(Maps to the Future)
Another world does exist. Dr. Wallace discovered that world of tomorrow. Supporting-Document #3 signals the route into that world. That new world is filled with love, peace, justice, and happiness. Financial security is certain. Nearly everyone is successful. Romantic love fills marriages. Love fills families and friendships. Romance, fellowship, financial success -- in short, happiness -- is permanent.
Supporting-Document #3 provides brief title glimpses into the 114 maps that integrate into a solid, interconnected matrix leading to the Golden World of tomorrow. This Document #3 also provides brief glimpses into the initial correspondence of those who had begun to use one or more of the 114 maps to start their journey in gaining Golden-World advantages for themselves, their loved ones, and all society. ...Frank R. Wallace's Neo-Tech Pincer links all 114 complete maps into a unified matrix of unstoppable power.
I & O Publishing Company was the originator and publisher of Neo-Tech. The word Neo-Tech means fully integrated honesty. I & O also developed the Golden Helmet to produce increasing socio-economic values while always paying two to four times the legal required taxes to the government described on pages 137152 of Cassandra's Secret. On November 3, 1986, sixteen armed IRS agents attacked and destroyed the two-decade-old I & O Publishing Company.
Today, various Latin America governments such as Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay and Peru are moving toward the Golden Helmet as the only certain route to healthy, long-term economic prosperity. Perhaps as early as 2000 AD, every country in the world that is experiencing healthy, long-term prosperity will be using the Golden Helmet.
Two weeks after the 1986 destruction of I & O Publishing, the first issue of the Guns and Fists of November-3rd Newsletter was quietly mailed to those responsible for that destruction. The purpose of the newsletter was to identify the hidden value destroyers in America, ranging from armed IRS agents who operated through guns and fists, to armed INS agents who sexually abused helpless aliens, to President Reagan and Congress who bore the ultimate responsibility for those crimes allowed by their subjective, political-agenda laws -- laws that violate the principles of objective law and human rights.
The mailings expanded with each newsletter. Circulation steadily increased into the thousands to include not only all professional value destroyers already in the computerized Neo-Tech ostracism matrix but to include all members of Congress, all senior members of the Executive Branch, and all Federal Judges...along with many good people caught in the machinations of professional value destroyers.
Those newsletters and the current Zon-Illuminati mailings serve four purposes:
Purpose 1: Use as an experimental testing ground for future Neo-Tech/Zon/Cassandra literature vis-a-vis criminal actions of professional value destroyers. The earlier mailings of inchoate, seemingly quixotic newsletters lulled to sleep those agents of force who would have tried again to stop the Neo-Tech writing and publishing activities. Indeed, those newsletters kept the parasitical elites off guard. They did not perceive the final consequence of Neo-Tech/Zon. Yet, that consequence will be their ultimate banishment from society and history no matter how many guns, jails, political-agenda laws, and levels of false power they use to protect their harmful livelihoods. ...The value destroyers were naive as to the final consequences of their own actions.
Purpose 2: Generate invaluable information sources within governments and big businesses through sub-rosa "converts" across America and around the world. That, in turn, generated increased circulation of Neo-Tech throughout those governments and businesses
Purpose 3: Keep the guns and fists of the parasitical-elite class and its legions of professional value destroyers unprepared for the arriving Zon Protocols and the Civilization of the Universe.
Purpose 4: Quietly subvert the unhealthy aspects of the economy and politics.
Dr. Frank R. Wallace in a 1992 letter explains why he declines public appearances and statements especially since his release from prison:
"My prison experience is captured by a poem written 350 years ago:
Stone walls do not a prison make,"Prison gave me the knowledge and tools to start over. Now I am growing up in a world from which we all came but lost and forgot by the time we were six. By six years old, we all had entered an illusionary world -- the dishonest anticivilization that engulfs everyone. By six, we all had accepted the irrational illusions of this anticivilization as normal and mandatory.
Nor iron bars a cage;
Minds innocent and quiet take
That for a hermitage;
If I have freedom in my love
And in my soul I am free;
Angles alone that soar above
Enjoy such liberty
Richard Lovelace, 1642
The Voluntarist, #69
"Prison let me discover a knowledge called Zon. That new-color knowledge, now called the Zon Protocols, will be published in 1997. Those protocols will let anyone and everyone return to the real world left behind in childhood. Each upon returning will begin growing up in the rational Civilization of the Universe. Yet, nothing can link illusion to fact, nonreality to reality, irrationality to rationality, the anticivilization to the Civilization of the Universe. Thus, nothing the Civilization of the Universe could transmit to the anticivilization would have comprehension or meaning...and vice versa.
