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The Billion Dollar Plan

Grand plan to address major problems (gaps in the marketplace), and to provide products and services to solve the problems (bridge the gaps).



Note: This plan is "under construction" - a work-in-progress.

At first glance this might seem like an overambitious business plan. You might think that large amounts of capital would have to be raised to bring its many parts to fruition. Fortunately, that may not be the case. You see, the plan is essentially self-financing. It's a matter of using currently available personnel and resources to implement the "next" part.

Currently operational parts can be made more profitable and the profits used to implement the "next" part. Exactly what the "next" part will be will depend on finding the appropriate people to help implement each part.

No major breakthroughs are necessary to bring much of this plan to fruition. It's like building a house brick by brick, with many of the bricks already available on the premises, and the rest of the bricks being within relatively easy reach.

The biggest parts to be developed and implemented are the General Advertising Program - MyAdPower and the Search Engine - ScrewStop. The part of the overall business plan that's potentially the most profitable is a proprietary breakthrough called "BB2" - Big Breakthrough #2 - part of the General Advertising Program MyAdPower. A Provisional Patent with the "BB2" details has been filed. (Details can be made available to people who sign a non-disclosure, non-compete agreement.) BB2 can potentially be used to help all our early personnel become millionaires.

Mark Pagel: Infinite Stupidity

[missing file: mark_page_infinite_stupidity.mp4]

Mark D. Pagel is an evolutionary biologist and a Fellow of the Royal Society and Professor of Evolutionary Biology; Head of the Evolution Laboratory at the University of Reading, UK; author of Oxford Encyclopaedia of Evolution and co-author of The Comparative Method in Evolutionary Biology. His forthcoming book is Wired for Culture: Origins of the Human Social Mind. Read a transcript of his "Infinite Stupidity" video here.

Pagel essentially suggests that many of us have been domesticated by culture and this has stupefied us. (There is considerable evidence that domesticated mammals tend to have smaller brain sizes than their wild counterparts. See also Human Domestication and Smash Your Illusions!)

René Girard is known for his phrase "desire is mimetic," indicating that many people don't have their own desires, but copy the desires of others. Pagel says, "...[W]e have been selected to be very, very good at copying other people, rather than innovating on our own." Many people can be described as "unconscious copiers."

Pagel refers to a "generative mechanism for creating new ideas." One such mechanism is the "creative process" as described by Robert Fritz - The Concept Factor - Breaking the Spell. More than 20 "generative mechanisms to overcome stupidity and ignorance" are suggested in The Stupidity/Ignorance Gap.

A basic assumption of this business plan is that there is a wide range of substantial "gaps" in the marketplace nobody is filling effectively, and that products and services can be developed to profitably fill the "gaps" - see "Gaps" in the Marketplace.

Some of the "gaps" will be considered controversial by some. Fortunately, among information technology professionals, there are many freedom-oriented people. This will make it easier to find people to help develop and implement the more controversial parts of the business plan.

It would be a major breakthrough if significant numbers of people were to get to the point of recognizing that their minds are "infected with parasitic concepts or memes" that tend to cause them to sabotage their own best interests in favor of certain "parasitic elements." An analogy for this mechanism is the ant whose brain has been infected by a parasite, a lancet fluke (Dicrocelium Dendriticum) that needs to get itself into the stomach of a sheep or cow in order to complete its reproductive cycle. So the parasite causes the ant to climb up a blade of grass so a sheep or cow can eat it. See The Concept Factor - Breaking the Spell.

Parts of this business plan are still "under construction" and will be further elaborated in due course.

An important feature of our programs is a two-tier affiliate system paying of the order of 10-20% on the first level and 5-10% on the second. This means that members and participants can earn highly remunerative commissions to help with our marketing.

One of the most important books that influenced the compilation of this business plan is The Birth of Plenty: How the Prosperity of the Modern World was Created by William J. Bernstein. Before about 1820, the prosperity of the average human stagnated for many centuries. Around 1820, some changes occurred in certain parts of the world that caused a wealth explosion that continued for at least 150 years. In some parts of the world - like most of Africa - these changes have still not occurred, and there has been no sustained upsurge in the wealth of the average human in these areas. The Birth of Plenty identifies four "key wealth factors":

The above factors are explained in more detail in Value Creation vs. Value Destruction. This business plan suggests nine additional "key wealth factors":

The rationale of this business plan is to implement the "key wealth factors" as alternatives to any current institutions and practices that violate the "key wealth factors."

Maybe if Bob Geldof and Bono were to find out about and understand the "key wealth factors" and how to get them implemented, they would become ten or even 100 times more effective at reducing poverty and disease in Africa and the rest of the world!

There's already an "Agorist Movement." Most Agorists will probably be sympathetic to most of the above "key wealth factors." See Agorism. People who help to implement various parts of this business plan may or may not consider themselves Agorists. See also AgoristNation.

The Birth of Plenty demarcates "four human stages": (1) Hunter-gatherer; (2) Farming; (3) Industrialization; (4) Postindustrial society. Stages (2), (3), and (4) could be regarded as "civilization." Coercive political systems can be regarded as a central aspect of civilization. Agorism can be regarded as "walking away from coercive political systems."

So Agorism can be regarded as "the next human evolutionary step after civilization." In Culturequake Chuck Burr recommends "abandoning civilization." He references The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community by David C Korten. He summarizes three dimensions of the "great turning": (1) Countering the death and destruction wrought by the industrial-growth society; (2) The arising of new forms and structures, including local currencies, farmers markets, and permaculture; (3) A shift in consciousness. (Korten is also the author of When Corporations Rule the World and Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth.) Burr was greatly influenced by Daniel Quinn's books, including Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit, The Story of B, My Ishmael, and Beyond Civilization: Humanity's Next Great Adventure.

Note that in a system of individual property rights, groups can always pool their property to form systems of communal ownership.

Here's to creating a healthy, prosperous, free, and peaceful world people can be proud of!

Judge Napolitano Exposing 9-11 Cover-Up With Col. Anthony Shaffer [& Michael Scheuer]

See Anthony Shaffer (intelligence officer). Note what ex-CIA agent Michael Scheuer says about the "911 Commission Report" being "a whitewash from top to bottom." This implies at a minimum that the commissioners lied by omission. For certain parts of this business plan to make sense it's necessary to realize that government officials don't always tell the truth. See also the books The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions and The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7: Why the Final Official Report About 9/11 Is Unscientific and False by David Ray Griffin.

If some government officials have lied about things like the Vietnam war and "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq, then consider the possibility that many more government officials may have lied about many more things... and that they are likely to continue lying. Google: "government lies."

Now consider the possibility that 911 was a "show" along the lines of the movie The Truman Show.


9/11 Answers
Click above for solution to 911 hoax

If this interpretation is correct, then the media fooled many people - including some "911 truthers" - about what really happened... then how else can they fool us?

See also "Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and 9/11: A Scandal Beyond What Has Been Seen Before" by Matt Everett (The Journal of Psychohistory, Winter 2005). "THE PENTAGON CRASH" part of the article seems consistent with the notion that 911 was a media hoax.

Psychohistory provides some important insights to help understand the Evil Slave Machine - see the section on "Group-Fantasies."


Our main business: ClickPaid (CP).

CP is an Advertising Program, including a Traffic Exchange, with a breakthrough "ProfitShift Feature" ("Big Breakthrough #1") that enables the company to periodically convert some of its liabilities into assets. The ProfitShift Feature and some other aspects of CP operate in accordance with United States Patent 6,578,010 (now public domain).

CP has over 100,000 members, growing virally by about 3,000 to 10,000 new members a day.

CP has over 200 full-time and part-time personnel on the payroll, including managers, programmers, hosting specialists, support staff, program developers, and product developers. CP has an offshore office for software development and customer support, which will soon comprise about 60 software developers and about 30 customer support personnel.

Several new "CP-associated ventures" - expected to provide significant additional income streams - are under development, or will be in the near future:

"Gaps" in the Marketplace

There are massive "gaps" or "imbalances" in the marketplace (that can be regarded as elements of Juan Enriquez's "legitimacy gap") related to:

1. Personal mediocrity --> Individual competence and personal power.

1a. (Government) education that dumbs down --> Education that results in knowledge, skills, and achievement (John Taylor Gatto - ).

1b. Financial illiteracy --> Financial competence (How many buyers of mortgages they can't afford are financially literate?).

1c. Individuals as "unconscious imitators" --> Individuals making conscious decisions (Google: René Girard - Peter Thiel, Paypal cofounder, applied some of Girard's ideas).

2. Medical/pharmaceutical scams --> Individual health.

3. Political/corporate slavery --> Individual freedom.

4. Widespread poverty --> Greater Abundance.

5. Stupid (mostly American) wars --> Peace.

6. Ecological destruction --> Appropriate use of technology.

7. Ineffective strategies --> Strategies that work better.

8. Stupidity/Ignorance --> Greater intelligence and knowledge coupled with less stupidity.

9. Value/wealth destruction --> Value/wealth creation.

Jim Edwards: Mining The Gap (click to watch video)

Our intention is for CP and its various associated programs to provide products and services to bridge the above gaps. Together, the above gaps represent a massive "opportunity gap."

Why has Apple (the computer company) become so successful? Why has it overtaken IBM and Microsoft in terms of market valuation?

Apple basically sells devices and software that enables people to compute, connect, and communicate more effectively and efficiently.

We could call Apple's programs "computer/device success programs." At the time Apple was created, its potential could have been measured by the difference between how successful personal computers were at that time compared to how successful personal computers and devices could become. There was a gap between what was and what could be. This gap represents potential. By utilizing this gap of potential, Apple became the biggest company in the world.

The "gap of potential" can also be called an "opportunity gap." In human affairs there are also gaps between what is and what could or should be. We suffer from "human failure programs" that tend to keep many of us stuck at low levels - if we allow them to! The gap between what is and what could or should be represents potential - the opportunity gap. In human affairs generally, this potential is vastly greater than the potential that enabled Apple to become the biggest company in the world.

There is this huge potential of the opportunity gap in human affairs. Provide people with the means to bridge the opportunity gap - shift from where they are to where they could or should be - and earn a fortune, is the main emphasis of the big business breakthroughs that are now within your grasp!

Providing people with "superior brain software" - and the means for them to dump their "old, obsolete software" and replace it with "superior brain software" - will soon become a billion dollar operation" - and you can be part of it from the beginning!

Imagine that you had acquired some Apple shares at its beginning. How rich would you now be? Well, with our business opportunities - including setting up and operating the websites we suggest - you may now have similar wealth potential within your grasp!

[missing file: economist_chart.jpg]

This chart is from the article "Technology giants at war."

Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action

Seth Godin: How to get your ideas to spread

[missing file: adopter.jpg]

See Diffusion of innovations.

An important reason for Apple's success may be that Steve Jobs was a "Super Thinker." We've started exploring the development of a series of courses that will enable people to become Super Thinkers - see Super Think Machine.

[missing file/text]

Violence in America: The History of a Catastrophe

Tavis Smiley & Cornel West on Election, Why Calling Obama Progressive Ignores His Record 1/2

Tavis Smiley & Cornel West on Election, Why Calling Obama Progressive Ignores His Record 2/2

Tavis Smiley & Cornel West on "The Rich and the Rest of Us: A Poverty Manifesto"

[missing file/text]

Drinks could be sold with slogans printed on them such as:

The drinks could be canned by native Americans (and other indigenous people). They could be pitched as "religious sacraments." They could contain "secret ingredients" that "supercharge your brain!" The cans could display appropriate slogans. There can be links to websites that explain the slogans.

One or more websites could provide the means for people to get out of poverty.

Viral videos could be created to promote the drinks.

Because of the controversial nature of the drinks and their slogans, the mainstream media will not be able to resist the temptation to attack the drinks and their messages. This will provide free publicity.

The Stupidity/Ignorance Gap

The domains,, and have been registered.

For the first time in history, we may be able to provide the beginnings of a cure for human stupidity!

Of the 8 "Gaps" in the Marketplace identified above, #8 the Stupidity/Ignorance Gap is probably the most important.

"The only way to comprehend what mathematicians mean by Infinity is to contemplate the extent of human stupidity." - Voltaire

"Only two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

"The two most common things in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity." - Harlan Ellison

"There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life." - Frank Zappa

"There are more fools in the world than there are people." - Heinrich Heine

"Never underestimate the power of human stupidity." - Robert Heinlein

Domains registered:,,

From a Swedish novel Dark Secrets: "The truth is that no one changes. We merely revolve around the same old axis of inbuilt personality, so that the sides of ourselves that we show vary, but the basic foundation is always the same."

From an Amazon review of a book on stupidity by James F Welles, Ph.D.: "...[E]motions are what we are given as children via socialization. These emotions unconsciously become a filter for information thus taking the place of a sense this is what stupidity is."

From Af-x we know that one's "emotional axis" has a preverbal origin - "the basic foundation that's always the same."

Stefan Molyneux's video under Can People Change? indicates that it's difficult for people to change their political beliefs because they tend to be emotionally rooted.

Stupidity - at least a basic form of stupidity - is rooted in our preverbal emotional axis. With Af-x we can change that. That's why AF-x opens the door to a cure for stupidity.

Two online books by James F Welles, Ph.D. on stupidity are available: Understanding Stupidity and The Story of Stupidity.

An indication of how difficult it is to cure stupidity is provided by the article "Stupidity Author Arrested."

Based on Welles's work and our Af-x understanding, we can formulate a "basic theory of stupidity" and provide a cure. (We can later also identify other "general forms of stupidity" - e.g. being excessively risk averse - and suggest cures for them.)

The big breakthrough is that Af-x enables people to change at the emotional level, opening the door for further change. (It seems that for the most part, in the absence of Af-x, there's no cure for stupidity.)

The human capacity for abstract thought enables humans not only to be stupider than apes in some respects, but STUPIDER THAN IS POSSIBLE FOR APES!

Abstract thought is a double-edged sword.

If an ape wants a banana, it locates a banana tree, walks over to it, and picks a banana.

A human may buy "The Secret" and then sit down and meditate so the "law of attraction" will magically bring him/her a banana. See The Chasers Explain "The Secret."

Because apes don't have much of a capacity for abstract thought, it's not possible for them to be as stupid as many humans are in some respects.

Book: Split-Second Persuasion: The Ancient Art and New Science of Changing Minds by Kevin Dutton.

Maybe we can come up with a quick way to persuade people to buy our "cure for stupidity."

An approach that comes to mind is to say: "You live in a world full of stupid people. The better you understand their stupidities, the more successful you can become in life!

There are many ways to use "stupid" as a "hook" to attract people's attention, get them to click, and then sell them "something" about stupidity. E.g.:

"Are some of your family, friends or coworkers stupider than apes?"

"Whether you like it or not, you live in a world of stupid people. Did you know that you can take advantage of their stupidity to achieve your dreams? Find out how!"

We can even start a "stupid craze" that goes viral, e.g., with a video contest. I'm confident that we can cash in on the "stupid" and "dumb" themes bigtime - like the jackass movies.

See also:

Besides abstract thinking, another double-edged factor that enables humans to act in ways that are stupider than is possible for apes is technology - see Evil Tech Machine and Evil War Machine.


The Art of Changing the Brain: Enriching the Practice of Teaching by Exploring the Biology of Learning by James E. Zull.

Blind Spots: Why Smart People Do Dumb Things by Madeleine L. Van Hecke.

The Crazy Ape by Albert Szent-Gyorgyi.

The Crowd: Study of the popular mind by Gustave Le Bon.

Dark Ages: The Case for a Science of Human Behavior by Lee McIntyre.

Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence by Dale Peterson and Richard Wrangham.

Dinosaur Brains: Dealing with All Those Impossible People at Work by Albert J. Bernstein.

The Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human Intelligence by Carl Sagan.

The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future(Or, Don't Trust Anyone Under 30) by Mark Bauerlein.

Dumbth: The Lost Art of Thinking With 101 Ways to Reason Better & Improve Your Mind by Steve Allen.

Everything You Know Is Wrong: The Disinformation Guide to Secrets and Lies by Russ Kick.

The Fall: The Insanity of the Ego in Human History and The Dawning of A New Era by Steve Taylor.

Idiot America: How Stupidity Became a Virtue in the Land of the Free by Charles P. Pierce.

The Invisible Gorilla: How Our Intuitions Deceive Us by Christopher Chabris and Daniel Simons.

Just How Stupid Are We?: Facing the Truth About the American Voter by Richard Shenkman.

Lies My Parents Told Me: The Hilarious, Outrageous and Outright Incredible Things We Grow Up Believing by Bernice Kanner.

Man: The Fallen Ape by Branko Bokun.

Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts by Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson.

People Are Idiots and I Can Prove It!: The 10 Ways You Are Sabotaging Yourself and How You Can Overcome Them by Larry Winget.

Predictably Irrational, Revised and Expanded Edition: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions by Dan Ariely.

Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior by Ori Brafman and Rom Brafman.

Think Smart: A Neuroscientist's Prescription for Improving Your Brain's Performance by Richard Restak.

The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements by Eric Hoffer.

Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time by Michael Shermer and Stephen Jay Gould.

Why Smart People Can Be So Stupid by Robert J. Sternberg.

Why We Make Mistakes: How We Look Without Seeing, Forget Things in Seconds, and Are All Pretty Sure We Are Way Above Average by Joseph T. Hallinan.

