Edited by Frederick Mann
The idea of the Prosperity Case Studies is that people who have
difficulties achieving prosperity describe their current situation on the
Upgrade Your Life List
and receive mentoring on how to upgrade their lives. Anyone is welcome to
ask for assistance on the Upgrade List.
The Case of Nicholas Carmine
Nicholas Carmine Has agreed to take part in a case study to be conducted
on the Upgrade Your Life List. Here's his original message to me (edited):
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 21:54:03 EDT
Subject: I Have Signed One Person in the Last Three YearsSad to admit it, but I have only signed up one person in my entire MLM or any other money gifting venture. So I will have to ask for assistance. And it is not like I am a Blowit Case or anything like that, if you were to tell me to join opt-in lists and list to FFA links, I will do it to the max. Just never worked out for me yet. My wife thinks that I am insane to even try again, but Frederick, something inside me tells me that the key to financial independence is not with my job (Just Over Broke!) I know I am destined to make millions! I have requested many men and women to mentor me.
I am a Kung-Fu student. I can imitate my teacher so well, I feel as if I am he -- but me. I know that I can apply the same techniques to becoming solvent. In the past three years, I have lost over $140,000.00 in you name it. I will not be denied.
Thank you for your time. Let me know exactly what I am to do and believe me I will do it.
The case study will be conducted on the Upgrade Your Life List. The purpose of the study should probably be along the lines of subscribers (including myself) assisting Nicholas to become more successful. Anyone else interested in elevating his or her own level of prosperity is welcome to participate. Similarly, anyone interested in providing assistance to others to raise their level of prosperity (or interested in learning more about how to provide such assistance) is also invited to join us.
You're welcome to repost this message wherever appropriate.
Frederick Mann
I sent Nicholas the following:
Here's what I proposed to someone else a while ago who said he was interested in a case study. (He never responded.)
I suggest you use a pseudonym for the case study.
You should probably start by indicating which areas of your life you wish to upgrade.
Then you describe your current situation for each of these areas.
And then you describe the desired situation you envisage for each area.
You could also suggest what steps you think you need to take to upgrade the current situation to the desired situation for each area.
You could describe for each area any obstacles you can identify that stand between the current and desired situations.
Then you could describe what assistance you think you need in each area to upgrade current to desired situation.
Frederick Mann
Nicholas responded:
Subject: [upgrade!] Prosperity Case Study
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 21:27:59 -0700In a message dated 4/18/00 3:24:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time, fm1@amug.org wrote:
Here's what I proposed to someone else a while ago who said he was interested in a case study. (He never responded.)Yes!! I count it a privilege in being a part in the case study. The pseudonym I use is: Nicholas Carmine.
You should probably start by indicating which areas of your life you wish to upgrade.I choose the ultimate upgrade, and that is to be to be financially solvent. Then I would be able to afford to go back to The Internal Research Institute and my health would recover. I do believe that I have the framework necessary to accept the responsibility and challenge that comes with financial interdependence.
Also, I am aware that there is a key that I need in order to unlock the Lock that has been forged since birth. The Lock to my Subconscious Mind.
Every time I begin to write down how much money I would like to make each month, I begin to struggle within myself as to how much I could realistically attain. I have been thrown so many numbers that I am all numbered out. I tend to undervalue what I believe I could make.
Then you describe your current situation for each of these areas.Financially, at this very moment, I am bankrupt to the tenth power. My net worth dropped from satisfactory to subzero in the matter of months. As a result, my health has diminished drastically. I gained over 30 pounds and have what the doctors call Synovitis = failure in both rotor cuffs. They want to do surgery which I decline for two reasons. Firstly, I am currently not a participant in any health insurance program adding to the already mounting financial debt picture; and secondly, acupuncture has been known to remedy this situation and yet this option is unavailable for the same reason.
The Lock I mention is real because in the past three years and $140,000.00 later, I have only been able to recruit or even sponsor but one individual.
And then you describe the desired situation you envisage for each area.I envisage myself with a group of like-minded wealth creation oriented individuals whose main purpose is perpetuating the like. We would be world travellers creating companies that empowered others who are like-minded and those just starting. We would go into orphanages and sponsor those young men and women who would benefit from our knowledge and empower them to be successful.
I would build a five suite Tri-Steel home (that would be five bedrooms (each bedroom would be 25x5 with reading nooks) all with personal bathrooms and jaccuzzis), with two full kitchens, an olympic sized swimming pool, and a library. Beginning at $75,000.00 a year and using Money Multipliers to amass a multi-billion dollar enterprise.
You could also suggest what steps you think you need to take to upgrade the current situation to the desired situation for each area.The first step would be to find men and women who are already financially independent and ask to be mentored. Knowledge is a powerful tool. With knowledge comes success. If I want to become wealthy, I need to study wealth. If I want to be successful, I need to study success. I, Nicholas Carmine, am a disciple. I can duplicate whatever is brought before me. I combed all of Florida for a Kung-Fu Teacher and finally found one that would teach me, step by step, how he became a Master. I have asked every organization I have been involved in to mentor me, and have been mentored but not by masters. This is the reason I am doing this case study. I believe I have found the Master that will take me step by step in order for me to one day become a Master.
Second, I need to come out of Level 1 thinking into Level 2 and finally Level 3. Changing the paradigms I have been used to. [See 'Respecting Levels of Freedom'].