"But as the Illuminati recognized long ago, the guns, fists, jails, wars, economic destructions, social harms, ego "justice", and political-agenda laws of the anticivilization serve ultimately to break its own illusions and show the way to the Civilization of the Universe.
"By the turn of the century, we all will know directly why contact or communication between opposite civilizations is impossible. By then, we all will have resumed growing up in the Civilization of the Universe. Once having left the anticivilization, we can never return as prohibited by the arrow of time as subjugated to the laws of physics. We will have left behind the 3000-year illusion of the anticivilization to be forgotten forever as nothingness. ... Only the Civilization of the Universe is natural real eternal."
Mark Hamilton
Through a rare array of unique experiences and exposures during his early childhood years, Wallace developed a relentless calling to discover another world -- a much better world than the one in which we now live. His calling pulled him from his successful career of over 12 years as a Senior Research Scientist at Du Pont's famous Chestnut Run and Brandywine laboratories. He left Du Pont in 1972 to pursue full-time that relentless calling.
When he was just five years old, Wallace went through a ferocious struggle that would come back to tug at him and pull him to his calling as an adult. That struggle showed the 5-year-old Wallace mind tricks -- fundamentally the same mind tricks, he would realize many years later, that neocheaters use to dupe average working men and women. Wallace, born an extreme dyslexic, was frequently tricked by his mind: his powerful creative mind formed convincing mind-created "realities". His dyslexic, creative mind made those mind tricks or mind-created "realities" seem totally real. Years later he named such mind tricks, such mind-created "realities": mysticism.
At that very young age he knew those mind-created "realities" could not be real, although they seemed as real as this paper you now read. He told no one. On his own, he mustered up all his strength to fight those mind-created "realities". He battled daily with mysticism at a very young and developmental age. As a boy, he learned how to battle and defeat all mind tricks, all mind-created "realities", all mysticism. Like a little foreign child learning to speak English and easily dispensing his foreign accent during those young and formative years, Wallace became super efficient at easily dispensing the mind tricks of mysticism during his young and formative years. Years later he named such a process to defeat mysticism: Neo-Tech.
A few years later, his battle with mysticism was behind him and becoming a faded memory. The young boy grew up. He earned his Ph.D. in Chemistry in just three years and became a Senior Research Chemist at Du Pont at a young age. He quickly excelled at Du Pont. Surrounded by highly productive people, he pushed into new horizons, new technological advancements that brought new products to Du Pont. As his progress expanded, however, he increasingly ran into nonproductive people in management and in government -- people who seemed intent on hampering and destroying progress.
For example, as a scientist at Du Pont, he was involved in research that offered a unique approach for the treatment of diseases. One potential approach involved the development of extremely fine fibers impregnated with slowly releasing drugs. If such fibers were injected around cancer tumors, for example, the growth of those encased tumors might be retarded or stopped -- to lie harmlessly dormant in their man-made coffins forever. But FDA "scientists" and other bureaucratic neocheaters trying to enhance their jobs and glean prestige killed that and many other promising research projects with time-consuming, prohibitively expensive, power-usurping regulations.
Wallace began to see deprivation of this sort all around him. But the other scientists seemed under a spell as they accepted this dishonesty, this corruption of progress -- this purposeful harm. And even more devastating, Wallace began to realize that the achievement spirit was gradually being broken in those productive people around him as they began not only accepting the dishonesties of the FDA and others, but began feeling guilt for their productivity and progress. That false guilt was foisted on them, for example, by self-righteous neocheaters sanctimoniously denouncing the scientists' progress and value to society as something threatening to society. ...With that addition of guilt, Dr. Wallace began to see a mind trick that only he could see because of his well-developed childhood dispensing of personal mind tricks. No, he could not know or understand envy or desires to control and harm productive people, but he could quickly see and dispense of all mind tricks, all mysticism.