Wings of Illusion: The Origin, Nature and Future of Paranormal Belief by John F. Schumaker.


An important aspect of some of these initiatives/movements is to use entertainment and humor to achieve important objectives - and to have fun while doing so. Generally, there are no formal associations between these initiatives/movements and The Billion Dollar Plan. However, we are interested in learning and applying some of their knowledge and wisdom. We also plan to provide the means for some of these initiatives/movements to become more effective and successful - WorldFixers.


What is Transhumanism? pt.1/2

What is Transhumanism? pt.2/2

Michael Shermer: "Social Singularity: Transitioning from Civilization 1.0 to 2.0"

[Note: Transitioning to AgoristNation would be even more beneficial! For more on "kleptocracy," see Value Creation vs. Value Destruction and Evil Cult Machine.]

Michael Shermer on Singularity 1 on 1 (part 1)

Michael Shermer on Singularity 1 on 1 (part 2)

Michael Shermer on Singularity 1 on 1 (part 3)

Michael Shermer on Singularity 1 on 1 (part 4)

Ray Kurzweil TED Talk - Singularity University

[Note: Timithy Leary can be regarded as a "prototranshumanist." He wrote extensively about "SMI²LE" - space migration, intelligence increase, and life extension.]

Timothy Leary - Evolution of Intelligence

Timothy Leary - How to Operate Your Brain

Inspirational Talk from Timothy Leary (Think for Yourself; Question Authority!

Timothy Leary - The Man Who Turned On America

[Note: Terence Mckenna can also be regarded as a "prototranshumanist."]

Culture Is Your Operating System : Terence McKenna

Terence Mckenna - Culture is an intelligence test

Culture & Ideology Are Not Your Friends (Terence McKenna) [FULL]

Terence McKenna - The Psychedelic Jumpstart into the Singularity

Terence McKenna - The Message

Terrence Mckenna - Nobody is smarter than you are !!!

Deprogramming The Programmed Mind

Breaking the Illusion of Limitation

Info-Psychology: A Manual for the Use of the Human Nervous System According to the Instructions of the Manufacturers... by Timothy Leary

Neuropolitique by Timothy Leary, Robert Anton Wilson and George Koopman

The Politics of Ecstasy by Timothy Leary

Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out by Timothy Leary

Change Your Brain by Timothy Leary

Your Brain Is God by Timothy Leary

Musings on Human Metamorphoses by Timothy Leary

The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead by Timothy Leary

The Intelligence Agents (Future History) by Timothy Leary

The Game of Life (Future History Series, Vol. 5) by Timothy Francis Leary and Robert Anton Wilson

Chaos & Cyber Culture by Timothy Leary, Michael Horowitz, Vicki Marshall and Carolyn Ferris

Timothy Leary

Timothy Leary Archives

Non-Duality & Actual Freedom

[missing file/text]

Rupert Spira 1: Exploring our Experience: Non Duality Advaita

Rupert Spira 2: Exploring Our Experience; Non Duality Advaita

Tony Parsons- Awakening from the dream pt1

Tony Parsons in Non Duality 1 of 2

Tony Parsons in Non Duality 2 of 2

Loss Of Thought and Where Is The "I" In The Brain - Gary Weber

Exploring the Self Scientifically - Magic Mushrooms or Meditation - Gary Weber

"Everything Is Predetermined" Einstein and Ramana Maharshi - Gary Weber

Intelligent Choice Is Impossible - Gary Weber


(Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?

Anarchast Ep. 20 with Foster and Kimberly Gamble of Thrive the Movie

New Film Exposes Global Consolidation of Money, Power and Offers Real Solutions 1/3

New Film Exposes Global Consolidation of Money, Power and Offers Real Solutions 2/3

New Film Exposes Global Consolidation of Money, Power and Offers Real Solutions 3/3

The Secrets to Nonviolent Prosperity: The Principles of Liberty by Trevor Z. Gamble



Howard Zinn - Governments Always Lie

The System Is Not Your Friend - by Joe Rogan (Host of Fear Factor)

No One Rules If No One Obeys!



The Purpose of the Wayseer Movement

The Wayseers a Vital Breakthrough for Free-spirits, Visionaries, Misfits, Rebels & Pioneers by Garret John LoPorto

Wayseer Manifesto

Flemming Funch

We are the New Civilization

New Civilization Network

World Transformation

John Rafanello:

Libertopia 2011 - John Rafanello - "Living Free and Happy in an Unfree World" - HD

Transforming the World's Power Structure- John Rafanello Interviewed - part 1

Transforming the World's Power Structure- John Rafanello Interviewed - part 2

Transforming the World's Power Structure- John Rafanello Interviewed - part 3

Transforming the World's Power Structure- John Rafanello Interviewed - part 4

An Invitation to WonderWorld by John Rafanello

Wonder World

George Carlin

George Carlin ~ The American Dream

Three Times Carlin: An Orgy of George by George Carlin

George Carlin - Official Website

Patch Adams

Patch Adams, M.D. - Transform 2010 - Mayo Clinic

Patch Adams - End of Capitalism - Revolution of Love

Patch Adams, M.D. Integrative Medicine interview


Gesundheit!: Bringing Good Health to You, the Medical System, and Society through Physician Service, Complementary Therapies, Humor, and Joy by Patch Adams and Maureen Mylander

House Calls: How We Can All Heal the World One Visit at a Time by Patch Adams and Jerry Van Amerongen

Patch Adams M.D. & Gesundheit! Institute

Robert Fritz

Robert Fritz identifies the "creative process" (not to be confused with "creativity") as the "most successful process in history." Anyone interested in achieving an objective - advancing from "current reality" to a "desired result" - can benefit from learning and applying the principles and methods Fritz describes.

The Concept Factor - Breaking the Spell.

Path of Least Resistance: Learning to Become the Creative Force in Your Own Life by Robert Fritz

Creating: A practical guide to the creative process and how to use it to create anything - a work of art, a relationship, a career or a better life by Robert Fritz

Your Life As Art by Robert Fritz

Robert Fritz Inc

Wise Pond

As If Principle (William James)

During the 1880s, philosopher and psychologist William James suggested that the connection between emotion and behavior could be a two-way street - you smile because you're happy, but you can also become happy just by smiling. You see a bear; you run away; you become scared because you run. Starting in the 1960s, a number of psychologists performed research to test various aspects of James' theory, with some revolutionary implications!

If you want to become rich, a better approach than "think and grow rich" is to "act like a rich person and become rich."

Profile of William James

The James-Lange Theory of Emotion

The As If Principle: The Radically New Approach to Changing Your Life by Richard Wiseman

Quirky Mund Stuff: Richard Wiseman

Ron Paul

Meet The Press Ron Paul 'Taxation is theft'


Ron Paul Message to Occupy Wall Street- LETS END THE FED!

Government Bullies: How Everyday Americans Are Being Harassed, Abused, and Imprisoned by the Feds by Rand Paul and Ron Paul

Pillars of Prosperity: Free Markets, Honest Money, Private Property by Ron Paul

A Foreign Policy Of Freedom: Peace, Commerce, And Honest Friendship... by Ron Paul

The Revolution: A Manifesto by Ron Paul

Ron Paul's rEVOLution: The Man and the Movement He Inspired by Brian Doherty

Liberty Defined: 50 Essential Issues That Affect Our Freedom by Ron Paul

End the Fed by by Ron Paul

The Case for Gold by Ron Paul and Lewis Lehrman

101 Ron Paul Quotes by Aaron Harbaugh

Ron Paul

Ayn Rand

[unfinished content...]

Stefan Molyneux

The Sunset of the State

Author Stefan Molyneux: America is a Grim Rewind of The Last Days of The Roman Empire 1/3

Author Stefan Molyneux: America is a Grim Rewind of The Last Days of The Roman Empire 2/3

Author Stefan Molyneux: America is a Grim Rewind of The Last Days of The Roman Empire 3/3

Universally Preferable Behaviour - A Rational Proof of Secular Ethics (Freedomain Radio) by Stefan Molyneux

On Truth: The Tyranny of Illusion (Freedomain Radio) by Stefan Molyneux

Real-Time Relationships: The Logic of Love (Freedomain Radio) by Stefan Molyneux

Against the Gods? (Freedomain Radio) by Stefan Molyneux

Practical Anarchy (Freedomain Radio) by Stefan Molyneux

Everyday Anarchy (Freedomain Radio) by Stefan Molyneux

Freedomain Radio


Alex Jones

Choose Your Own Crime Stats

Alex Jones Flips Out on Piers Morgan During CNN Interview - Part 1 - 1/7/2013

Alex Jones Flips Out on Piers Morgan During CNN Interview - Part 2 - 1/7/2013

9-11 Descent into Tyranny: The New World Order's Dark Plans to Turn Earth into a Prison Planet by Alex Jones

Free-State Project

Creating a Free State: Filmmaker Christina Heller on Building a Libertopia in New Hampshire - ReasonTV

Derrick J's Victimless Crime Spree

Free State Project

Free Keene


Liberty On Tour

No-State Project

Libertopia - Marc Stevens 10-22-11

Marc Stevens: Building the Agora

Marc Stevens' Adventures in Legal Land by Marc Stevens and Moses Antonio

Larken Rose

Larken Rose: Government is an Illusion

The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose

Product Details The Iron Web by Larken Rose

How to Be a Successful Tyrant (The Megalomaniac Manifesto) by Larken Rose

Kicking the Dragon: Confessions of a Tax Heretic by Larken Rose

Larken Rose on political superstition

Lysander Spooner

Other Initiatives/Movements

[unfinished content...]

Books: [...]

Websites: [...]

Quo Vadis American Empire?

Juan Enriquez - PopTech 2006. The stars and stripes forever? Futurist and author Juan Enriquez isn't sure of that. He cites a long history of borders, countries and flags that have changed, and warns the United States isn't immune.

[missing file: juan_enriquez_poptech_2006.mp4]

The Untied States of America: Polarization, Fracturing, and Our Future by Juan Enriquez.

[missing file: juan_enriquez_writing.jpg]

[missing file: trust_in_government_chart.gif]

In the above video, Juan Enriquez talks about the "legitimacy gap" - the difference between what is promised and what is delivered. The chart (above, right) can be regarded as a reflection of the legitimacy gap - many people are dissatisfied because their expectations are not being met. If current trends continue, this could indicate "the decline of the American Empire."

From 2007 to 2010, median American household wealth dropped by nearly 40% - undoubtedly a major reason for dissatisfaction.

It's possible that the controllers and citizens of the American Empire will change course in favor of our 13 key wealth factors:

Much of this business plan is about the worldwide expansion of AgoristNation - a network of individuals and groups around the world who operate more or less in accordance with the 13 wealth factors. Among other things, the citizens of AgoristNation attempt to provide what's needed and wanted in the world on a voluntary basis. This includes all useful services currently provided by people in government.

A consideration is to provide voluntary alternatives to the essential functions performed by people in government, to cater for the possibility of the collapse of government systems.

The chart below was computed by dividing the change in US GDP by the change in US Debt:

Coffee with Joe 4-8-10: Debt Saturation

The "Evolutionary Step Forward" may be Alternative Currencies. Consider the possibility of some national fiat currencies collapsing. Those best placed to survive and thrive in the aftermath may be the Agorists of AgoristNation.

See also Author Stefan Molyneux: America is a Grim Rewind of The Last Days of The Roman Empire.

TopSuccessClinic (TSC)

The domains and have been registered.

PK and the LuvvLiving team should start working on TSC immediately. TSC could become part of LuvvLiving when the latter is launched.

The first part of the TopSuccessClinic (TSS) is the "Pure Af-x Online" product.

That is followed by a series of lessons on why other success systems don't work for most people - these could emphasize that Af-x is a "big missing link" and encourage customers to complete Af-x, if they haven't done so. Some details of why other systems don't work:

Then we have a series of lessons from:

There could be at least 5 "lesson streams":

  1. Basic life skills - see The Consolations of Philosophy by Alain de Botton and the following videos and books:
  2. Negatives some people need to overcome before they can benefit fully from the positive lessons
  3. Positive success lessons
  4. Marketing lessons (It's most important that we teach "NewSell")
  5. Money skills - see Basic Money Skills and Advanced Money Skills

Some of the lessons could come from the "Neo-Tech Advantages".

We can come up with a powerful version of some "Neo-Tech Ad Copy" for our marketing.

Some of the most important success books:

The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure by Grant Cardone

The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene

The 50th Law by 50 Cent and Robert Greene

The As If Principle: The Radically New Approach to Changing Your Life by Richard Wiseman

Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Destiny! by Anthony Robbins

Creating: A practical guide to the creative process and how to use it to create anything - a work of art, a relationship, a career or a better life by Robert Fritz

The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work by Shawn Achor

The Inner Game of Golf by W. Timothy Gallwey

The Inner Game of Tennis: The Classic Guide to the Mental Side of Peak Performance by W. Timothy Gallwey, Zach Kleiman and Pete Carroll

The Inner Game of Work: Focus, Learning, Pleasure, and Mobility in the Workplace by W. Timothy Gallwey

Little Voice Mastery: How to Win the War Between Your Ears in 30 Seconds or Less and Have an Extraordinary Life! by Blair Singer

Mastery by Robert Greene

Outwitting the Devil: The Secret to Freedom and Success by Napoleon Hill and Sharon L. Lechter

Path of Least Resistance: Learning to Become the Creative Force in Your Own Life by Robert Fritz

The Real Truth about Success: What the Top 1% Do Differently, Why They Won't Tell You, and How You Can Do It Anyway! by Garrison Wynn

Rich Dad Poor Dad: What The Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! by Robert T. Kiyosaki

Simple Steps to Impossible Dreams: The 15 Power Secrets of the World's Most Successful People by Steven K. Scott

Unlimited Power: The New Science Of Personal Achievement by Anthony Robbins

Your Life As Art by Robert Fritz

We can come up with a number of payment options:

  1. $197 up front plus a monthly subscription of $37 or $39
  2. $117 up front plus $117 a month later; thereafter a monthly subscription of $37 or $39
  3. Five monthly payments of $67; thereafter a monthly subscription of $37 or $39

($197 of the above pays for Af-x, the subscriptions are for ongoing lessons and services.)

We provide a forum service where members can ask questions and get answers as well as link up with other members. We would need supervisors/monitors for this service.

TSC needs a feedback system so we can find out what we need to improve, particularly what still holds some people back that's missing from our lineup.

For the maximum benefits from the lessons, some people may require coaches. So we need a system within TSC that enables students to hook up with coaches. We can find life coaches and invite them to join TSC (for the same payments as members) and be listed as coaches. How much students pay coaches is subject to mutual agreement.

TSC could have a "coach evaluation system."

We could pay 20%/10% affiliate commissions on 2 levels. (Fairly early on there could be some lessons on how to sponsor people.)

A major benefit to MLMers and Networkers is that TSS will enable their downline members to become much more productive.

If we provide 4-6 lessons a week, we should be able to have lessons for several years, based on material we already have plus other success materials easily available.

There also needs to be a method for members who want to speed up their progress to get access to the lessons more quickly - for this they could make advance payments.

TopSuccessClinic in Context

See:"Beyond Wealth" where you can download a free lesson. Then you can go to their order page:

"This amazing package valued at £1,294.00 is available today for the one time, online only price of £147" (about $200)

We can provide a much more powerful package. Typically, Beyond Wealth and similar programs don't address the negatives most people have to overcome before they can succeed - preverbal imprints, "bomb-in-the-brain," self-interference, self-sabotage, etc. Because of this the positive info in the packages doesn't work for most buyers.

Take another look at the "Neo-Tech Ad Copy."

For TSC we can create a free lesson that combines the best of the Beyond Wealth and the Neo-Tech "pieces." They contain some powerful marketing themes. We could claim that applying a combination of old and newly discovered information and techniques you can transform yourself from 'homo sapiens' into 'homo supernus.'

Robert Greene's 'Mastery' book has some important info on how certain people developed themselves into 'homo supernus,' however, he doesn't really cover the overcoming of negatives.

By "homo supernus" we mean "superior human" - in the sense that Leonardo da Vinci, Voltaire, Nietzsche, and Steve Jobs can be regarded as having developed themselves beyond "ordinary homo sapiens" in some respects.

We should be able to make a compelling case for why TSC is superior to other "success systems."

Because of our marketing clout, and using analytics and split testing, we may be able to get 100,000 TSC members fairly quickly.

Important Considerations

To succeed at certain endeavors you need to operate above a "success threshold." The way you can tell how your level of competence compares to the success threshold is by the results you produce. Some people tend to overestimate their level of competence - see #TL10E: THE POWER OF DOING THINGS RIGHT.

Many people have been "programmed for mediocrity and failure" - see Dumbed Down by "Education!" and Find Out Where You Are!, Comprachicos of the Mind, and Programmed for Mediocrity.

It may be worthwhile to develop a questionnaire or assessment to help determine specifically what holds some people back, and what an individual needs to address to progress most quickly and effectively.

It may also work for skilled coaches to interview people to determine what holds them back most, and what should be addressed first for maximum progress.

General Advertising Program - MyAdPower

We plan to launch a General Advertising Program that includes a proprietary breakthrough called "BB2" - Big Breakthrough #2 - a Provisional Patent with the "BB2" details has been filed.

