by Frederick Mann, December 1999
Freedom formulas can be applied by both individuals and organizations. Back in 1972, I got the idea: It must be possible to sell freedom at a profit. That was my first major freedom formula. Since then I've done a great deal of experimenting with a range of freedom formulas, as well as formulas for improving my life generally. The benefits have been profound, including superhealth.
I've also had some success in conveying some of my freedom formulas to others and many people are applying these freedom formulas in their personal lives and using them to expand their freedom and add value to their lives.
See what Zeph Roy - one of the readers of BuildFreedom and a subscriber to the Build Freedom List - recently wrote to me in Can This Website Change Your Life?
Notice that Zeph Roy has been applying freedom formulas to expand his freedom and add value to his life. It is a continuing process.
Other Examples
See 'My Quest For Personal Sovereignty' by David T. Smith and other 'testimonials'.
Organizational Examples
Here are the Alexa rankings as of 11/16/99 (the lower the number, the higher the traffic) of some organizations that could be regarded as freedom institutions:
WorldNetDaily | #1,167 |
Neo-Tech | #15,883 |
BuildFreedom | #18,595 |
Cato Institute | #19,329 |
Free-Market.Net | #35,520 |
Advocates for Self-Government | #36,080 |
National Libertarian Party | #39,921 |
Reason Magazine | #42,151 |
The Spotlight | #116,607 |
These and similar organizations (explicitly or implicitly) use formulas to attract visitors to their websites.
BuildFreedom applies several formulas to attract visitors. We always aim to improve current formulas and are constantly looking for new and better formulas. Part of the overall formula is to provide all our information free of charge. Another part is to "send" some of our visitors to Freedom Business Opportunities, where they get the opportunity to participate in money-making activities that also help us make money. Thus BigBooster pays for BuildFreedom.
Since late October, 1999, we've been focusing on increasing the number of visitors. We don't care whether they're freedom oriented or not, because some of them help us make money. Some of them also visit BuildFreedom and may become more freedom oriented as a result.To increase the number of overall accesses per week from around 10,000 to 30,000 - 50,000 cost us a few hundred dollars. People are "persuaded" to come to our site to play free lotto. This is a formula. It's also an example of the leverage possible on the Net. We need fewer than one out of every thousand visitors to participate in just one of our business opportunities in order for the marketing to pay for itself.
I estimate that on average we earn about $50 per month for each participant in our business opportunities. So if we spend $100 to get 2,000 new visitors to BigBooster and just one of them participates in our business opportunities, we get to earn, on average, $50 extra per month.
In the near future, we'll be implementing a system that lists the top 100 freedom websites, based on visitors' votes. Voters will be able to get monetary rewards for voting. If this formula works, it will bring more visitors to BuildFreedom. (The reward system will work in such a way that in the long run, we'll make money by awarding prizes to voters!)
Main Themes of Build Freedom
The following all involve freedom formulas:
Overall: Build or create freedom, rather than fight tyranny or fight for freedom. Free yourself, rather than try to change the system.
(Although the focus of Build Freedom is not directed at changing political systems, freedom engineering ideas can most definitely be applied to political activism. This is further discussed under "Changing Political Systems," under Key Freedom Factors.)
Freedom level 1: We reject the initiation of violence in any form. Hence we also reject institutionalized violence such as coercive political systems.
Freedom level 2: Living free in an unfree world. Freedom Technology -- the means to live free. See:
Economic means to freedom: thriving "outside the system"; withdrawing support from the system; creating a real free-enterprise alternative economy. See:
(What stands out about our "Fiscal Freedom" materials is that both the "taxtortionists" and the "taxfreedomists" operate on formulas. Some formulas have a winning record, others a losing one. Those with the superior formulas win.)
Personal development and growth. See:
Freedom level 3: Discovering that all "coercive political systems" are shams/frauds/scams/hoaxes. Clearing the basic foundations of statism from your mind; withdrawing semantic and memetic support from pretended "coercive political systems."
BuildFreedom's mutual-support communities.
Freedom Engineering Forum:
This a private, "by invitation only" forum where freedom engineers can discuss any issues related to freedom engineering.
Build Freedom Business Forum:
This is a private forum aimed at using business to expand freedom; the application of the "economic means to freedom."
Build Freedom Worker Forum:
This is a private forum for people working on developing, maintaining, administering, improving, and promoting our various websites, email lists, forums, new projects, etc. We always like to hear from people interested in working with us on this level.
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