What is the basis of wealth-creation? How can I become a money-magnet? How do I become the captain of my own ship? How do I identify and get past the things that have held me back?
You could describe for each area any obstacles you can identify that stand between the current and desired situations.The only obstacle that is quite obvious is that in my quest for financial freedom, I have signed up with almost every company that sounded "good" but only allowed "A FEW" to make money to draw me in and I wind up with nothing. I waste time and energy with ventures that go nowhere. I am not interested in get-rich-quick scams. Yet I seem to get involved in some from time to time. Like "Make 100% interest in 30 days" and you know the ones.
Then you could describe what assistance you think you need in each area to upgrade current to desired situation.I simply need persons who are honest and real. Take a no nonsense guy by the hand and duplicate yourself. If you ever wanted to find someone who would totally duplicate you, you have found one.
I know there are people out there making money, but it's not me - yet. I know I would be perfect to be a part of a group that will not "run with the money".
My [Frederick Mann's] reply:
From: f-prime@buildfreedom
Subject: Re: [upgrade!] Prosperity Case Study
Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 23:12:16 -0700
Based on what Nicholas Carmine has written so far, it seems
to me that there are two kinds of actions he needs to take:
(1.) Handle whatever in his psyche has prevented him from succeeding in the past.
(2.) Formulate an action plan to become successful and implement the plan. This may also involve acquiring necessary skills.
Regarding (1.), in my opinion, what I call the "Unreality Imperative" is a primary motivator (or driving force) for many people. John F. Schumaker has written two very important books: 'Wings of Illusion' and 'The Corruption of Reality.' I've referred to the "Unreality Imperative" and also written about "unreality" in "Report #TL80A: CREATIVITY REPORT #1".
While searching for a Schumaker home page (which I didn't find), I came across "Must We Have Myths to be Happy" by Mack Tanner.
Mack Tanner tells his basic "freedom story," which is music to my ears.
Regarding (2.), I've just written an article on 'Zero-Risk Money-Making'.
This article also contains some material relating to (1.).
Nicholas may be at the effect of one or more unconscious "scripts."
Nicholas, what are you going to do next?
Frederick Mann
Nicholas responded [with my (Frederick Mann's) comments amongst them]:
From: Factor7777@aol.com
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 09:47:35 EDTGood Morning Frederick, I have been so busy this weekend. After receiving your email, I quickly went to work on myself. I can't thank you enough for sending me all that wonderful information. My best friend now says that he needs two things from me, (1.) He is now convinced that he needs a mentor, one that will send him the proper direction like you are doing with me, and (2.) He wants to leave Toshiba and do a business that will allow him to follow his passion and that is writing.
[Invite him to join the case study. He can subscribe to this list, tell us about his situation and what assistance he thinks he needs.]
Also, I answered your email, but was not sure if I should have answered it the way I did. If it is acceptable, please send it to the list. If not, edit it, please.Thank you so very much!
In a message dated 4/21/00 2:12:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time, f-prime@buildfreedomwrote:
(1.) Handle whatever in his psyche has prevented him from succeeding in the past.The "Unreality Imperative", "Creativity Report" featuring the Scale of Levels of Creation was all I needed to see exactly what has prevented me from succeeding in the past.
[See 'Unreality Imperative' and 'Report #TL80A: CREATIVITY REPORT #1'.]
I have been at Level -3 for almost all my life.
[See "Helplessness" in #TL80A.']
Now I have the formula to move toward Non-Existence and I have full cooperation from my wife. As I have been giving out copies of the unreality symptoms and formula to family members, friends asking them to ruthlessly tell me when they think I deviate from reality, the responses I am getting are," Hey, I need this myself. How can I get someone to mentor me?" "Okay, I will if you would do the same for me!!"Also, as I read Frederick Mann's testimony concerning Anopsology, my wife and I emptied the cupboards of everything that would be harmful to ourselves, and will slowly graduate to raw food eaters. We cut our coffee, sugar, salt, and fried foods. This weekend was delightful. I am more conscious of my health now.
[See '#TL09: How to Achieve Superhealth'.]
(2.) Formulate an action plan to become successful and implement the plan. This may also involve acquiring necessary skills."Emotional Literacy; Love of Others, Self and Truth" has elightened me concerning unconscious "scripts" I continually have within myself which I had no clue were there. Or I had not noticed.
The first skill I really need to acquire and improve is how I think about money. I just ordered The 9 Steps to Financial Freedom by Suze Orman from the library.
I will also study The Millionaire Reports.
I am also becoming skilled at selecting the best programs to promote and avoiding bad ones, and what criteria do I use to select my programs.
I am also beginning to understanding Money-Making Programs.
I definitely need some website design skills. I am studying the links provided.
[See 'Zero-Risk Money-Making'.]
I do need some Internet marketing skills. The single most powerful book on selling, my friend has the book, 'NewSell' by Dr. Michael Hewitt-Gleeson. He will give it to me as a gift today.
[See www.sot.com and www.wrightbooks.com for that book.]
It has been one of the most exhilarating weekends in my entire life. I feel free and know that there is so much more. Physically, I feel great!! My wife and I are communicating while we take "walks" each evening. That in itself has made the journey thus far seem like I can do anything.I am learning to design my own web page. When I am through, I would like to share it with you.
Thank You,
Sounds like you're off to a good start. Keep up the good work!
Frederick Mann
Further Reading
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