The name of the General Advertising Program will be "MyAdPower" and the domain has been registered. (The domains,, and have also been registered.

We can tell you that "BB2" constitutes a kind of "stake in" or "share of" a "basic Internet unit" that anyone can "hold" and that will enable him or her to earn a portion of the proceeds from certain Internet transactions. "BB2" literally enables anyone in the world to receive earnings from a "slice of the Internet" in perpetuity. It will also be possible to buy and sell the "basic Internet units" and benefit from their appreciation over time.

Several online advertising companies have a "2-dimension structure," e.g., Clicksor, adBrite, and Adblade:

  1. Advertisers - conceptually similar to AdWords;
  2. Publishers - conceptually similar to AdSense.

We envisage that MyAdPower will have 6 dimensions:

  1. Viral7Up - described above.
  2. ClickPaid - described above.
  3. Traffic Exchange - a conventional traffic exchange that enables members to view others' websites and have their own sites viewed in return;
  4. Advertisers - conceptually similar to AdWords;
  5. Publishers - conceptually similar to AdSense;
  6. BB2-- Big Breakthrough #2 (details confidential) - A "Provisional Patent Application" will be filed - developers will be required to enter into a non-disclosure, non-compete agreement.

The AdHitz and AdClickMedia business models can provide some pointers for the MyAdPower design. For other programs to examine, see AdWorkMedia (usually one of the highest rated programs on AffiliatePaying, and Google: top alternatives to adsense, top-rated adnetworks, and top cpa networks.

There are a number of marketing analytics companies such as Adometry - google "marketing analytics companies" and related searches for more. Strategic relationships could be established with one or more of these companies.

Adblade has a form of display advertising called NewsBullets. MyAdPower could incorporate something similar.

The combination of dimensions makes MyAdPower "more viral" - viral growth being essential for the success of BB2. MyAdPower will also be promoted to members of CP and our other sites.

Search Engine - ScrewStop

Once MyAdPower is running successfully, the next stage will be to design and launch a Search Engine that incorporates dimensions #4, #5, and #6 above. This Search Engine will also provide, in addition to "conventional search results (level 1)," "expert results (level 2)" - valuable results that are typically difficult or impossible to find with Google, Yahoo!, Bing, etc.

ScrewStop should provide anonymous searching. In general, ScrewStop will not cooperate with criminal organizations that attempt to violate the privacy of our customers.

The new Search Engine may be able to capture of the order of 3-10% (or more) of the online search market. This could generate $1-3 billion in annual advertising revenue.

The domain has been registered. "ScrewStop" could be the name of our Search Engine. An objective could be to help people become more aware of all the ways in which they are getting screwed, and help them learn how to reduce the extent to which they get screwed.

An example is when someone searches "back pain" on ScrewStop. The "level-1 results" would include the typical results you get when searching on Google. Most people who search for "back pain" won't find "Dr John E. Sarno" among their results. So the chances are that they'll get screwed by the doctor or pain clinic they go to; it's unlikely that they'll get the most effective treatment available that also happens to be the least expensive.

ScrewStop's "level-2 results" will include "Dr John E. Sarno" near or at the top. In general, people who search for "back pain" on ScrewStop, will be better off than those who search on Google and the other search engines. (Howard Stern and John Stossel are enthusiastic endorsers of Dr Sarno.)

There are hundreds, possibly thousands, of key words for which ScrewStop will be able to provide "level-2 results" that are superior to the typical results provided by Google and other search engines. (ScrewStop will in many cases also provide superior information compared to that provided by Wikipedia.) Examples: "depression," "heartburn," "personal development," "education" (search "education" and see how many pages of results it takes before you find a reference to "Gatto"; see if you can find a reference to "Gatto" on Wikipedia's "education" page), "headache," "mysticism," "spirituality," "enlightenment," "political superstitions" (search "political superstitions" and see how many pages of results it takes before you find a reference to "Larken Rose"), "voting," "money," "debt money," "inflation," "banking," "debt," "government," "mass murder," "serial killer," "state," "tax," "taxation," "law," "legislation," "common law," "country," "nation," "regulation," "monopoly," "license," "nutrition," "obedience," "patriotism," "news media," "journalism," "TV," "television," "corporation," "free market," "free enterprise," "capitalism," "property," etc.

ScrewStop will also have a general strategy of making it easy for victims who have been screwed to connect with lawyers who specialize in suing for fraud, malpractice, negligence, etc.. Training could be made available for lawyers to learn how to sue for certain kinds of malpractice (in its widest sense). This could include filing Civil RICO suits against doctors and pharmaceutical companies who collude to screw their patients.

Advertisers, including lawyers, are willing to pay $40 per click or more for certain keywords - see 20 Most Expensive Keywords. See also Keywords with Highest Cost Per Click.This means that an Advertising Program, particularly if it's part of a Search Engine, can generate billions in annual revenue. Note that people who suffer from mesothelioma have been screwed and a lawyer specializing in mesothelioma cases may be willing to pay $100 or more per click to connect with mesothelioma victims.

To get an idea of the extent to which people are getting screwed, consider:

1. Much of the world is dominated and controlled by the approx. "1% power elite" - consisting mostly of "top corporate/financial/political/ religious masters."

2. The approx. "99% victims" are in many ways the "unwitting slaves" of the "masters" and are for the most part too powerless (and ignorant) to do anything to change their "slave status" - mostly they're not even aware of the fact that their "masters" treat them like "free-range slaves" who are taxed in a similar way that cows are milked.

3. Economic rape is possible because the vast majority of the victims are too powerless (and ignorant) to do anything about it. (Buckminster Fuller reportedly calculated that, given Earth's resources, every human should be a millionaire.)

4. In the third world, billions of people languish under conditions of poverty, disease, and starvation.

5. In the developed world, hundreds of millions of people suffer in relative poverty because nobody provides them with so-called "jobs."

6. "Occupiers" and other victims and activists may complain about and demonstrate against the "1% power elite," but are generally too powerless (and ignorant) to change much for the better.

7. There have been some "powerful reformers" like Gandhi and MLK, but the end results of all their efforts have not fundamentally changed the "master-slave systems."

8. During the 20th Century, "democide" (murder by government), if the number of people killed by war are added, amounts to over 300 million humans killed. Today, democide continues in several parts of the world.

9. People lack personal power as a result of conditioning/brainwashing, ignorance, stupidity, incompetence, illusions, beliefs, self-deception, denial, habits, health factors, emotional/psychological immaturity, economic/financial/corporate/political systems, etc.

10. A comprehensive taxonomy of the factors that reduce or inhibit personal power can be created. The first item in such a taxonomy might be the preverbal imprints addressed through Af-x. A 2nd taxonomy of the factors that boost personal power can be created.

11. The typical person seeking to increase personal power could read all the books on the topic, do all all the courses, and attend all the workshops available - and still fail to achieve enough personal power.

The above can be regarded as symptoms of a "personal power vacuum" - indicating that there's a huge "gap" in the marketplace for products and services that individuals can apply to really increase their personal power. CP and its associated ventures could help "bridge the gap."

The article Everything is rigged - health, politics, finance and more - but here's how to beat the system provides a snapshot of how systems are rigged to screw people.

Even if they're Scientology front operations, Top U.S. Psych Drug Prescribers and similar sites could be used by lawyers to identify psychiatrists who in collusion with pharmaceutical companies screw their clients. See also the video Sexual Misconduct by a Psychotherapist.

There are literally thousands of corporations, institutions, and professionals with deep pockets and malpractice insurance who routinely screw people. There are millions of victims who may be able to find lawyers who can help them get compensation. How about "mining companies screwing indigenous people," "Monsanto screwing farmers," "polluting corporations causing disease and death," "banks and financial institutions screwing homeowners and other victims," etc?

It may be possible to position ScrewStop the Search Engine as the best place to go if you don't want to get screwed, or if you have been screwed and you want compensation.

It may also be possible to position ScrewStop the Search Engine as a great place for lawyers to find clients.

There are many lesser-known, inexpensive alternatives that work well, compared to expensive "mainstream solutions" that often harm more than they help. It may also be possible to position ScrewStop the Search Engine as the best place to find better alternative solutions. This would make ScrewStop a good place for "alternative providers" to advertise their products and services.

An important consideration is what percentage of the population might be attracted to ScrewStop. This extract from The Great Derangement: A Terrifying True Story of War, Politics, and Religion by Matt Taibbi could provide an indication:

"Meanwhile, on the left, a different sort of fantasy was gaining traction, as an increasing number - up to a third of the country according to some of the polls - saw the "Bush crime family" in league with Al-Qaeda, masterminding 9/11. Media outlets largely ignored poll results that they felt could not possibly be true - like a CBS News survey that showed that only 16 percent believed that the Bush administration was telling the truth about 9/11, with 53 percent believing the government was "hiding something" and another 28 percent believing that it was "mostly lying." Then there was a stunning Zogby poll... that showed that nearly half of New York City residents - 49.3 percent - believed that the government knew in advance that the 9/11 attacks were coming and purposely failed to act."

Google: "Susan Landauer CIA" and "David Ray Griffin." See also Judge Napolitano Exposing 9-11 Cover-Up...


How Do We Know When the State is Lying? | Butler Shaffer

nobody buys our mass murdering government's lies anymore (Iran terror plot)

US Government lies to the US-citizens all the time

Judge Napolitano says We Should Question the Official Story of 9/11

Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Witnesses (MUST SEE)

CIA Insider Tells 911 truth. Time to re-examine your World-view, America!

Book referred to by Butler Shaffer above:

Operation Dark Heart: Spycraft and Special Ops on the Frontlines of Afghanistan---and the Path to Victory by Anthony Shaffer

A Stimulus Plan, Disguised as Censorship.

ScrewStop - the Big Breakthrough?

Following are some notes written when "ScrewStop" was first conceived:

Practically every human has had the experience of "getting screwed" - being misled, lied to, tricked, or cheated.

The more you learn about how others typically screw you, the greater your advantages in life - also, the more intelligently you can lead your life.

Being politically and/or religiously programmed opens you up to being screwed.

Your parents probably screwed you by telling you certain lies.

Your mind got "screwed over" in "school" by your teachers. You were told many lies. Government "education" may be primarily about preparing people so they can get screwed for the rest of their lives.

What if practically ALL of religion is about screwing people?

What if MOST OF politics is about screwing people?

People in the "Occupy Wall Street" movement seem to have become aware of the notion that "the 1% screw the 99%."

What if a major aspect of corporations is to screw their employees?

What if much of the "health" industry (medical/pharmaceutical) is about screwing people?

What if war is basically a way to screw people so armament manufacturers, military suppliers, and financiers can make lots of money?

What if the "war on drugs" is mostly a "war against blacks" and a way to screw them?

What if most people screw themselves much of the time? Google "Psychological Reversal."

What if taxation is primarily a way to control and screw people?

What if inflation - the debasing of currency so it becomes less valuable - is a way to screw people?

What if banks and other financial institutions are primarily in the business of screwing people?

What if "the law" is primarily a way to screw people? (Are lawyers notorious for screwing people?)

Telling people they need to "upgrade" themselves is a tough sell. Indicating to people they are being screwed and by learning "Basic ScrewStop" they can make it more difficult for others to screw them, may be an easier sell.

We can develop a series of ScrewStop Products that have the potential to greatly reduce - or even blow away - the power of politicians, bureaucrats, preachers, doctors, etc. to routinely screw people.

Can we develop ScrewStop [as a Search Engine with an Advertising System] into a billion-dollar business? - and bring untold benefits to society at large?

Increasing your personal power is an important aspect of becoming less "screwable." The weaker and more helpless people are, the easier it is to screw them.

How do we get "people on our side" to help promote the ScrewStop brand and also earn money from it?

Can we bring about a "ScrewStop" explosion?

We need to identify a series of steps individuals can take, including techniques and skills to learn, knowledge to acquire, and illusions to smash, that will make up their "ScrewStop Armamentarium."

Relevant Books:

10 Books That Screwed Up the World: And 5 Others That Didn't Help by Benjamin Wiker.

100 People Who Are Screwing Up America (And Al Franken Is #37) by Bernard Goldberg.

50 Things You're Not Supposed To Know, Volume 2 by Russ Kick.

The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature by Steven Pinker.

Bright-sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America by Barbara Ehrenreich.

The BS Syndrome: How to Uncover It; Fight It; Master It; The Hidden Secrets of B.S. from the Bedroom to the Boardroom by Victor Salupo.

The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz.

Games People Play: The Basic Handbook of Transactional Analysis by Eric Berne.

Heresies by Thomas Stephen Szasz.

How Lawyers Have Made a Racket out of Law by William Thomas.

How Lawyers Screw Their Clients and What You Can Do About it by Donald E. DeKieffer.

Hunger for Power: Who Rules the World and How by Andre Bacard.

Kluge: The Haphazard Evolution of the Human Mind by Gary Marcus

Lawyers, Judges and Journalists: The Corrupt and the Corruptors by Robert B. Surrick.

The Liar in Your life: The Way to Truthful Relationships by Robert Feldman.

Love Is a Racket by John Ridley.

The Manipulated Man, 3rd Edition by Esther Vilar.

The New Rulers of the World by John Pilger.

Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View by Stanley Milgram.

The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes.

Outposts: A Catalog of Rare And Disturbing Alternative Information by Russ Kick.

A People's History of the United States (P.S.) by Howard Zinn

Primal Healing: Access the Incredible Power of Feelings to Improve Your Health by Arthur Janov.

Scientists and Scoundrels: A Book of Hoaxes by Robert Silverberg.

The Screwing of the Average Man: How the Rich Get Richer and You Get Poorer by David Hapgood.

Scripts People Live: Transactional Analysis of Life Scripts by Claude Steiner.

The Second Sin; Some Iconoclastic Thoughts on Marriage, Sex, Drugs, Mental Illness and Other Matters by Thomas Szasz.

SHAM: How the Self-Help Movement Made America Helpless by Steve Salerno.

The Triune Brain in Evolution: Role in Paleocerebral Functions by P.D. MacLean.

The Ultimate Secret to Getting Absolutely Everything You Want by Mike Hernacki.

United States by Gore Vidal.

The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick.

Vital Lies, Simple Truths: The Psychology of Self-Deception by Daniel Goleman.

Voyage from Yesteryear by James P. Hogan.

Why We Lie: The Evolutionary Roots of Deception and the Unconscious Mind by David Livingstone Smith.

The above is a small sample! Many more "screw/racket books" can be found by searching for "Mafia," "racket," "extortion," "corruption," "scam," "hoax," "con," "banking," "corporation," "pollution," "IRS," "CIA," "FBI," "FDA," "conspiracy," "fraud," "expose," "cheating," "stealing," etc.

We can write/compile "The ScrewStop Manifesto."

Environmentalists may be interested because "the environment is getting screwed." The Japanese were screwed by Fukushima...

We may be able to grow ScrewStop into a major movement and business, selling products that generate substantial revenue. We could get to the point of persuading people around the world to wear ScrewStop T-shirts.

Strategy Considerations

The domain has been registered.

Relevant Books:

Agenda for a New Economy: From Phantom Wealth to Real Wealth (A Declaration of Independence from Wall Street) by David C. Korten

The Evolution of Cooperation by Robert Axelrod

Good Strategy Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters by Richard Rumelt

The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations by Ori Brafman and Rod A. Beckstrom

Stop Setting Goals If You Would Rather Solve Problems by Bobb Biehl

Viral Loop: From Facebook to Twitter, How Today's Smartest Businesses Grow Themselves by Adam L. Penenberg

Good strategy is basically about identifying challenges, designing realistic action plans to overcome the challenges, and then implementing the action plans.

This business plan is an attempt to identify challenges in the form of "gaps in the marketplace" that can be exploited profitably by providing products and/or services that will "bridge the gaps" and provide benefits to buyers of the products and/or services.

Another way to look at it is that the "gaps" consist of unsolved problems as opportunities to which solutions can be provided to solve the problems and take advantage of the opportunities.

Consider "Wall Street behavior" as a problem - as done by David Korten in Agenda for a New Economy. He indicates the need to distinguish between symptoms and causes, "looking upstream," and fixing systems. He also indicates the need for a theory about the problem.

In Good Strategy Bad Strategy, Richard Rumelt indicates that a diagnosis of the problem is necessary. In the case of "Wall Street behavior," money is involved. So a theory (or diagnosis) that distinguishes between "good money" and "fake money" (national fiat currencies) is necessary - see Alternative Currencies and Evil Money Machine. Because government is involved, a theory (or diagnosis) of government is necessary - see Evil Slave Machine and Value Creation vs. Value Destruction.

A theory of what constitutes a solution may also be necessary - see What Constitutes a Solution? If you don't control a system you may not be able to get it changed. If someone's proposed "solution" for the "Wall Street problem" is to persuade Barack Obama to "give a certain speech," this may not be a real solution, because the proposer may not have the means to persuade Obama to give the speech. And even if Obama gives the speech, it may mean nothing, because Obama's speech could be an "empty promise." And, even if Obama is sincere about the speech, he may not be able to persuade anyone to take action...

It may be possible to persuade a critical mass of individuals to create alternative systems that work much better and that will eventually make certain current systems obsolete and irrelevant - see AgoristNation.