Then he realized something even more catastrophic: The achievement spirit had already been broken in nearly all average working men and women because of those same dynamics of dishonesty and guilt. After hopeful, youthful school days, nearly everyone settled into a stagnating routine with lessening desires to achieve and prosper. ...A calling from Wallace's childhood gradually arose and began haunting him during his career at Du Pont. Over the next decade, he would increasingly feel the calling that arose from somewhere in his past.
As his success in the famous Du Pont laboratories grew, the attempts by others to control and destroy that success grew...and so did his childhood calling. As suppression of productivity grew, so sank the rewards...the satisfaction of bringing increasing benefits to mankind. Dr. Wallace began to lose his excitement for achievement. He more and more could project out a life of eventual boredom and apathy. He more and more could relate to the average worker.
As he saw progress repeatedly undermined at Du Pont, Wallace began to realize a great spell cast upon his peers --among the other scientists who accompanied his projects. He realized that his peers accepted -- even praised -- the people in the FDA and elsewhere destroying their progress. He began to realize that, like his childhood experiences, his peers were filled with mind-created "realities" -- mysticism -- crafted by the clique of enviously destructive people seeking unearned livelihoods and power. Yet, because of his childhood victories over mysticism, only he could efficiently dispense of mysticism and see through that spell of mind-created "realities".
With his special asset and responsibility to dispense of mysticism, Dr. Wallace would learn over the next ten years how to uproot and hold in full view those who were purposely destructive people. He was able to spot their mind games and gradually uncover what drove them to drain the prosperous, happy life from everyone -- especially from the working man and woman. For over a decade, he observed an obvious trend: the driving purpose of envious people to destroy productivity.
Indeed, because of his unique childhood experiences, only he could see through the mind tricks. Only he could spot the hidden enemy and discover the neocheaters who steadily, secretly hampered and destroyed the productivity and achievement spirit of others. ...Finally he knew why he was haunted by that relentless calling for over a decade: Only he could draw for mankind the map to the Golden World of ever growing love, prosperity, and honesty.
The following pages list the titles for the 114 maps that Wallace has interconnected and linked into one solid matrix of dynamic benefits. A clear, non-contradictory understanding of that matrix for everyone's immediate use is found in Wallace's Neo-Tech Pincer distributed in ten languages by I & O Publishing Company. Following the listing of the 114 maps are excerpts from letters of people starting to use those maps.
Map# | Neo-Tech Advantage |
1 | The Nature of Man and Woman |
2 | Child of the Past |
3 | Carving One's Own Destiny |
4 | Dogma and Rules Eliminated |
5 | Good and Bad Actions |
6 | Abandoning The Neocheaters |
7 | Prosperity and Happiness Goals |
8 | Happiness Test |
9 | Rewards from Life |
10 | The Highest Cause |
11 | Self-Esteem and the Rewards of Life |
12 | Unjust Criticism and Guilt |
13 | Sense of Life |
14 | Self-Growth vs. Selfless View |
15 | Avoiding Sacrifice |
16 | Retaining Happiness |
17 | Overcoming Altruistic Ethics |
18 | Benefits from Romantic-Love |
19 | Religious/"Playboy"/Psychuous Views |
20 | Requirements for Psychuous Pleasures |
21 | Psychuous vs. Sensuous |
22 | Psychuous Experiences |
23 | Psychuous Capacity |
24 | Other Books vs. Neo-Tech |
25 | Valuable Books |
26 | Harmful Books |
27 | Mysticism and Destruction |
28 | Who Created Existence |
29 | Techniques of Mysticism |
30 | Tools of Destruction |
31 | Astrology, UFO'S, and Other Myths |
32 | Existentialism and its Influence |
33 | Seventeen-Hundred-Years of Oppression |
34 | Aesthetic Pleasures |
35 | Value of Emotions |
36 | Emotions and Reality |
37 | Religious Condemnation of Emotions |
38 | Fear of Emotions |
39 | Emotions of Fear; Value of Fearlessness |
40 | Fear of Rejection; Risk Taking |
41 | Independent Judgment; Opinion of Others |
42 | Casual vs. Serious Sex |
43 | Multiple Partners and Values Systems |
