for and give it to a parasitic group who does not contribute. They don't even understand what a beneficial individual I am to our society. THANKS FOR YOUR QUEST."
R.L., webzone.net, 1/29/97
J.L., webtv.net, 1/29/97
"My compliments on a thought provoking site. I have marked it and plan to visit often. You have reminded me of how much I appreciated Ayn Rand when I first discovered her work years ago. Thank you."
N.S., house.gov, 1/29/97
"Creative and imaginative, to say the least. As usual, for every question answered, I now have five more. Seems to me that the more maligned an organization is reputed to be, the more likely there's something else going on worth finding out about. The last organization this maligned...their leader was nailed to a cross! Hmmm."
D.X., aol.com, 1/29/97
"Breathtaking in its profound significance."
A.F., att.com, 1/29/97
"Never before have I come across a system like this. I have seen every kind of scam claiming to furnish you with the results that Neo-Tech actually gives you. And unlike scams, Neo-Tech is simple and has definite integrity. I think Neo-Power will definitely change my life."
N.F., nconnect.net, 1/29/97
"Inquisitive information with bold statements -- is this possible? Intriguing!"
L.F., ocpm.edu, 1/29/97
"Strikes a satisfying balance between providing useable information and whetting ones appetite to find out more."
C.B., seanet.com, 1/29/97
"Very impressive. Your web site really got my attention."
M.M., aol.com, 1/29/97
"I thought the sentiments were interesting. I would like to know more."
W.S., compuserve.com, 1/29/97, United Kingdom
"I love it."
G.S., ny.us, 1/29/97
"This (Neo-Tech) is without a doubt, a most fascinating work. There is so much to read I could stay on the net for hours and hours. I must think on all this exiting reality, and then begin the integration's you mention! Many thanks!"
R.F., aol.com, 1/29/97
"Simply awesome."
J.D., nv.us, 1/29/97
"This is certainly one of the strangest sites I have visited. I found it while searching for info on a cancer cure."
R.G., co.il, 1/29/97, Israel
"I have examined the web site and found that it has an abundant listing of information regarding Neo-Tech and Dr. Wallace."
B.M., earthlink.net, 1/29/97
"Very interesting, definitely a topic I want to know more about. I hope I can use this to improve my lifestyle."
B.J., gvsu.edu, 1/29/97
"I thought this web site was of great interest. I can use what I learned to help in all areas of life."
W.S., infoave.net, 1/29/97
J.B., aol.com, 1/29/97
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