One strategy of this business plan is to create a range of largely autonomous websites that operate as mutually supportive nodes in a network. Each website needs to become profitable as soon as possible. Profitable operations can usually be rolled out so their influence and effects grow over time.

A central idea of the overall strategy is to provide individuals with the means to upgrade themselves. Some activists may be able to become 10-100 times more effective than they are now.

Another strategy - through WorldFixers - is to provide more or less like-minded activist groups with the means to become more successful.

It's possible to set in motion a series of measures that become a "rolling snowball of solutions!"

Another important aspect of our strategy is "viral growth." As more parts of this business plan are implemented, the synergystic effects of mutually supporting websites are likely to accelerate our overall growth.

Relevant Videos:

Good Strategy/Bad Strategy: the difference and why it matters

Freedomain Radio: Practical Politics

Freeing Yourself from Politics

Simple rules: Three logics of value creation

Simple rules: Strategy as simple rules

Simple rules: Common mistakes with simple rules

Closing the gap between strategy and execution: Strategy and its discontents

Closing the gap between strategy and execution: Iterative approach

Closing the gap between strategy and execution: The strategy

Why Strategies Fail

The Hernacki Analysis

Consider the book: The Ultimate Secret to Getting Absolutely Everything You Want by Mike Hernacki (2001 paperback edition). If this book really contains the "ultimate secret," then why are other "success" books still being written, published, and sold?

If Hernacki's "secret" worked, then would it be a simple, easy, and quick way for every reader to automatically become spectacularly successful without having to do anything else to become more successful?

Mike Hernacki's "ultimate secret": "...[Y]ou need to be willing to do everything necessary for success, but you don't have to actually do it." From a practical perspective, doesn't this seem absurd? Does it effectively imply that Babe Ruth could have stepped up to the plate, with the willingness to swing his bat, and then could have hit a home run without actually swinging his bat?

Does Hernacki's "ultimate secret" imply that if you can't read properly, you just have to be willing to learn. But you don't have to actually learn to read properly? Will you be able to automatically read properly?

If Hernacki's "ultimate secret" really works, why didn't he end the book as soon as he had stated his "ultimate secret?" Why did he continue writing many more pages?

From another perspective, is it possible that when you make a decision to be willing to do whatever it takes to achieve something, it puts you in a frame of mind that makes your success more likely? If Hernacki's "secret" triggers such a frame of mind, then could it be of great value?

In 2011, had the following customer ratings:
5 star: (17)
4 star: (0)
3 star: (4)
2 star: (1)
1 star: (1)

Do the above numbers indicate a degree of gullibility among the reviewers?

This analysis is of the 2001 paperback edition. The book may have been revised and improved since. So the above ratings could be for an improved version of the book. Following are some quotes from the 2001 paperback edition:

"For over 20 years, I was an avid reader of so-called "how-to" books, especially the kind that describe how to become rich and successful. I devoured every word and did everything those books suggested. I followed the formulas. I trained myself to think positively. I set goals. I fed my subconscious mind with suggestions for wealth and success. Yet I found that after twenty years of reading millions of words, after twenty years of trying what those well-meaning books instructed, I was not measurably closer to being either rich or successful than I was when I picked up my first how-to book."

"In 1982, I found 196 books on how to become wealthy. Today there are 976 offered by one online bookseller alone. Two decades ago, I found 497 titles on the subject of success. Today I find over 4,000 ...[Y]ou are soon overwhelmed by the plethora of resources available to help you succeed."

"After years of searching, I finally found the answer - interestingly enough, within my own self."

So, for more than 20 years, Hernacki didn't find anything in "self-help" books that helped him become successful. Then he says he "found the answer within himself."

Maybe, after 20 years of nothing in the millions of words he'd read helping him, while the market kept on growing, Hernacki thought, "All this self-help stuff is really "weak stuff" that helps few people, if any. So they just keep on buying (like I did) because they're desperate to succeed... But somebody must be making money here..." Then a light went on in Hernacki's head. He realized that it's the people who write the books who make the money! The buyers are suckers (just like he'd been for 20 years) who just keep on buying stuff that doesn't work!

So Hernacki did "find the answer within himself!" To "write" his own book! So he put together some of the stuff he'd read, came up with a theme ("you have to be willing to do anything, but you don't actually have to do it" - "dubious stuff?") and a title ("the ultimate secret") that would appeal to the suckers, and got it published! Some more quotes:

"I found a book that gave the possible mental origins of various physical problems. Turning to the section on lung diseases, I read: "Maladies of the lungs and difficulty in breathing are a sign of unfulfilled passions, unrealized dreams." Naturally, I asked myself if I did indeed have any unfulfilled passions, or dreams that as yet were unrealized... aha! At that moment, my entire problem - and its solution - immediately became clear to me. I was sick in my lungs because all of my adult life, my secret ambition had been to become a professional writer. Yet, for many reasons, I had never allowed myself to pursue that ambition."

"To get absolutely everything you want, you don't have to study anything, meet anyone, go anywhere or do anything in particular." [If this were true, would it be necessary to read the rest of his book? Why couldn't you just stop right there and automatically get "absolutely everything you want?"]

"...I realized that the method of doing something, the how-to of it, doesn't matter." [Dubious?]

"The truth is, when it comes to getting results, intention is more important than action." [Dubious?]

"You must recognize that you alone are the source of all the conditions and situations in your life." [Dubious? The world may be more random than most people think. There's a great deal you can't control. Nevertheless, it's most important to take responsibility for what you can control.]

"All that matters is what goes on in your head." [If he'd written something like, "Success depends about 90% on what goes on in your head and about 10% on what you actually do," would he have been closer to the mark?]

"While it would be good to get help from other people, you don't need it. And while it would be good to have a plan of action, you don't need that either." [Dubious?]

"...[W]henever you think something, the thought immediately attracts its physical equivalent." [Dubious magical thinking?]

"In objective reality, the thought of winning attracts the physical counterpart of winning." [Dubious magical thinking?]

"When you think of having ten million dollars, that money immediately begins making its way toward you." [Dubious magical thinking?]

Is some of Hernacki's "dubious stuff" very similar to some of the "dubious stuff" in "The Secret?" (Maybe Hernacki's entire book was intended as a parody, and he didn't believe any of it himself. It would be ironic if Hernacki's "ultimate secret" was intended as parody... but it accidentally resulted in a few readers benefiting from the book because it induced them to make some decisions that worked for them!)

The Chasers Explain "The Secret"

About 3 minutes 12 seconds into the video appears James Arthur Ray with his "cat story." Ray has become notorious for charging his (gullible?) victims about $10,000 each for a "spiritual warrior retreat." In 2009, he conducted a "sweat lodge" in Sedona, Arizona, as a result of which three of his victims died. He was convicted on three counts of negligent homicide and sentenced to two years in prison.

David Icke on "The Law of Attraction"

If you've read Hernacki's book, do you regard it as legitimate, partly a racket, or a complete racket? If you paid for the book, do you think you got screwed? What about "The Secret?"

The St. John Analysis

Richard St. John: Secrets of success in 8 words, 3 minutes

Just imagine Richard St. John making his 2-hour presentation at a school. The principal, teachers, and students... They all think, "This is really good! We just have to do these 8 things and we'll be successful!" And, obviously, the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) people must think he's pretty good. Their blurp: "Inspired talks by the world's greatest thinkers and doers." They list Richard St. John on their website. Well, he must be good... he's an expert... he researched this for 7 years, interviewed 500 successful people... Bill Gates told him the big secret to success is to get a good idea, so this must be one of the "great 8!"

Also imagine Richard St. John being paid $25,000 - $50,000 to give his presentation (or a specially-tailored version) to a big company's managers. Afterward, they all feel good and enthusiastic and everyone thanks St. John for such a terrific presentation. The company bigwigs might even be thrilled, because their managers will now perform better and profits are bound to soar...

But nobody asks if Richard St. John can provide any substantiation that his "great 8 prescriptions" actually work - or for what percentage of people they work - or why he selected these 8, rather than a different set of 8 from all the other "success principles" available in thousands of books, videos, tapes, workshops, and motivational speeches.

Nobody asks St. John how he established that there is a cause-effect relationship between his "magic 8" and the outcome of success. Realize that correlation doesn't prove causation. Suppose 95% of the 500 successful people St. John interviewed said they were passionate about their work. This doesn't establish causation. It's quite possible that many of these people enjoyed some initial success, and then became passionate because of their early success. So their success could have caused their passion!

Can you now see why there might be something wrong with St. John's "success prescriptions?" Well, they sound pretty good, don't they?

OK. Suppose you go to your doctor and tell him you feel sick (your health isn't "succeeding"). Your doctor replies that he's spent 7 years interviewing 500 healthy people and he asked them what medicines made them healthy. He then gives you a prescription for 8 medicines... Would you ask, "Doctor, aren't you going to ask me about my symptoms? Don't you examine your patients to find out what's wrong? Don't you make a diagnosis before deciding on a treatment?"

Flip Flippen (The Flip Side: Break Free of the Behaviors That Hold You Back):
"In my work as a psychotherapist, I have two important tasks I must accomplish for every patient: first, I must make a diagnosis and second, I must prescribe the proper treatment. The diagnosis of any situation is critical. If the diagnosis is wrong, then it is difficult - if not impossible - to prescribe the correct treatment."

Paradoxically, the "Pure Af-x Online" product mentioned elsewhere on this page violates the above approach... and it works for most people!

Nevertheless, if your doctor just prescribes 8 medicines without any examination and diagnosis, could you legitimately conclude that he doesn't understand his own profession very well? Should you report him for possible malpractice?

If you're not yet convinced that there might be something seriously wrong with St. John's "success prescriptions," do you now at least have some doubts?

Consider that individuals might be unique, each with their personal constraints. How did St. John establish that all unsuccessful people are unsuccessful because they have deficiencies of precisely his "magic 8?"

Of course, there are a few "general prescriptions" a doctor could correctly give to most patients (without examination or diagnosis) to improve their general health: 1. Eat most of your food fresh and raw; 2. Eliminate sugar; 3. Greatly reduce salt intake. But such general advice won't fix your "broken leg."

Now consider your car. If it doesn't run well, you take it to a mechanic and you say, "My car isn't running well." The mechanic replies, "I spent 7 years examining 500 cars that run well. I compiled a list of the top 8 things that make cars run well. The top common denominator of well-running cars is that their paint is in good condition. So the first thing your car needs is a new paint job..."

Would you conclude that the mechanic doesn't understand car mechanics very well and you should take your car elsewhere? (By the way, it's reasonable to expect that newer cars generally run better than older ones, and that the paint of newer cars would be in better condition. But this doesn't establish a cause-and-effect relationship.)

If your car has a broken engine, the engine needs to be fixed before your car will run. Nothing else will make your car run. The engine needs to be fixed first. If your leg is broken, it needs to be "fixed" before you can walk properly.

Suppose you constantly experience debilitating depression and negativity. If you don't overcome these constraints, St. John's "great 8" are unlikely to raise your general success level. Before you can succeed, there may be "overriding constraints" you need to handle first - like the "broken leg."

Then there's the issue of successful people not being experts on success itself. So they don't really know the most important causes of their own success. Furthermore, most of the 500 successful people St. John interviewed may have simply guessed the reasons for their success. They may have just given him "commonly acceptable platitudes."

Consider "persistence" as a potential cause of success. At first glance, it may seem obvious that persistence is a reason for success. But what if the way it really works is that you typically try many things. Most of them fail. As soon as it becomes evident that something is not succeeding, you drop it and try something else. As soon as it seems that something is working, you persist with it. So "success causes persistence!" Has anyone established scientifically that "persistence causes success?"

Of course, you could argue that to keep on trying things requires persistence; therefore persistence causes success. The counter is that if you persist with trying dumb things, you'll never succeed; you need to try clever things. So, intelligence could be more important than persistence!

Some "success gurus" say that confidence is a reason for success. Successful people tend to be confident; therefore confidence causes success. But what if it's success that causes confidence? Once you become successful at something, then you become more confident! Has anyone determined scientifically that "confidence causes success?"

The Real Truth about Success: What the Top 1% Do Differently, Why They Won't Tell You, and How You Can Do It Anyway! by Garrison Wynn may be one of the most important success books. When he and his staff interviewed highly successful people (nearly 5,000 professionals during a 10-year period), the interviewers didn't accept the immediate glib answers of the interviewees. They pressed for more important causes of success. Many interviewees were reluctant and refused to say anything beyond their initial trite answers.

Generally, SHAM gurus - SHAM: How the Self-Help Movement Made America Helpless by Steve Salerno - provide their customers with a "one-fits-all surface paint job" that may "motivate" them and make them feel good for a while... but they don't address any individual's unique constraints.

So, most SHAM products and services don't work for most "customers," so they keep on "investing" in more SHAM products and services that typically also don't work for them. So the demand is never satisfied... and the SHAM "gurus" keep on raking in the money and never run out of "customers!"

The situation seems to be that many people don't understand cause and effect well enough to achieve the success they desire. If they understood cause and effect, wouldn't they just find out the cause(s) of their personal lack of success, remedy them, and then do those things that bring success?


OK. Did reading the above comments persuade you to change your mind about the merits or demerits of the St. John video?

Let me suggest that some people can be highly competent - and understand cause and effect very well - in their specialty or area of expertise; while not understanding cause and effect quite so well in some other areas. Otherwise intelligent people can also be extremely dumb and gullible outside their specialty or area of expertise.

There are several books on smart people believing weird things, making dumb mistakes, etc. If a highly-educated scientist can believe religious, spiritual, or mystical absurdities, then a smart businessman can believe unsubstantiated platitudes about success. Clever people can reach dumb conclusions and then use their intelligence to defend them.

"The greatest geniuses may be in error about a principle they have accepted without scrutiny." - Voltaire

A Google search on 10/28/12 for +"smart people" +"stupid mistakes" yielded 25,000 results!

Wikipedia has a comprehensive list of cognitive biases. It's quite possible that in isolating his "8 pablums," St. John fell victim to one or more cognitive biases, e.g., "confirmation bias" (using supporting data to confirm preconceptions; while ignoring contrary data).

Then there's the "correlation does not imply causation" fallacy (cum hoc ergo propter hoc) - also called false-cause fallacy. St. John may even have some of his "8 bromides" backward, e.g., your initial success with something could be so thrilling that it causes you to become passionate about it. Initial success could also cause you to work harder and have more fun!

If you peruse the SHAM literature, you'll find that every "success guru" has their own list of "success factors." Brian Tracy's list (The Psychology of Success): "Develop clear meaning and purpose in your life; Commit to excellence in your field; Take complete charge of your life; Unlock your inborn creativity; Set better priorities and concentrate single-mindedly; Become a person of great character and integrity; Back everything you do with courage and persistence; Develop fifteen thought patterns for success." Why does Tracy's list differ from St. John's?

There are some pearls of wisdom in the SHAM industry, but separating the wheat from the chaff can be a challenge!

What if the general nature of the SHAM business is such that anyone with good self-promotion, presentation, and entertainment skills can pull a list of "success clichés" from a hat, claim to be an expert, make a video, write a book, get listed on a few websites... and then become a millionaire - without providing anything of substantiated value? If the accomplished business leaders, academics, and professionals, above, are so gullible that they praise Richard St. John's "success slogans," then how gullible might many members of the general public be?

See also Is Modern Self-Help Just a Massive Money-Making Scam?

Nevertheless, the self-help book The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work by Shawn Achor is based on extensive scientific research. Its "seven principles" are very different from Richard St. John's "8 success slogans." (When implementing "positive psychology" it may be important to take into account what Garrison Wynn writes in The Real Truth about Success: What the Top 1% Do Differently, Why They Won't Tell You, and How You Can Do It Anyway! about "positive thinking" and the power of "negative thinking.")

For a most important take on success, check out the book Mastery by Robert Greene. See also Master Power Machine.

Become Unstoppable

The A,B,C's of Limiting Beliefs: Cynthia Kersey & Jack Canfield

Cynthia Kersey is the author of Unstoppable: 45 Powerful Stories of Perseverance and Triumph from People Just Like You. She's also the Founder of the Unstoppable Foundation. Kersey identifies "7 Characteristics of Unstoppable People":
1. Devote themselves to their true purpose
2. Follow their heart's passion
3. Believe in themselves and their ideas
4. Prepare for challenges
5. Ask for help and build a support team
6. Seek creative solutions
7. Persevere, no matter what the challenges

Her case for selecting these 7 characteristics from dozens of other "candidate characteristics" is weak at best! Also, had she interviewed a wide-cross section of people, she may have found that for every one with the "7 characteristics" who succeeded, there were 99 with the same "7 characteristics" who failed. This is called "survivorship bias."

She writes: "The one common link among all unstoppable people is adversity - they struggled, tripped and stumbled, and had setbacks and failures, but they pulled themselves up and kept on going.The dream demanded their all and they gave it. The challenges and hardships they faced seemed insurmountable and yet they surmounted them. With each trial, they emerged stronger, surer, and more deserving of the dream itself."

In the first half of the book there are 12 instances of the Unstoppable People having made Fundamental Decisions! If Kersey had specifically asked each of her Unstoppable People if they had made Fundamental Decisions, everyone may have said: "YES!" (Because of "survivorship bias" and not establishing a cause-effect relationship, this would have proved nothing! A distinct possibility is that by chance, irrespective of characteristics, a few people will enjoy a little success. This initial success could then cause Kersey's "7 characteristics" as well as the making of fundamental decisions! What if most of these Unstoppable People just got lucky?