44 | Relationship Errors |
45 | Achieving Psychuous Pleasures |
46 | Ending a Relationship |
47 | Handling Problems |
48 | Guiltless Freedom |
49 | Injustice of Jealousy |
50 | Poison Core of Jealousy |
51 | Unnecessary Aging |
52 | Parents as Scapegoats |
53 | Adolescent, Premarital, Nonmarital Love |
54 | Seduction: Casual, Serious, Mutual |
55 | Physical Beauty/Sexual Roles |
56 | Psychuous Pleasures |
57 | Natural Phenomena |
58 | Personal Appearance |
59 | Physical Fitness, Diet, Addictions |
60 | Alcohol, Drugs, Sugar, and Mysticism |
61 | Aphrodisiacs -- Negative and Positive |
62 | Romantic Love and the DTC Technique |
63 | Romantic-Love Standards |
64 | Three Segments of Romantic Love |
65 | Two Types of Romantic Love |
66 | Individual Uniqueness; Personal Worth |
67 | Capacity to Change |
68 | Finding Partners and Bypassing Shyness |
69 | Shyness -- Causes and Cures |
70 | Equality of Men and Women |
71 | Housewife, Children, "Greatness" |
72 | Potential of Women, 1300 BC through Today |
73 | Nature of Emotions; Self-Responsibility |
74 | Natural Highs |
75 | Joy and Happiness |
76 | Philosophy for Romantic-Love |
77 | Aristotle vs. Plato |
78 | Humor and Sense of Life |
79 | Taboos vs. Voluntary Sex Acts |
80 | Initiatory Force -- The Prime Evil |
81 | Oppression vs. Freedom |
82 | Constitution for Prosperity |
83 | Dismissing 3000 Years of Mysticism |
84 | Protecting Children from Mystics |
85 | Rejecting Mystics and Neocheaters |
86 | Power, Plato, Aristotle, and Neo-Tech |
87 | Freedom, Responsibility, and Prosperity |
88 | Neo-Tech in Business |
89 | Protection From Government |
90 | Government Death Machines |
91 | Suicide Option |
92 | Obscenity Laws and Censorship |
93 | Failure-To-Judge Syndrome |
94 | Objective Thinking vs. Emotional Thinking |
95 | Four Levels of Communication |
96 | Communication in Romantic Love |
97 | Productiveness and Happiness |
98 | Growth Death and Psyche Death |
99 | Three Steps to Biological Immortality |
100 | Malefactors and Envy |
101 | Envy and Laziness |
102 | Neo-Tech Versus Altruism |
103 | Plato, Aristotle, and Neo-Tech |
104 | Value of Art |
105 | Self-Awareness vs. Mystical "Awareness" |
106 | Beyond Understanding |
107 | Value Theft vs. Value Exchange |
108 | Value Exchange/Friendship/Romantic Love |
109 | Understanding Justice and Love |
110 | Facts and Justice |
111 | The Neo-Tech Solution to Racism |
112 | Vertical/Horizontal Think vs. Dreaming |
113 | The Best Period of History -- Now |
114 | Youth-Rejuvenating Immortality Now |
Excerpts From Letters
On Monday, May 11, 1992, Frank R. Wallace identified the axiom of objective justice to the 9th-Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, California: Protect the Innocent Value Producers; Prosecute the Guilty Value Destroyers (On August 19, 1992, using the Honesty Oath, the U.S. Court of Appeals overturned the conviction of Frank R. Wallace.) |
The Cornerstone of Civilization
"The 13 a points outlined in the appeal brief serve to protect the record for the appeal to the United States Supreme Court. Yet, since the Magna Charta nearly 700 years ago, all advances in objective law developed through axiomatic, the-point principles -- objective principles rooted in natural law and common sense.
"What do a points versus the point mean? A points are the chess-game linkages to existing or past legal statutes, rulings, procedures. Today, most legal decisions and appeals are made through a points without reference to any underlying principle. Yet, that tiny fraction of decisions based on the-point principles is the basis of all advances in objective law from prehistoric tribal mysticisms to the crime-free civilizations of the future -- from Socrates to the Magna Charta, to habeas corpus, to the American Constitution, to this present moment. ...And, this present moment means an unbendable honesty oath replacing the manipulative truth oath.
"Indeed, the honesty-oath portion of this appeal yields several a points as errors by the trial judge. Those errors were then multiplied by the judge denying the defendant's obligation to testify under an all-revealing honesty oath rather than the manipulative truth oath. That denial of the honesty oath prevented the defendant from testifying and bringing forth the evidence showing that all taxes were paid through domestic and foreign accounts listed under different legal names.