For details on how to make "fundamental decisions," see The Concept Factor - Breaking the Spell. (Despite the above criticisms of "Kersey's 7 characteristics," reading her book may inspire you to become unstoppable!)

A Potential Road to Individual Success

We aim to provide individuals with the means to become more successful. This includes identifying gaps in the lineup of programs, products, and services we make available to our members.

For many, a good starting point is our ClickPaid program, which makes it about as easy as can be to earn money online. This can be followed by our Viral7Up program, which makes it very easy for individuals to build their downlines without having to recruit or sponsor.

Practically all humans are affected by certain "preverbal, preconscious imprints." These imprints can operate as "unconscious drivers" that drive behavior in a similar way a duckling is imprinted to follow its mother. This topic is covered in the book Primal Healing: Access the Incredible Power of Feelings to Improve Your Health by Arthur Janov. It's very difficult - if at all possible - to access and overcome preverbal imprints through verbal means like "talk therapies."

Without addressing preverbal imprints, the door to significantly raise their success level is shut to many people. "Primal Healing" provides a solution, but it may take several years of therapy. Our product "Pure Af-x Online" enables individuals to quickly, easily, and effectively overcome their preverbal imprints, thus opening the door to higher success levels - a door that would otherwise remain shut for many people.

Our ClickPaid program provides members with a range of products, including: "Upgrade Your Brain," "The Big Success Breakthrough," and "Killer Success Tricks." The products include methods for each individual to identify the specific success factors he or she needs to address. The range of products is being expanded.

Our membership sites, Luvv-Living and Think-Real Group will greatly expand the range of success-related products and services we provide to our members.

People operating at relatively low success levels tend to share some or all of these characteristics:

1. They have difficulty understanding anything complex and have weak thinking skills and short attention spans.

2. They perform best when told what to do.

3. They repeat the same mistakes over and over.

4. When things go wrong they blame others and factors outside themselves. They may also become emotional and may engage in nasty outbursts.

5. They often operate at a low level of mediocrity, and send emails without thinking about what they need to say to get problems resolved.

6. They have little or no sense of risk and money management.

7. They often use their minds more to harm than help themselves.

8. They don't upgrade themselves.

9. Their marketing efforts are weak.

10. Their ability to learn tends to be low.

11. They repeatedly buy "new shiny objects" in the form of "marketing secrets," "secret manifestation methods," "product launch secrets," etc. that typically make money for the sellers but hardly ever for the buyers.

12. They seldom follow through and give up easily.

The above characteristics probably apply to more than 90% of the human population. Through the application of the expanding programs, products, and services we provide, it may become possible for some percentage of people to upgrade themselves and to become significantly more successful. The Truth About Oprah Fear Overcoming- The Simple Secret to (Get Over Fear)

Can People Change?

Life after Politics: Lessons from the 2012 US Elections

Because Af-x brings about change at the emotional level - enables people to free themselves from preverbal emotional imprints that tend to operate as "drivers" of fixed beliefs and habitual behavior patterns - we can open the door for people to change more generally.


The and domains have been registered.


Tom Woods Talks Agorism, Economics, and U.S. History on FOX News Station

Tom Woods and Stefan Molyneux Interviewed on Freedomizer Radio!

Common Arguments Against Voluntarism Rebutted

Ron Paul: Secession Is an American Principle

Ron Paul Right, Thought Controllers Wrong, on Secession


An Agorist Primer by Samuel Edward Konkin III.

Alongside Night by J. Neil Schulman.

For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto by Murray N. Rothbard.

The Freedom Outlaw's Handbook: 179 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution by Claire Wolfe.

From Freedom to Slavery: The Rebirth of Tyranny in America by Gerry Spence.

How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World: A Handbook for Personal Liberty by Harry Browne.

How to Make a Living Outside the System: A Practical Guide to Starting a Black Market Business by Tarrin P. Lupo.

Invisible Resistance To Tyranny: How to Lead a Secret Life of Insurgency in an Increasingly Unfree World by Mack Jefferson.

The Leaderless Revolution: How Ordinary People Will Take Power and Change Politics in the 21st Century by Carne Ross.

Meltdown: A Free-Market Look at Why the Stock Market Collapsed, the Economy Tanked, and Government Bailouts Will Make Things Worse by Thomas E. Woods Jr.

New Libertarian Manifesto by Samuel Edward Konkin III.

Resistance to Tyranny: A Primer by Joseph P. Martino.

Rollback: Repealing Big Government Before the Coming Fiscal Collapse by Thomas E. Woods Jr.

There's No Government Like NO Government: The Nonvoter's Manifesto by Jackney Sneeb.

Total Resistance by H. Von Dach.

Uprising: How to Build a Brand--and Change the World By Sparking Cultural Movements by Scott Goodson.

Who Killed the Constitution?: The Federal Government vs. American Liberty from World War I to Barack Obama by Thomas E. Woods Jr. and Kevin R. C. Gutzman.

Without Rule of Law: Advanced Skills to Help You Survive by Joe Nobody.


The domain has been registered. WorldFixers (WF) could:

1. Provide individuals with products and services that enable them to become more effective at "world fixing" in general.

2. Serve as a Portal and Clearing House for "world fixers." Feature a growing number of non-violent activist groups/ websites. Enable activist leaders to form alliances, coalitions, etc.

3. Provide strategy suggestions to enable both groups and individuals interested in "world improvement" to become more effective.

4. Serve as a fund-raising vehicle for both groups/organizations and individual activists.

5. Provide suggestions for doing "root cause analyses" to identify potential "root problems" and "root solutions." (Google: root cause analysis.)

6. Conduct contests with prizes (including video contests).

7. WF needs to serve as a catalyst that magnifies and accelerates the impacts of activists and activist movements.

8. WF could market products developed by WF members on a royalty basis and a 2-level commission affiliate structure (20%/10%?)

It's possible that many "surface symptoms" are really caused by one "root problem." E.g., most "education symptoms" could be caused by "government" as a root problem. If so, the best root solution may be to "get government out of education" - Google: separation of school and state. could feature non-violent activist groups/websites with the themes: "separation of school and state," "unschooling," "deschooling," "home schooling," etc.

It may be possible for to provide the means for much of the "deschooling movement" to become 10-100 times as effective as they are now.

Many "surface symptoms" may be caused by "root superstitions." If so, it may be possible for some activists to cure themselves from such root superstitions, as a result of which they become much more capable of solving the surface symptoms caused by these root superstitions - could be used to feed ClickPaidg, Luvv-Living, Think-Real Group, and Viral7Up. could become part of Luvv-Living and/or Think-Real Group. can list/feature as many non-violent activist groups as we can find. Once we've added a group to our site, the principals can be asked if they desire any changes. Principals can also be interviewed and the interviews included on our site.

Principals can join WF (WorldFixers), CP, etc. as affiliates. Their affiliate URLs are shown on our WF site. By promoting these links to their members they raise funds for their groups.

WF enables us to list/feature any non-violent activist groups, whether we agree with them or not.

Alternative Currencies

Ron Paul Wants Alternative Currencies - States May Do It First

We can create our own money system by improving "PRIVATE ENTERPRISE MONEY A Non-Political Money System By E. C. Riegel, 1944".

We may be able to create such a new money system, available worldwide. We may be able to use our own payprocessor to facilitate exchanges between our new money and fiat currencies, so people can buy groceries.

Value Creation vs. Value Destruction

Relevant Books:

The Birth of Plenty: How the Prosperity of the Modern World was Created by William J. Bernstein

Boundaries of Order: Private Property as a Social System by Butler Shaffer

Relevant Videos:

Authors@Google: William Bernstein (The Birth of Plenty)

Butler Shaffer at Libertopia 2010 (Boundaries of Order)

The value creation imperative

Jim Cramer - The President is a Wealth Destroyer

Governor Jesse Ventura Exposing Government Secrets

Jesse Ventura discusses 9-11 on CNN

Job Creation and Government Wealth Destruction | THE PLAIN TRUTH by Judge Napolitano 8/3/11

Consider an apple farmer who owns a piece of land with an apple orchard. The farmer does the necessary work to ensure that his apple trees are healthy and that they produce healthy, good-tasting apples. He also does the necessary work to get his apples to the market, where they are bought by consumers. The farmer gets paid for the apples he produces. Some of his earnings are used to maintain his apple farming operation; some are profits he can use in other ways.

Producing the apples is an example of value creation.

Suppose a hailstorm occurs that destroys the farmer's apple crop. This would be an example of value destruction.

Assume that during good years, the farmer can produce enough apples to offset any losses incurred during bad years. This would enable the farmer to survive and even thrive, despite occasional setbacks.

An important consideration is that because the sun shines, the farmer receives huge quantities of free energy in the form of sunlight which helps his apples grow.

Needless to say, the farmer produces more apples than he and his family can consume personally, i.e., he produces surpluses he can sell on the market.

People who earn their livelihood in other ways, generally can also produce surpluses. They can produce more than they consume. They can use some of the money generated by the surpluses they produce, to buy apples from the farmer. To these consumers, it's cheaper to buy the apples they need or want from the farmer than to grow the apples themselves. So they gain (Increase in value) by buying apples from the farmer. All parties involved experience increases in value.

Basically, because the sun shines, huge surpluses can be created by farmers and others who take advantage of the free energy provided by the sun.

In or near the surface of the earth there are minerals that can be extracted and eventually converted into machines that can do useful work, producing products of value to consumers. This is another example of value creation.

Oil and natural gas can be extracted from the earth and used as energy to run machines, to provide heating for homes, etc. Similarly, electricity can be generated from natural resources (including hydroelectric) to provide light, and also to run machines. More examples of value creation.

The first important point is that because of natural resources (including sunshine) and machines that provide leverage by doing more work than individual humans can do with their bare hands, people can produce surpluses ranging from minor to major. So value and wealth can be created in huge quantities.

Buckminster Fuller reportedly calculated that given the resources available on earth, every man, woman, and child should be a millionaire many times over.

So why isn't every human on earth a millionaire?

The second important point is that it's easier to steal the wherewithal to survive than to produce it. So why work to produce value or wealth if you can simply steal it?

To understand the nature of such theft it may help to start with the example of a dairy farmer, who milks his cows and then sells the milk on the market. Suppose a cow could think and talk the way we do. The cow would say to the farmer, "My milk is what I produce; I want to have all the money you get from selling my milk!"

The dairy farmer replies, "No. I own you; you're my property; whatever you produce is mine; you don't get any money from me. In any case, I feed you and I look after you!"

What if there's a portion of the human population who essentially operate on the basis that they are the equivalent of dairy farmers and the rest of the population are the equivalent of free-range cows to be milked? Suppose the "political dairy farmers" are clever enough to convince the "free-range human cows" that the "political farmers" protect the "human cows," help feed them, guarantee their "rights and freedoms," etc. Also, the "political farmers" are very "generous" and allow the "human cows" to keep 50% of the milk they produce. Furthermore, the "human cows" are dumb enough to fall for all this and they believe it's worthwhile for them to give up 50% of their milk.

(Note: Then term "human cows" isn't used to denigrate the victims of "political farmers." The intention is to reflect the essential nature of the relationship between the "political farmers" and their victims. The contention is that "political farmers" treat their victims as if the latter are "cows to be milked."

Suppose that "human calves" are forced to attend "government schools" where the "human calves" are brainwashed and dumbed down to the point that they believe that the "political farmers" are not their "owners and masters" but are "public servants" who "dutifully serve human calves and cows." And that for "human cows" to give 50% of their milk to the "political farmers" is "paying their fair share."

Further suppose that to make sure the "political farmers" get 50% of the milk from their "human cows," the "political farmers" employ hitmen with guns to imprison "human cows" who fail to part with their "fair share" and shoot them if they resist. Most "human cows" who are reluctant to submit to the dictates and demands of the "political farmers" then give up 50% of their milk out of fear of being imprisoned or shot.

OK. So what if there is a segment of the human population who steal part of the surpluses produced by others and then use some of the stolen value or wealth in destructive ways such as fighting wars? What if there are large numbers of value destroyers and massive value destruction going on all the time?

The third important point is how can Lincoln and his modern counterparts literally get away with murder?

The answer is "neocheating" - advanced forms of cheating that are invisible to most people - Google: "neocheating" for some details.

In No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority, Lysander Spooner describes the pretended "public servants" as "imposters," "liars," "thieves," "robbers," and "murderers." What if the term "government" is really a neocheating term to hide the fact that the so-called "public servants" are really engaged in a Mafia-like "protection racket?" See War Making and State Making as Organized Crime.

Lincoln reputedly said, "The purpose of government is to do for people what they can't do for themselves." Seeing that "government" consists of people, Lincoln's assertion can be translated: "The purpose of some people is to do for other people what they can't do for themselves." This is a form of neocheating. It implies that the purpose of "political farmers" is to do for "human cows" what the latter can't do for themselves.

What if "taxation" is simply a neocheating term for theft - some of the value produced by value producers is stolen by parasitic thieves masquerading as "government" (so-called). Some of the stolen value may be used for beneficial purposes, i.e., creating other values. However, some of the stolen value is invariably used destructively, e.g., imprisoning people for so-called "victimless crimes," fighting wars, etc.

"Compulsory government education" is simply a neocheating term for brainwashing and dumbing down people - parents are forced (at gunpoint, if necessary) to have their children incarcerated for hours a day in "government prison schools" where (even though some useful learning may occur), their minds are downgraded - an extreme form of child abuse and value destruction.

Inflation means that the value of the money in your pocket loses some of its value over time - you can buy less and less with your money. Value destroyers like Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke effectively print money to give to their friends at the expense of everyone else. An example of value destruction.

To the extent that big corporations "buy" politicians through "campaign contributions" (a neocheating term for bribes), they can profit through value destruction - e.g., military suppliers like Boeing, Haliburton, General Electric getting paid billions from "taxpayer money" (stolen value) to wreak further value destruction in the form of wars.

Then there are "government regulations" that make value production more difficult or in some cases prevent it. Of course, big corporations pay lobbyists to "write laws" to be "enacted" by politicians who often don't even read the so-called "legislation" they vote on. Among other things, such "legislation" may open the door for big corporations to engage in pollution and environmental destruction.

A fourth important point is that politicians and bureaucrats often claim that there's a "problem only they can solve"; therefore they should have a monopoly to "solve the problem" and nobody else is allowed to solve the problem. For example, there's a "drug problem." Only "the government" is allowed to have its hitmen arrest "illegal drug dealers," imprison them, and shoot them if necessary.

If the problem doesn't get solved or it gets worse, then the politicians and bureaucrats demand more "taxpayer money" and resources to "better solve the problem" - escalating value destruction.

A fifth important point is that many people engaged in evil activities - like large-scale value destruction - also perform some beneficial actions - good deeds. They typically tell everybody about their good deeds, but conceal their evil activities. See The Good and the Bad.

A sixth important point is the role of the media - largely owned and controlled by big corporations and "political farmers." They bombard the "human cows" with the necessary messages to keep them drugged (pharmaceutical ads), dumb, and ignorant. Any journalists who don't follow the "party line" quickly lose their jobs...

Although some brave journalists expose some of the evil activities of "political farmers" and big corporations, they mostly provide "public relations support" for "political farmers" and big corporations by ignoring most of their evil activities and value destruction. They typically don't expose the "political farmers" as the political gangsters they really are.

A seventh important point is the perspective of viewing the "human cows" (the value producers being "taxed") as a host and the "political farmers" (primarily value destroyers) as a parasite. The parasite may start small, but over time it grows faster than the host. Eventually, the parasite gets too big for the host to support - the value destruction overwhelms the value creation. The entire system eventually collapses.

The article The Problem In A Nutshell: Annualized GDP Growth of 1%; Annualized US Debt Growth of 21% illustrates the issue. Roughly speaking, value creation is growing by 1% per year, while value destruction is growing by 21% per year! (Realize that part of GDP could represent some value destruction and part of US Debt could represent some value creation. But this most likely doesn't invalidate that in the US value destruction is growing much faster than value creation.)

There may be warning signals suggesting that the continuing growth of the wealth of average people in parts of the world - Greece, Spain, Italy, Ireland, USA, etc. - is at risk and may no longer be sustainable.

Chronicling the Decline in Household Wealth

Household wealth drops for 7th straight quarter.

Fed Says U.S. Wealth Fell 38.8% in 2007-2010 on Housing.

Fortunately, individuals can take practical steps to remedy the situation...

The Power of the Parasite Class - Stefan Molyneux Speaks in Toronto

The Concept Factor - Breaking the Spell

Robert Fritz describes the "Creative Process" in his book Creating: A practical guide to the creative process and how to use it to create anything - a work of art, a relationship, a career or a better life.

"The creative process has had more impact, power, influence, and success than any other process in history. All of the arts, many of the sciences, architecture, pop culture, and the entire technological age we live in exists because of the creative process. Why has the most successful process in the history of civilization been made to seem like a mystery?" - Robert Fritz


Robert Fritz - Life without compromise Part one.

Robert Fritz - Life without compromise Part two.

Robert Fritz - Life without compromise Part three.

Robert Fritz - Life without compromise Part four.

Fritz is also the author of Path of Least Resistance: Learning to Become the Creative Force in Your Own Life. A basic principle is that you can create "structural tension" by contrasting a "current situation" against a "desired situation." You can then organize a plan of action so the "path of least resistance" leads to the attainment of the "desired situation." See:

Extracted and adapted from the original article - © Robert Fritz 2006 - that used to be on his website.

In his new book [Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon], philosopher and co-director of Tufts Center for Cognitive Studies Daniel C. Dennett describes an ant climbing up a blade of grass, but then falling, climbing up again, falling, and so the cycle continues. Dennett asks: "What benefit is the ant seeking for himself?" As it turns out, there is no biological benefit for the ant. Rather, its brain has been commandeered by a tiny parasite, a lancet fluke (Dicrocelium Dendriticum) that needs to get itself into the stomach of a sheep or cow in order to complete its reproductive cycle. The parasite is driving the ant into a behavior pattern to benefit its own offspring, not the ant's. Dennett points out that similar manipulative "hitchhiker" parasites infect many species, all for the benefit of the parasite, not the host.

"Does anything like this ever happen with human beings?" Dennett asks. "Yes indeed," he answers. According to Dennett, concepts can act like parasites. "The comparison with which I began, between a parasitic worm invading an ant's brain and an idea invading a human brain, probably seems both far-fetched and outrageous. Unlike worms, ideas aren't alive, and don't invade brains; they are created by minds." Dennett goes on to show how "ideas and parasites have remarkable commonalities, including that ideas are spread from mind to mind, surviving translation between different languages, hitchhiking on songs and icons and statues and rituals, coming together in unlikely combinations in particular people's heads, where they give rise to yet further new 'creations,' bearing family resemblances to the ideas that inspired them but adding new features, new powers as they go." These parasitic ideas have their own agendas, ones that are independent from the health and well-being of the person. Some ideas obsess the brain, and their own cause can become more important than that of the individual host.

[Certain political concepts or memes, alluded to in Evil Slave Machine, effectively turn humans into partial slaves who don't always act in their own best interest. For example, as a result of such political concepts or memes, many humans get involved in stupid wars - see Evil War Machine - resulting in thousands or even millions being killed needlessly. They effectively behave like the ant who climbs up a blade of grass so it can be eaten by a sheep or cow.]

Entitled Breaking The Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon, the book is gutsy in that Dennett puts the phenomenon of religion under a scientific microscope. While his basic question is why do human beings have the instinct to adhere to religious doctrines, he is not attacking religion - although some might think that asking questions about religion itself is an attack. His exploration is fair, open, and challenging. And his subject is timely in this day and age in which, in the name of religion, people prove themselves to be capable of the most repugnant behaviors.

Dennett's subject is... about how and why people adopt religious dogmas, particularly when they may be harmful to the person who holds them...

What is of so much interest to me is Dennett's thesis that concepts can function as parasites that have their own agendas, their own aims, their own motivations - ones that are independent from the benefits of "the host." This insight is consistent with some of the structural phenomena we have seen over the years, and why people can have patterns in which hard-won success is eventually reversed to the detriment of the person him or herself.

Structural Dynamics [See Organize Your Life to Create Structural Tension so the Path of Least Resistance Leads You Where You Want to Go.]

A person's underlying structural dynamics determine his or her behavioral tendencies. One way that I have described this is by pointing out that energy moves along the path of least resistance, and that underlying structures will determine that path. Water flows where it most easily goes, and the riverbed - the underlying structure - determines that path. If the underlying structure remains the same, and if you are in an oscillating structure, your successes eventually will be neutralized. With a change of underlying structure, new possibilities emerge, and success does succeed both short and long-term. Life takes on a new direction and you experience momentum rather than inertia.

What Do Concepts Have To Do With Structure?

Oscillating structures are made up of three elements; advancing structures are made of only two. Advancing structures consists of the desired outcome in relationship to the current state: in other words, structural tension. But oscillating structures have a third element: the various concepts the person holds.

These concepts fall into three major categories: fear of imagined (not real) danger; personal, social, or existential ideals; worldviews that explain the true mysteries in life, such as religious and metaphysical concepts that demand belief and compel certain behaviors. This third category is the one that concerns Dennett. Yet his notion of parasitic ideas might be extended to also include the other areas of concepts, such as ideals and conceptualized fears. These concepts do, indeed, have their own agendas that are independent of the "host" and do not advance the health and well-being of the person who holds them.

What we have discovered through structural consulting is that it is not the actual content of the concept itself that causes an oscillating structure. It is the way the concept is held, the way the concept takes hold of the mind, the dynamic of the concept in relationship to a person's aspirations, values, and reality. Dennett's focus on "belief in belief" seems to point to why a concept can function as a type of parasite.

[Fritz's book Your Life As Art is vital for understanding "oscillating structures." If you've experienced cycles of success followed by failure, you may find some answers in Your Life As Art.]

A Change of Underlying Structure

Over the years, we have seen the remarkable, almost miraculous change of a person's life's possibilities when there is a change of underlying structure. The change invariably comes when a concept that was once built into a person's underlying structure is no longer part of that structure. the belief in the belief is gone. The "spell is broken." This is not a subtle change. Often people feel a weight lifted from their shoulders and a new sense of energy flowing through them. Their life patterns change and now they are in a position to organize their lives around their highest aspirations and deepest values. Their possibilities of success increase dramatically. Their patterns change from oscillation, in which success is reversed, to advancement, in which success becomes a platform for future success.

The Belief Business Vs the Creating Business

People who are in the belief business think that it is important what you believe. People in the belief business look for converts and confirmation of their beliefs. People in the creating business are primarily interested in how well you create. People in the creating business may believe all types of things, including some contradictory beliefs. Beliefs are really irrelevant to how well you can create. [Fritz recommends that you set aside all your beliefs when you engage in the creative process. However, beliefs do matter; certain beliefs may make you better or worse at driving a car. If you believe you're "invincible" it may cause you to drive recklessly and even get you injured or killed.]

Much of our world is in the belief business rather than in the creating business. Not only are we asked to adopt various religious or metaphysical beliefs, we are also asked to take on various psychological notions such as "high self-esteem," "trust," "sense of worth," and on and on the list goes. Often these concepts act like invading parasites that drive their own agendas. The claim is this: "If you believe the right things, good things will happen." The claim includes a better life here or in the hereafter, but not such a good life if you don't buy the party line. In the belief business you'd better have the right belief because the stakes are rather high. You are compelled to hold on to them tightly for dear life or suffer the consequences.

Here is an experiment you can try. Sit in a chair, and hold on to it as if you had to for dear life. Imagine that if you weren't grasping the chair as tightly as you could, you would float up and hit your head on the ceiling. Get a sense of how that feels.

Now, stop holding on to the chair for dear life. Simply let go of the chair. Notice that you will still be sitting in the chair. You did not float up and hit your head. The change is that you are no longer using the enormous amount of energy you were. In fact, you have freed up that energy. This is what it is like to "unhand" your beliefs. You may still have them. Unhanding the chair leads to continuing to sit in the chair. But you have freed up psychic/mental/emotional energy. This is similar to a change of underlying structure.

Once you are free of having to believe in anything, you are free to believe in anything you choose if you happen to want to. You might adopt the traditional or non-traditional notions of religion or politics or economics, or metaphysics, or psychology, or not, but you will no longer be guided by obligation. You will not connect those beliefs you choose to adopt with how well you create your life. The parasitic concept will have left you, and you will no longer find yourself serving its cause to the detriment of your own; the spell will be broken.

[Note that in "civilized culture," you're bombarded with "parasitic concepts or memes" on a daily basis. Much of the communication directed to you is designed to infect your mind with "parasitic concepts or memes" - concentrated attempts to brainwash you with the intent to induce you to sacrifice your own best interests in favor of people, corporations, and other entities who seek to take advantage of, exploit, and screw you.]

See also "The mind gremlins" and "Plato truth virus."

Super Think Machine

The domain has been registered.

Evil Slave Machine

The domain has been registered.

"You assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees. An evil system never deserves such allegiance. Allegiance to it means partaking of the evil. A good person will resist an evil system with his or her whole soul." - Mohandas K. Gandhi

"The State represents violence in a concentrated and organized form. The individual has a soul, but as the State is a soulless machine, it can never be weaned from violence to which it owes its very existence." --Mohandas K. Gandhi

Imagine a hit song: "Evil Slave Machine" - in the style of Bob Dyllan or Eminem?

Imagine "Evil Slave Machine" as a video game that becomes as popular as "Grand Theft Auto."

The "Evil Slave Machine" could provide access to both the video game and to extensive freedom information so people can learn more about freedom.

Human Farming... The story of your enslavement

David Icke - They Want To Turn Us Into...Robot People & Machine Men!

Do You Hear The People Sing - with lyrics

Hidden Partial Slave Predisposition (HPSP)

If you're in a relationship with some "entity" (real or imagined) on the basis that this "entity" has the right or authority to:

then you're in a master-slave relationship with the "entity." Why do most people seem unaware of their partial slave status and that they're essentially being treated as "free-range livestock?" Why do they put up with this?

Preverbal Slave Imprints

Because they unknowingly suffer from HPSP (Hidden Partial Slave Predisposition). From my earliest memories I know that my parents treated me as their property, their slave. They taught me to do what they said, and to not do what they said I wasn't allowed to do. It's quite clear to me that they also treated me as their slave during the period before I had developed verbally and consciously - so I acquired some preverbal, preconscious slave imprints. Most likely, my parents themselves also had some preverbal, preconscious slave imprints, which they passed on to me...

It seems quite clear to me that practically all humans are the victims of preverbal, preconscious slave imprints. This explains why they put up with their partial slavery and typically don't object to being treated as free-range livestock. Because that's how their parents treated them.

My parents certainly never told me that I was their slave. Their treatment of me as their slave was almost certainly unconscious on their part. In school, none of my teachers ever told me that being forced to attend school, sit still, keep quiet, do what the teacher commanded, etc. effectively made me a slave. So, as a result of "typical parenting" and "typical schooling," most humans become partial slaves who are not aware of their status of partial slave.

See also Evil Parent Machine and Evil School Machine.

"Wombian" Mentality

Some people prefer to be taken care of rather than being independent and self-reliant. They would like to live in a safe and secure environment where everything they need is provided to them - an environment like the womb they lived in before birth. Such people can be regarded as having a "wombian" mentality.

The section on "Group-Fantasies" (below) may point to the psychological dynamics that underlie "wombian" mentality.

Preverbal Loser Imprints

Most people also have preverbal, preconscious loser imprints." Why do they have these loser imprints? As babies, before they developed language and consciousness, whenever there was a clash of intentions, wants, or wills, between parents and baby, chances are that baby lost out. So parents effectively teach their babies to be losers. So about 98% of people end up with loser imprints that can't be accessed and overcome through talk therapies.

Preverbal Quit Imprints

Some people sometimes seem to act like a baseball player who steps up to the plate. The pitcher pitches the ball and the player just looks at the ball. He never swings his bat in an attempt to hit the ball - even though he wants to hit a home run. (He may have read The Ultimate Secret to Getting Absolutely Everything You Want by Mike Hernacki!) What makes it possible for some people to be so "dumb?" Answer: They have preverbal, preconscious quit imprints." As babies, their parents taught them to quit. Their parents told them thousands of times: "No!," "Don't...!," "You can't...!" See Robert Fritz and Shad Helmstetter on Negative Programming.

Sometimes when a quit imprint kicks in, you "freeze" into inaction. You may be able to use the Tool called "Inner Authority" by Stutz & Michels in The Tools: Transform Your Problems into Courage, Confidence, and Creativity to "unfreeze" yourself and take action.

In The Tools, Stutz & Michels write:

"The tools I gave them [my patients] worked as promised; they became more confident and creative, more expressive and courageous. The results were so good, I was completely shocked by what happened next: almost every patient stopped using them. I was stupefied. I'd shown my patients the path to a new life and, for no good reason, they'd stepped off it - even the most enthusiastic ones quit..."

"Most self-help books don't even deal with the issue of quitting..."

Stutz & Michels provide a Tool called "Jeopardy" to overcome the symptom of quitting. But they don't address the cause of quitting: their patients, like practically all other people, are the victims of preverbal, preconscious quit imprints." As babies, their parents taught them to quit - "Stop crying!" Most babies get a barrage of "quit instructions" from their parents.

Need for External Authority

The "need for external authority" may be a "holdover from our bicameral past" and an important element of HPSP. According to Julian Jaynes (The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind), up to about 3,000 years ago the human brain worked on the basis of part of the brain generating "automatic voices" to tell a person what to do. Some people still "hear such voices in the head." Many people experience "automatic mind chatter" - see Little Voice Mastery: How to Win the War Between Your Ears in 30 Seconds or Less and Have an Extraordinary Life! by Blair Singer.

Gullibility and Obedience

"The highest act of love in a criminally insane society is disobedience. Normality can no longer be trusted. Unconditional obedience is an unaffordable luxury. To be "well-adjusted" is to be part of the problem." - John F. Schumaker

Gullibility and obedience are most important elements of of HPSP. We can speculate that our brains are hardwired to believe and obey "voices of authority" as a result of our "bicameral heritage" as described by Julian Jaynes.

It's also likely that most of us heard "voices of authority" from doctors, nurses, parents, etc. before we developed language and consciousness - so we most likely have preverbal imprints related to "obedience to authority." See Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View by Stanley Milgram, The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements by Eric Hoffer, and The Crowd: Study of the popular mind by Gustave Le Bon. See also Freud on Crowds.

Noreena Hertz: How to use experts - and when not to

About 3:40 into her video, Noreena Hertz refers to an experiment where adults had their brains scanned as they were listening to experts speak. The independent decision-making parts of their brains switched off... "literally flatlined!" She claims that we've become "addicted to experts." About 4:20 into the video, she says: "Doctors misdiagnose about 4 times out of 10."

Can you now appreciate why leading academics and business executives believe "experts" like Richard St. John and why Amazon reviewers give Mike Hernacki 5 stars?

"Compulsory Government Education"

"Compulsory government education" plays a major role in conditioning their victims to become mediocre, unconscious, conformist partial slaves - see Evil School Machine.


Charlotte Iserbyt Interview - The Secret History Of Western Education (Full Length).


The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt.

Conformity: Not-Copy Fear & Pain

"Not-Copy Fear & Pain" is most likely an important element of HPSP - "Everybody I know acts like an unconscious, conformist partial slave... So I'll do the same to fit in!"

General Fear

Fear in general may be an important component of HPSP. To become fearless, see The 50th Law by 50 Cent and Robert Greene. Watch the videos:

Because we evolved from ancestors who were in constant danger of being killed by large animals, we have inherited brains that are overly sensitive to perceived danger. Our amygdelae are parts of the brain that get triggered when real or imagined danger is perceived. The amygdelae tend to cause "fight/flight/freeze" reactions. Politicians and bureaucrats can use threats that utilize fear to dominate, control, and exploit people. In the face of fear, many people are too risk averse to take the actions necessary to escape from their partial slave status.

Human Domestication, Stockholm Syndrome, and Selective Blindness

"Human domestication" (including "socialization/enculturation"), "capture bonding" (aka "Stockholm syndrome"), and "selective blindness" are also elements of HPSP - see The "Civilized Human Condition."

Pecking Order, Memes, and Superorganisms

Howard Bloom (The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History) identifies a "triad of human evil": pecking order, memes, and superorganisms - see Howard Bloom's Lucifer Principle.

"The idea of people living morally as political equals is a beautiful one, but in an important sense it seems to go against human nature - a nature that leads, quite naturally, to interpersonal domination and to the formation of social dominance hierarchies, with alpha individuals presiding over them." - Christopher Boehm (Hierarchy in the Forest: The Evolution of Egalitarian Behavior)

We can speculate that practical all humans have an instinctive "pecking-order bully system" (POBS)residing as a program in ancient parts of their brains, possibly spanning their limbic systems and reptilian brains. In a similar way to apes, humans tend to succumb to the alpha male (or female) who is the strongest bully. (Does Barack Obama's big teeth have something to do with his "rise to the top?")

"But before twelve thousand years ago, humans basically were egalitarian (Knauft 1991). They lived in what might be called societies of equals, with minimal political centralization and no social classes. Everyone participated in group decisions, and outside the family there were no dominators.

For more than five millennia now, the human trend has been toward hierarchy rather than equality." - Christopher Boehm (Hierarchy in the Forest: The Evolution of Egalitarian Behavior)

The good news is that there have been many largely egalitarian societies all over the world, as described by Christopher Boehm. In such societies "upstart dominators" were typically ridiculed, ostracized, or even killed. S it's possible for humans to create "libertarian-anarchist paradises" without coercive hierarchies.

In addition to what Howard Bloom says about memes, for extensive explanations of the role of memes as components of HPSP, see:

Bloom's term "superorganism" refers to real or imagined "entities" such as "family," "tribe," "nation," "state," "government," etc. Note that a superorganism is typically not something that can be seen or otherwise detected by the human senses. Typically they can be described as imaginary or even hallucinated "entities."

Evil Slave Machine players will learn to ask questions like:

Political Superstition

See The Concept Factor - Breaking the Spell.

Smash Your Illusions!