"That testimony would have demonstrated to the jury, the court, the prosecution, and the IRS that the defendant not only paid all his taxes, but actually paid most taxes beyond his legal obligation. That testimony would have further revealed that certain individuals in the IRS acquired at least some of the tax-payment records and knew the defendant was innocent. In fact, the court transcripts show that on April 22, 1991, the IRS management abated all taxes, interest, and penalties charged to the defendant for all years. But, a month later, on the day of the sentencing, under pressure from the court and the prosecution, the IRS recanted those abatements."
"Preventing punishment of the innocent should be a cardinal responsibility of the judicial system. But, today, such responsibility is absent throughout much of that system. In fact, that responsibility is unknown to most prosecutors. For, success rates of convictions are their overriding concerns.
"The defendant has already served a full prison term without being able to (1) properly prepare for his trial, (2) testify in his defense, and (3) present the evidence documenting his innocence. Yet, for the defendant's unique case and only for his case, he accepts that unjust punishment in order to advance the honesty oath. For, the resulting advance of objective law is needed to purge society of its professional value destroyers in government, business, and the professions."
"Throughout the pretrial, the trial, and now in this appeal, the defendant moved to testify under an honesty oath rather than the truth oath. For, the truth oath is a deceptive tool that has no fidelity to honesty. By contrast, testifying under the honesty oath means testifying in full context with distortion-free, integrated honesty. And, by nature, integrated honesty compels one to uphold the entire range of objective law. Thus, testimony based on fully integrated honesty will cause the demise of subjective law, ego-'justice', and arbitrary political-policy enforcements.
"No matter what is decided about this appeal based on its a points, the importance of this appeal lies in introducing the concept of the-point law -- objective law based on fully integrated honesty. That concept is a major advance in law backed by an honesty oath. For, that oath compels the application of objective law, leaving no room for arbitrariness, subjectivity, or ego-'justice'. In other words, the honesty oath compels all legal decisions to be based on the protection or production of economic and social values. Such values are objectively determined by full-context, wide-scope accounting. And such accounting is based on the nature of the human organism with its objective requirements for survival and prosperity.
"With wide-scope accounting, the questions can always be answered: Who is the value producer? Who is the value destroyer? The standard of all objective justice is to protect the innocent value producers and to prosecute the guilty value destroyers.
"The honesty oath, fully integrated honesty, and wide-scope accounting with their relationships to objective law are detailed in the publications titled The Neo-Tech Map and Politicians and Bureaucrats on Trial. Both publications are available to the public and as attachments to this appeal. Included with that literature are public terminator units designed to accompany legal motions and documents. Public use of those terminator units will eventually end all subjective law based on political-policy enforcements and ego 'justice'. ...Only from uncorrupted objective law will evolve a super civilization of unending peace, prosperity, and happiness."
I stand on my testimony of August 3rd and my closing statement of August 4th, 1993. My belief is that someday all honest people will understand how to harness the natural good and value within each conscious being. With that understanding, I believe each human being will join to deliver ever increasing values and happiness to others and society.
As forecast from his irrational pretrial and trial behaviors, Judge Lloyd D. George continued to indulge his ego agenda during the resentencing of Dr. Wallace. Thus, that judge continued to provide gross appeal points along with vivid, real-life cases of ego "justice". Such cases provide the specific public information needed to end ego "justice" and reform the judicial system: During Wallace's resentencing, Judge George illegally, vindictively, and without cause doubled the remaining sentence from 30 months to 60 months. Then in a farcical attempt to discredit Wallace's objective-law publications that publicly expose ego "justice", Judge George ordered Dr. Wallace to undergo mental health "treatments".
Trapped in a mosaic of hypocrisy and dishonesty, Judge George is too late to save his ego-"justice" facade. For, no matter what injustices George inflicts on others, he and every such destructive agent of force will fall with their bogus careers into an abyss of nothingness to be forgotten forever. By contrast, objective justice stands on granite, permanently shining bright, forever growing in value to all others and society.
Wallace extends his helping hand to all, including lost souls like Judge George and Ms. K. They need help the most. Through Wallace's teaching provocations, such people can rediscover their natural good and honesty -- a pure good and honesty lost in everyone's childhood... an innocent good and honesty waiting for rediscovery in all of us.
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