Larken Rose is a great "exposer of political superstition." You may find these videos particularly instructive:

Some videos by Stefan Molyneux may also help:

Some people find it difficult to understand "Slavespeak." To help design Evil Slave Machine modules that address issues at this level, it may be necessary to organize a team of people who understand and appreciate Slavespeak. If you Google "anatomy of slavespeak" (with the quotes), you get over 6,000 results. By researching the Slavespeak links it will be possible to find people who understand and appreciate Slavespeak. They could be invited to help design Evil Slave Machine and/or to play and promote the game once it has launched.

[missing file: truman.jpg]

Difficult as it may be for some to confront, when you see Obama on TV, getting out of his helicopter, or walking to or from the White House, or you see the Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, the Pentagon, etc., you're really seeing "permanent movie props" - a "constructed political reality," - like the movie The Truman Show.

See also Pretendities.

According to Wikipedia, "The Matrix is a 1999 American science fiction action film... It depicts a dystopian future in which reality as perceived by most humans is actually a simulated reality or cyberspace created by sentient machines to pacify and subdue the human population..." Evil Slave Machines create "simulated political realities" which most humans perceive as real...

"But already by the middle of the 20th century, we had largely given up on utopias beyond that which could be consumed or ogled. Easier to swallow were anti-utopian scenarios such as George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty Four and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World as they mirrored our heartless compliance in the face of indomitable manipulation. More recently, we recognize in films like The Matrix and The Truman Show our phantasmagoric world of factory-farmed experience that keeps us blankly nippled to fantasy, and numbed to life beyond our brainwashing." - John F. Schumaker


From the "Preface" of Foundations of Psychohistory by Lloyd DeMause: "The "psychogenic theory of history" which I set out in this book is simple to understand, though often difficult to believe. It can be summarized as the theory that history involves the acting-out by adults of group-fantasies which are based on motivations initially produced by the evolution of childhood."

What if much of political behavior consists of "the acting-out by adults of group-fantasies" that arise from unresolved childhood issues?

Some phrases and sentences from Foundations of Psychohistory: "...[T]otal dependence on an all-giving mother..." [a group-fantasy] ..."[G]roup-fantasy" being the term for shared fantasies of individuals when in groups." ..."Group-fantasies are formed in order that individuals may play roles to defend themselves against childhood anxieties." ..."Intra-psychic defenses are not effective in groups, so group-fantasies are substituted as shared defenses which prevent regression to childhood traumas." ..."Leaders are personalities able to become containers for the bizarre projective identifications of group-fantasies." ..."Projective identification, the central means of communication in group life, is the fantasied forceable thrusting of repudiated parts of one's psyche into another." ..."Leaders are not just parents - they play the defensive roles required by whichever stage of group-fantasy is operative, becoming stern fathers when group violence is being denied, nurturant mothers when abandonment is defended against, rebellious sons when authority is decaying, and paranoid siblings when group violence is being projected." ..."Only individuals in fetal trance states are able to form group-fantasies."

See also The Association For Psychohistory and Digital Archive of PSYCHOHISTORY Articles & Texts.

The acting out of group-fantasies is an important element of HPSP (Hidden Partial Slave Predisposition).


The Freedomain Radio Interview: Lloyd deMause.

The Origins of War in Child Abuse - The Author Interview.

'PTSD Nation' - Dr John Omaha Interviewed on Freedomain Radio.

Primeval Animal Programs

Based on what Howard Bloom writes in The Lucifer Principle, it seems that some "modern humans" may have a "Pecking-order bully system" program in their brains, inherited from their animal ancestors, that causes them to instinctively "find their places in hierarchies." There may be other "primeval animal programs" that motivate forms of political behavior - see Man: The Fallen Ape by Branko Bokun.

Primeval animal programs may be another important element of HPSP (Hidden Partial Slave Predisposition).

Value Creation vs. Value Destruction

Being unaware of the extent to which particular human actions constitute "value creation" or "value destruction" is yet another important element of HPSP - see Value Creation vs. Value Destruction.


Extracts from the Neo-Tech Discovery, Vol. I:

"The traditional cheater is, for example, the crude sneak thief. He is also the small-time bureaucrat or politician on the take. He needs little skill and much gall to extract his living. But he lives in constant danger of being caught in the act and subjected to the consequences."

"The classical cheater is, for example, the elegant con-artist thief. He is also the respected technocrat who, for example, helps develop weapons for a repressive government. Application of his skills (that took years to polish or develop) lets him exact a "good" living. His dishonesty usually remains unseen and uncalled by those who surround him as he cheats countless people out of their assets and lives."

"The neocheater is, for example, the subtle executive thief who climbs to a high-paid corporate position by deceptive machinations rather than by productive efforts. He is also the religious leader who gleans a glorious living by promoting self-sacrifice among the multitudes. And the ultimate neocheater is the politician gracing the highest office. He usurps a sumptuous living, enormous power, and a huge ego trip by converting productive assets of the earners into nonproductive waste for the "public good" through the invisible manipulations of government force (e.g., taxes and regulations). His techniques require neither skill nor effort: he is simply shrewd and subtle enough to keep most people from realizing that he is constantly neocheating them - constantly draining their lives and assets. And most dangerously, he considers his neocheating as necessary for the "good of all"."

"Neocheaters are by far the deadliest menace to honest and productive people, everywhere..."

"The careful observer will recognize that by far the highest percentage of people involved in building false self-esteems to justify their existences are those pursuing careers in politics and religion. Such careers are by nature anti-productive and depend on neocheating the public to extract money, respect and power..."

"But the supreme value of the neocheating concepts is that those new thinking tools will be the cutting edge for rejecting and eventually eliminating the power of government bureaucrats, political leaders, dishonest businessmen, external authorities, and all other neocheaters."

"The concepts of neocheating as revealed by the Neo-Tech Discovery are among the most powerful thinking tools for future prosperity."

For more on neocheating, see Value Creation vs. Value Destruction.

Stupidity, Ignorance, and Lack of Personal Power

A claim can be made that "Evil Slave Machines" (more accurately: the individuals in them) can operate with impunity and get away with their crimes because in the past not enough of their victims have had the necessary awareness, intelligence, and competence to free themselves and take the necessary actions to change the situation. See The Stupidity/Ignorance Gap and the Master Power Machine. Stupidity, ignorance, and lack of personal power are important aspects of HPSP (Hidden Partial Slave Predisposition).

Evil Slave Machine players will be able to become aware of all the elements of HPSP and will learn to overcome them. At least a partial cure for HPSP may be in the form of "Af-x type" processes to address preverbal imprints specifically related to HPSP - could be included in Evil Slave Machine modules.

Evil Slave Machine players will also get the opportunity to become more aware of certain consequences...

According to R.J. Rummel, DEMOCIDE = MURDER BY GOVERNMENT: "Just to give perspective on this incredible murder by government [262,000,000 from 1900 to 1999], if all these bodies were laid head to toe, with the average height being 5', then they would circle the earth ten times. Also, this democide murdered 6 times more people than died in combat in all the foreign and internal wars of the century."

If you add Rummel's number for the people who died in combat to his 262 million number, you get over 300 million! Isn't "civilization" wonderful?

"All murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets." - Voltaire

Friedrich Nietzsche: - extracted from Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Of the New Idol:

"The state? What is that?
The state is the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly it lies, too; and this lie creeps from its mouth; 'I, the state, am the people.'
Where a people still exists, there the people do not understand the state and hate it as the evil eye and sin against custom and law.
But the state lies in all languages of good and evil; and whatever it says, it lies - and whatever it has, it has stolen.
Everything about it is false; it bites with stolen teeth. Even its belly is false.
It would like to range heroes and honorable men about it, this new idol! It likes to sun itself in the sunshine of good consciences - this cold monster!
It will give you everything if you worship it, this new idol: thus it buys for itself the luster of your virtues and the glance of your proud eyes.
Yes, a death for many has here been devised that glorifies itself as life: truly a heart-felt service to all preachers of death!
I call it the state where everyone, good and bad, is a poison-drinker: the state where everyone, good and bad, loses himself: the state where universal slow suicide is called... life."

Relevant Videos:

Collateral Murder?

Standing in blood...

Blueprint of Madmen - The History of Democide - FULL LENGTH.

Relevant Books:

The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions by David Ray Griffin.

American Holocaust: The Conquest of the New World by David E. Stannard.

Conspiracy in Philadelphia: The Broken Covenant of the U.S. Constitution by Gary North.

Debunking 9/11 Debunking: An Answer to Popular Mechanics and Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory by David Ray Griffin.

The Decline and Fall of the American Empire by Gore Vidal.

The Exception to the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers, and the Media That Love Them by Amy (David Goodman).

Federal Mafia: How It Illegally Imposes and Unlawfully Collects Income Taxes by Irwin Schiff.

Government Pirates: The Assault on Private Property Rights - and How We Can Fight It by Don Corace.

Government Racket: 2000 and Beyond by Martin L. Gross.

Hierarchy in the Forest: The Evolution of Egalitarian Behavior by Christopher Boehm.

Hoax: Why Americans are Sucked by White House Lies by Nicholas Von Hoffman.

A Little Matter of Genocide: Holocaust and Denial in the Americas 1492 to the Present by Ward Churchill.

The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil by Philip G. Zimbardo.

The Lucifer Principle: A Scientific Expedition into the Forces of History by Howard K. Bloom.

The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose.

The Myth of the State by Ernst Cassirer.

No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority by Lysander Spooner.

Parliament of Whores: A Lone Humorist Attempts to Explain the Entire U.S. Government by P. J. O'Rourke and Andrew Ferguson.

The Politics of Obedience (Large Print Edition): The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude by Etienne de La Boetie, Harry Kurz and Murray N. Rothbard.

The Terror Enigma: 9/11 and the Israeli Connection by Justin Raimondo and Eric Garris.

The Truman Show: The Shooting Script by Andrew Niccol Peter Weir.

Votescam: The Stealing of America by Kenneth Collier, James Lincoln Collier, and Phyllis J. Vernick.

Liberty Life Machine

The domain has been registered. Liberty Life Machine could be an MMOG (massively multiplayer online game) or an MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) where players learn how to live in a "libertarian-anarchist paradise."

Liberty Life Machine could be set up so people can earn a living within it, largely independent of the outside "slave world." They could use one or more alternative currencies and could be able to exchange them for fiat currencies, so they can buy groceries.

Liberty Life Machine could become more popular than "Second Life."

Relevant Books:

The Ethics of Liberty by Murray N. Rothbard and Hans-Hermann Hoppe.

For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto by Murray N. Rothbard.

The Freedom Outlaw's Handbook: 179 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution by Claire Wolfe.

From Freedom to Slavery: The Rebirth of Tyranny in America by Gerry Spence.

How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World: A Handbook for Personal Liberty by Harry Browne.

The Leaderless Revolution: How Ordinary People Will Take Power and Change Politics in the 21st Century by Carne Ross.

Invisible Resistance To Tyranny: How to Lead a Secret Life of Insurgency in an Increasingly Unfree World by Mack Jefferson.

Resistance to Tyranny: A Primer by Joseph P. Martino.

There's No Government Like NO Government: The Nonvoter's Manifesto by Jackney Sneeb.

Total Resistance by H. Von Dach.

Uprising: How to Build a Brand--and Change the World By Sparking Cultural Movements by Scott Goodson.

Without Rule of Law: Advanced Skills to Help You Survive by Joe Nobody.

Evil School Machine

The domains and have been registered.

See Accelerate Your Learning! and Dumbed Down by "Education!"

Videos: Astra Taylor on the Unschooled Life

'School Is A Prison!' - Dr Peter Gray Interviewed on Freedomain Radio.

'The War on Kids' The Freedomain Radio Interview .

John Taylor Gatto - The Scientific Management of Children.

Charlotte Iserbyt Interview - The Secret History Of Western Education (Full Length). The Pathological Methodology of Forced Schooling - John Taylor Gatto


Better Than College: How to Build a Successful Life Without a Four-Year Degree by Blake Boles

Big Book of Unschooling by Sandra Dodd

College Without High School: A Teenager's Guide to Skipping High School and Going to College by Blake Boles

The Complete Home Learning Source Book: The Essential Resource Guide for Homeschoolers, Parents, and Educators Covering Every Subject from Arithmetic to Zoology by Rebecca Rupp

Compulsory Mis-Education, and the Community of Scholars. by Paul Goodman

The Conspiracy of Ignorance: The Failure of American Public Schools by Martin L. Gross.

Death at an Early Age by Jonathan Kozol

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt.

Deschooling Society by Ivan Illich

Disabling Professions by by Ivan Illich

Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling by John Taylor Gatto and Thomas Moore.

Education and Ecstasy by George Leonard

The Education of Millionaires: Everything You Won't Learn in College About How to Be Successful by Michael Ellsberg

The Education Racket by Duncan Graham.

The End of Education: Redefining the Value of School by Neil Postman

Feds in the Classroom: How Big Government Corrupts, Cripples, and Compromises American Education by Neal P. McCluskey.

Freedom to Learn by Carl R. Rogers and H. Jerome Freiberg

Free Range Learning: How Homeschooling Changes Everything by Laura Grace Weldon

Free to Learn: Five Ideas for a Joyful Unschooling Life by Pam Laricchia

Guerrilla Learning: How to Give Your Kids a Real Education With or Without School by Grace Llewellyn

Homeschooling Our Children Unschooling Ourselves by Alison McKee

How Children Fail by John Caldwell Holt

How Children Learn by John Caldwell Holt

Instead of Education: Ways to Help People do Things Better by John Holt

Is Public Education Necessary? by Samuel L. Blumenfeld

Learning All The Time by John Caldwell Holt

Profscam: Professors and the Demise of Higher Education by Charles J. Sykes

Radical Unschooling - A Revolution Has Begun by Dayna Martin and Martin

Real Lives: Eleven Teenagers Who Don't Go to School Tell Their Own Stories by Grace Llewellyn

Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools by Jonathan Kozol

School Is Dead by Everett W. Reimer

The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America by Jonathan Kozol

Summerhill School: A New View of Childhood by A. S. Neill and Albert Lamb

Teaching As a Subversive Activity by Neil Postman and Charles Weingartner

Teach Your Own: The John Holt Book Of Homeschooling by John Holt and Pat Farenga

The Teenage Liberation Handbook: How to Quit School and Get a Real Life and Education by Grace Llewellyn

The Twelve-Year Sentence by William F. Rickenbacker

The Ultimate Book of Homeschooling Ideas: 500+ Fun and Creative Learning Activities for Kids Ages 3-12 by Linda Dobson

The Underground History of American Education: A School Teacher's Intimate Investigation Into the Problem of Modern Schooling by John Taylor Gatto.

Unschooling: A Lifestyle of Learning by Sara McGrath

The Unschooling Handbook: How to Use the Whole World As Your Child's Classroom by Mary Griffith

Unschooling Rules: 55 Ways to Unlearn What We Know About Schools and Rediscover Education byClark Aldrich

The Unschooling Unmanual by Nanda Van Gestel, Jan Hunt, Daniel Quinn, Rue Kream, Earl Stevens, Kim Houssenloge, John Holt, Mary Van Doren, and Jason Hunt

Weapons of Mass Instruction: A Schoolteacher's Journey Through the Dark World of Compulsory Schooling by John Taylor Gatto.

Evil Parent Machine

The domain has been registered.

See also The Origins of War in Child Abuse by Lloyd deMause on The Association For Psychohistory.


Schooools Out For Evah! Unschooling with Dayna Martin.

The Case Against Spanking - A Freedomain Radio interview with Jordan Riak.

The Freedomain Radio Interview: Lloyd deMause.

The Origins of War in Child Abuse - The Author Interview.

'PTSD Nation' - Dr John Omaha Interviewed on Freedomain Radio.


The 5 Love Languages of Children by Gary D. Chapman and Ross Campbell

The Continuum Concept: In Search Of Happiness Lost by Jean Liedloff

Creative parenting: How to use the new continuum concept to raise children successfully from birth through adolescence by William Sears

The Disappearance of Childhood by Neil Postman

How to Really Love Your Child by D. Ross Campbell

Radical Unschooling - A Revolution Has Begun-Revised Edition by Dayna Martin and Martin.

Master Power Machine

The domain has been registered.


Mastery - Knowing Who You Are and How To Rule the World with Author Robert Greene

Media Mayhem - The 48 Laws of Power and becoming a "Master," with Author Robert Greene

PreneurCast079: Conversation with Robert Greene

You can think of a "personal power continuum," a "personal power spectrum," or a "personal power scale" ranging from abject helplessness to extreme power.

In this context, we can think of power as the abilities to do useful work and to influence others.

There's also a form of power called "coercive power" - the power of the gun. You point a gun at someone and say. "Your money or your life!" Coercive power essentially involves using fraud or force to overwhelm the will of others, compelling them to do what you want. Threat of forcible punishment is an essential part of coercive power. People tend to obey such threats out of fear. See Why You Must Recognize and Understand Coercion.

Political power is coercive power. From the Master Power Machine perspective, exercising political power is criminal - it involves the initiation of force or fraud against innocent victims. There is a libertarian "non-aggression principle" - when you operate in accordance with this principle you don't initiate force or fraud against others. You may use force or fraud in self-defense when someone else initiates force or fraud against you.

However, if you see a child running into the path of a speeding car, you may want to grab him or her, using forcible restraint.

Anyway, your degree of personal power is such that you can think of yourself as operating at a certain point on a "personal power scale."

If you're trying to achieve some objective, your personal power necessary to do the work (or to influence others if you need assistance) may be at too low a level for you to succeed. You can think in terms of a "success threshold." If you operate below your success threshold, you cannot achieve your objective. In order to achieve your objective and succeed, you may have to raise your level of personal power. This often includes becoming more competent.

Obviously, if your level of personal power remains too low to achieve your objectives, you will never succeed. This means you need to get on a "path that leads to greater personal power."

Master Power Machine - - could be a website with information on personal power, as well as one or more video games that help players increase their personal power.

See also:

As indicated in The Power of Doing Things Right, the less competent people are, the more they tend to overestimate their level of competence. If you're not achieving the results you want in your life, then it may be necessary to raise your level of competence.

Overestimating your level of competence could be an insidious trap. It could keep you from getting onto a path that leads you to greater personal power, because you mistakenly think you already "have what it takes." You may also compare yourself to others you know and conclude that you operate at a higher level than they do; therefore you don't have to do anything about becoming more competent and increasing your personal power. This could be a big mistake that keeps you stuck in mediocrity.

Relevant Books:

The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene.

The 50th Law by 50 Cent and Robert Greene.

The Art of Non-Conformity: Set Your Own Rules, Live the Life You Want, and Change the World by Chris Guillebeau.

The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science by Norman Doidge.

Changing Minds: The Art And Science of Changing Our Own And Other People's Minds (Leadership for the Common Good) by Howard Gardner.

Defying the Crowd: Cultivating Creativity in a Culture of Conformity by Todd I. Lubart and Robert J. Sternberg. The Education of Millionaires: Everything You Won't Learn in College About How to Be Successful by Michael Ellsberg

The Ego and His Own: The Case of the Individual Against Authority by Max Stirner, James J. Martin and Steven T. Byington.

Evolve Your Brain: The Science of Changing Your Mind by Joe Dispenza.

The Happiness Advantage: The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work by Shawn Achor.

Little Voice Mastery: How to Win the War Between Your Ears in 30 Seconds or Less and Have an Extraordinary Life! by Blair Singer.

Mastery by Robert Greene.

My Life and Battles by Jack Johnson, translated by Christopher Rivers.

The Positive Power of Negative Thinking: Using Defensive Pessimism to Harness Anxiety and Perform at Your Peak by Julie K. Norem.

The Real Truth about Success: What the Top 1% Do Differently, Why They Won't Tell You, and How You Can Do It Anyway! by Garrison Wynn.

Split-Second Persuasion: The Ancient Art and New Science of Changing Minds Kevin Dutton.

The Tools: Transform Your Problems into Courage, Confidence, and Creativity by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels

Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson by Geoffrey C. Ward.

The Wisdom of Psychopaths: What Saints, Spies, and Serial Killers Can Teach Us About Success by Kevin Dutton.

Common Law Machine

The domain has been registered.

Relevant Books:

Disabling Professions by Ivan Illich

Evil Money Machine

The domain has been registered.

Relevant Books:

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins.

The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve by G. Edward Griffin.

Griftopia: A Story of Bankers, Politicians, and the Most Audacious Power Grab in American History by Matt Taibbi.

Hoodwinked: An Economic Hit Man Reveals Why the World Financial Markets Imploded - and What We Need to Do to Remake Them by John Perkins.

Life Inc.: How the World Became a Corporation and How to Take It Back by Douglas Rushkoff.

Nazi Nexus: America's Corporate Connections to Hitler's Holocaust by Edwin Black.

Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else by Chrystia Freeland.

Predator Nation: Corporate Criminals, Political Corruption, and the Hijacking of America by Charles H. Ferguson.

The Rich And The Rest Of Us: A Poverty Manifesto by Tavis Smiley and Cornel West.

The Secret History of the American Empire: The Truth About Economic Hit Men, Jackals, and How to Change the World by John Perkins.

The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism by Naomi Klein.

The Student Loan Scam: The Most Oppressive Debt in U.S. History - and How We Can Fight Back by Alan Michael Collinge.

Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making by David Rothkopf.

Who Stole the American Dream? by Hedrick Smith.

Who Stole the American Dream: The Book Your Boss Doesn't Want You to Read by Burke Hedges.

Wizards of Wall Street: & Washington Lap Dogs; The Scam That Elected Barack Obama: The Economic Crisis by Zubi Diamond.

Evil Sick Machine

The domains and have been registered...

Relevant Books:

AIDS: A Second Opinion by Gary Null and James Feast.

Death by Medicine by Gary Null, Martin Feldman, Debora Rasio and Carolyn Dean.

Death by Prescription: A Father Takes on His Daughter's Killer - the Multi-Billion Dollar Pharmaceutical Companies by Terence Young.

Death By Prescription: The Shocking Truth Behind an Overmedicated Nation by Ray D. Strand M.D. Disabling Professions by by Ivan Illich

Doctors Are More Harmful Than Germs: How Surgery Can Be Hazardous to Your Health - And What to Do About It by Harvey Bigelsen M.D., John Parks Trowbridge M.D. and Lisa Haller. Limits to Medicine: Medical Nemesis, the Expropriation of Health by Ivan Illich

Medical Racket by M Gross and Michael Gross.

Medicine Cult - A Prescription for Side Effects and Death by John Virapen.

Psychiatry: The Science of Lies by Thomas Stephen Szasz.

Science Sold Out: Does HIV Really Cause AIDS? by Rebecca Culshaw and Harvey Bialy.

Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health by William Davis.

Evil War Machine

The domain has been registered. Evil War Machine can be developed as a video game. An analysis of World of Warcraft, with over 10 million subscribers, may suggest elements that could be adapted to popularize Evil War Machine.

Evil War Machine could include some controversial themes, e.g., consider this argument:

Abraham Lincoln marries Mary Todd Lincoln; they enter into a union "until death do us part." At a certain point, Mary Todd becomes dissatisfied with the union and tells Abraham that she wants to secede and leave the union. Abraham tells her she can't leave the union because as his wife he owns her. He further tells her that if she leaves he will declare war on her and appoint a gang of hitmen to kill her. She leaves anyway, and Abraham's hitmen kill Mary Todd. Is Abraham Lincoln a hero or a villain?

Abraham Lincoln is a primary organizer of the "American Civil War." Some Southerners secede from the Union because they're dissatisfied. Lincoln tells them that they can't secede, implying that they're essentially "slaves of the Union," and declares war on them. He conscripts a gang of hitmen (an army) to kill Southerners. They in turn onscript a gang of hitmen (an army) to kill the Yankees. Over 600,000 people are slaughtered.

Charles Manson's followers ("army") killed maybe 30 people. Manson is regarded as an evil villain. Should Abraham Lincoln be regarded as a hero for "saving the Union and abolishing slavery")... or an archvillain 20,000 times more evil than Charles Manson?

Abraham Lincoln was a main organizer of the American Civil War during which over 600,000 people were slaughtered - in addition to other destruction such as crops and buildings burnt. (Check out the videos and books about Lincoln, below.) It shouldn't take much thought to realize that massive value destruction was involved. See also Value Creation vs. Value Destruction.

Friedrich Nietzsche: - (Ecce Homo):

"All questions of politics, the ordering of society, education have been falsified down to their foundations because the most injurious men have been taken for great men... I do not count these "pre-eminent men" as belonging to mankind at all - to me, they are the refuse of mankind, abortive offspring of sickness and revengeful instincts: They are nothing but pernicious, fundamentally incurable monsters who take revenge on life..."

In the US most people are "taught" (brainwashed) to believe that Abraham Lincoln was a "great president." If Nietzsche had written about Lincoln he would most likely have condemned him as a major value destroyer and "nothing but a pernicious, fundamentally incurable monster who took revenge on life."

This is significant. Most historians and history books lie about Lincoln. Most journalists and TV commentators lie about Lincoln. Steven Spielberg made a movie about Lincoln in 2011, misrepresenting him as acting "in the name, and for the good, of the people" and someone who "put people ahead of politics." This means that everything you see on TV, everything you read in a newspaper or book, and everything that comes out of Hollywood as "historical fact" could be false.

See also The Origins of War in Child Abuse by Lloyd deMause on The Association For Psychohistory.


Book TV: Lerone Bennett, Jr. "Forced Into Glory"

Lincoln, the Gettysburg Address and Race (Bennett's most important talk starts about 12 mins 30 secs into the video.)

Bennett on Obama (What the "Emancipation Proclamation" did and didn't do)

Thomas DiLorenzo - The Real Abraham Lincoln on The Peter Mac Show 5/2/12.

Authors Forum: "Lincoln Unmasked" | Thomas J. DiLorenzo.

Ron Paul: Secession Is an American Principle.

Ron Paul Right, Thought Controllers Wrong, on Secession.


Woody Harrelson discusses "The Most Dangerous Man in America"

Have You Lived Courageously Today?

"Blood on the Tracks": Brian Willson's Transformation from Vietnam Vet to Pacifist. 1 of 3

"Blood on the Tracks": Brian Willson's Transformation from Vietnam Vet to Pacifist. 2 of 3

"Blood on the Tracks": Brian Willson's Transformation from Vietnam Vet to Pacifist. 3 of 3


The 33 Strategies of War by Robert Greene.

Everything You Were Taught About the Civil War is Wrong, Ask a Southerner! by Lochlainn Seabrook.

Forced into Glory: Abraham Lincoln's White Dream by Lerone Bennett Jr.

The Great Derangement: A Terrifying True Story of War, Politics, and Religion by Matt Taibbi.

Lincoln Unmasked: What You're Not Supposed to Know About Dishonest Abe by Thomas J. DiLorenzo.

The Most Dangerous Animal: Human Nature and the Origins of War by David Livingstone Smith.

Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace: How We Got to Be So Hated by Gore Vidal.

The Psychology of War: Comprehending Its Mystique and Its Madness by Lawrence LeShan.

The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War by Thomas J. DiLorenzo.

The South Was Right! by James Ronald Kennedy and Walter Donald Kennedy.

War Crimes Against Southern Civilians by Walter Cisco.

War is a Racket: The Antiwar Classic by America's Most Decorated Soldier by Smedley D. Butler.

Evil Sex Machine

The domain has been registered. Evil Sex Machine could be a video game with the main purposes of generating profits and helping to promote Evil Slave Machine and Evil War Machine.

Evil Sex Machine could include characters based on Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Tiger Woods, Paris Hilton, David Letterman, Kim Kardashian, Pamela Anderson, Charlie Sheen, Woody Allen, Hugh Grant, Paul Reubens (Pee-Wee Herman), George Michaels, Eliot Spitzer, Sylvester Stallone ("Italian Stallion"), Anthony Wiener, David Petraeus, Heidi Fleiss, John Holmes, Jerry" Sandusky, Catholic priests, etc.

We can come up with some great names for Evil Sex Machine characters, e.g., "Tiger 9-Iron," "Charlie Sunshine," "David Flesherman," "Arnold Badboy," "Bill Denyit," "Monica Suckinky," "David Petrocks," etc.

Evil Drug Machine / Evil Prison Machine

The domains and have been registered. Just how these sites are to be used is an open issue. Both video games and information could be provided.


The War On Drugs: Ron Paul versus Barack Obama

Obama Will NOT Tackle the Drug War

CNN: Dr. Cornell West: Obama a 'black puppet'

Cornel West Explains Why It Bothers Him That Obama Will Be Taking The Oath With MLK's Bible

Does Obama ignore African Americans?

Dr. Cornel West:"Obama becoming puppet of Wall St Oligarchs"

[missing file: incarceration-rates-by-race.gif]

[missing file: prison-vs-population-stats.gif]

US Black Unemployment: 1972-2012

[missing file: black_unemployment_1972_to_2012.gif]

Note that the 2012 rate was considerably higher than the 2008 rate.

Controversial marketing themes could be used:

Articles and Sources:


Factoid: Black Male Incarceration Rate is 6 Times Greater Than Rate for White Males.

The Top 10 Most Startling Facts About People of Color and Criminal Justice in the United States - A Look at the Racial Disparities Inherent in Our Nation's Criminal-Justice System .

More Black Men in Prison Today Than Enslaved in 1850.

Mass Incarceration in America: An Interview with Becky Pettit - "When you hear the unemployment rate is 8.1 percent, those data come from the Current Population Survey, a monthly survey of 50,000-60,000 individuals living in households. The Current Population Survey and many other data sources used to frame our understanding of the American population exclude people who don't live in households... The inmate population is now so large and so disproportionately concentrated among young, low-skill black men that it distorts portraits of the population based on samples of people living in households."

The Black Unemployment Litmus Test: Obama Needs a Growth Message...or Hillary Clinton.

Relevant Books:

Barack Obama and the Jim Crow Media: The Return of the Nigger Breakers by Ishmael Reed.

Brainwashed: Challenging the Myth of Black Inferiority by Tom Burrell.

The Condemnation of Blackness: Race, Crime, and the Making of Modern Urban America by Khalil Gibran Muhammad.

Drug Crazy: How We Got into This Mess and How We Can Get Out by Mike Gray.

Drug War Crimes: The Consequences of Prohibition by Jeffrey A. Miron.

If You Voted for Obama in 2008 to Prove You're Not a Racist, You Need to Vote for Someone Else in 2012 to Prove You're Not an Idiot by Neil Snyder.

Invisible Men: Mass Incarceration and the Myth of Black Progress by Becky Pettit.

The Mis-Education of the Negro by Carter Godwin Woodson.

The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander and Cornel West.

Slavery by Another Name: The Re-Enslavement of Black Americans from the Civil War to World War II by Douglas A. Blackmon.

Smoke and Mirrors: The War on Drugs and the Politics of Failure by Dan Baum.

The Strange Career of Jim Crow by C. Vann Woodward.

Vices Are Not Crimes by Lysander Spooner.

A Victor Not a Victim: The Prison Racket Exposed by David N. Bubar.

Evil TV Machine

The domain has been registered...

Relevant Books:

Abuse Your Illusions: The Disinformation Guide to Media Mirages and Establishment Lies (Disinformation Guides) by Russ Kick.

Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business by Neil Postman

How to Watch TV News: Revised Edition by Neil Postman and Steve Powers

You Are Being Lied To: The Disinformation Guide to Media Distortion, Historical Whitewashes and Cultural Myths by Russ Kick.

You Are STILL Being Lied To: The NEW Disinformation Guide to Media Distortion, Historical Whitewashes and Cultural Myths (Disinformation Guides) by Russ Kick.

Evil Tech Machine

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See Billgatus of Borg.

Michio Kaku: The Dark Side of Technology

Ecology Machine

The domain and have been registered...

Evil Nuke Machine

The domain has been registered...

Evil God Machine

The domain has been registered...

Relevant Books:

The Accidental Mind: How Brain Evolution Has Given Us Love, Memory, Dreams, and God by David J. Linden.

The Corruption of Reality: A Unified Theory of Religion, Hypnosis, and Psychopathology by John F. Schumaker.

The Dark Side: How Evangelical Teachings Corrupt Love and Truth by Valerie Tarico.

Everything You Know About God Is Wrong: The Disinformation Guide to Religion (Disinformation Guides) by Russ Kick.

The Grand Inquisitor's Manual: A History of Terror in the Name of God by Jonathan Kirsch.

The Religion Racket by Norman H. Wells.

Survivors of Predator Priests by J.M. Handlin.

Evil Tax Machine

The domain has been registered...

Evil Joke Machine

The domain has been registered...

Evil Cult Machine

The domain has been registered.

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In Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon Daniel C. Dennett described "cargo cults," including:

"... [A]round 1960, on New Britain Island in Papua New Guinea, the Pomio Kivung cult was founded. It still flourishes.

Pomio Kivung doctrine holds that adherence to the Ten Laws (a modified version of the Decalogue [Ten Commandments]) and the faithful performance of an extensive set of rituals, including the payment of "fines" for the purpose of gaining absolution, are essential to the moral and spiritual improvement that is necessary to hasten the return of the ancestors. The most important of these rituals aims at placating the ancestors, who make up the so-called "Village Government." Headed by God, the Village Government includes those ancestors whom God has forgiven and perfected.

The spiritual leaders of the Pomio Kivung have been its founder, Koriam, his principal assistant, Bernard, and Koriam's successor, Kolman. Followers have regarded all three as already members of the Village Government and, hence, as divinities. All three have resided on earth physically (specifically in the Pomio region of the province), but their souls have dwelt with the ancestors all along.

Achieving sufficient collective purification is the decisive condition for inducing the return of the ancestors and inaugurating the "Period of the Companies." The Period of the Companies will be an era of unprecedented prosperity, which will result from the transfer of knowledge and an industrial infrastructure for the production of technical wonders and material wealth like that of the Western world." [Lawson and McCauley, 2002, p. 90]

Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies was inspired by "Yali's question":

"Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New Guinea, but we black people had little cargo of our own?"

"Whites had arrived, imposed centralized government, and brought material goods whose value New Guineans instantly recognized, ranging from steel axes, matches, and medicines to clothing, soft drinks, and umbrellas, In New Guinea all these goods were referred to collectively as "cargo"."

Early American Gangs and the Myth of Statehood

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